Monday 4 January 2016

👋 Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, I am pleased to speak to you this blessed morning of Monday 4th-01-16;yesterday I urge you towards taking a step in achieving your dreams starting all the way from today,there are certain things you must do in other to develop your personality and I'm going to show you this morning steps in taking towards achieving  those dreams in your heart.  👉This Devotion you're about to study this morning I titled it "GET BETTER RESULTS" (How To Increase Your Effectiveness). Take your to read it and study the scriptures that accompanies it with intense praying before you step out today.As a young man/woman, your generation is depending on you, your family, society, country,friends etc are all waiting for your light to shine on them,don't be one that is expecting something from the universe, government, family etc;No come up hither to  a place of dependence in Christ..  "He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand,but the hand of the diligent makes rich".Proverbs 10:4.  Let's Talk ➡          Felix often wondered how his friends seemed to always do better than him in their studies." How can I be more effective in my schoolwork? he mused. Well if you're having similar thoughts as Felix concerning your academics, job,business, career, vision, goals etc,there're several things you can do to become more effective and excellent, not just in your academics,but in everything. That's what God wants for you-to be effective and successful all-round. For this to happen, you'll have to develop an effective personality, and I want to show you how to do that.  👉First, HAVE A CLEAR FOCUS of what you want to or should be doing,and stay on it.  👉Secondly,HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of the subject matter. Understand the requirements for the project,vision,job,business,etc before you.  👉Thirdly, BE DETERMINED about what you intend to do. Determination will give you enthusiasm and push you towards it.  👉Fourthly, TAKE ACTION! When you have understood what's required and are determined to make it work, do something about it. You can't just laze about and think its going to work. Those who win in life are those who act,not talk,grumble or complain.  👉Finally, BE CONSISTENT AND DILIGENT- stick with it,stay on the job until it happens. You don't make excuses when you want to be better or have an improved life. Refuse to accept excuses for failures-excuses to be less than your abilities-excuses to be less than being absolutely proficient. These are all things you will have to work into your personality in order to increase your efficiency.  📖 Go Deeper     Prov. 12:24, Prov. 13:4   📢 Speak I am effective in a that I do; I have the mind of Christ and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. In the Name of Jesus! Christ is my wisdom, therefore I am wise. I have wisdom to do whatever I want to do and to function at my best potentials. I have the wisdom of God working in me!  🚀 Act. Learn to take painstaking efforts when you study: use a notepad,review and research words or terms that are new to you,which helps during your study periods.  👉Be Different, Make The Most Of Your Time. Happy New Week. From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Our New Year Bible Verse