Friday 19 August 2016


Hello Citizens Of the most beautiful people from a beautiful country. I'm always glad to communicate to you the unsearchable riches of Christ, as it helps you know more about Christ and his finished works. Today we'll begin our series of message on the knowledge (Epignosis) of "YOUR IDENTIFICATION WITH DIVINITY", always remember when you see Jesus everything else looses value.

2 Corinthians 10:4   (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

I know many of you has come across this scripture many times and even heard your ministers preach it or you yourself preach it but there's something about this scripture which many don't understand, they tend to view it from a carnal/natural mind and interpret it.

Remember the old testaments was founded on things while the new testament is by the spirit, and so when studying the scriptures as a new covenant believer you need to interpret the scriptures from your spirit and not from your mind which can only tell you what you feel,see and perceive.

That same scripture does not talk about battling an unseen enemy,many tend to keep fighting till today,blaming other humans for their misfortunes in life,are you aware that the devil cannot hurt you except you give him access,the scriptures above speaks of these,your weapons of warfare are not you praying and binding the devil,fasting for 100 days,locking up yourself for days,yet when you come out of all these nothing changes,have you ask yourself what really happens,
The scriptures says we are not to be led by our sensory perception, ie your mind will tell you to fast and pray then something will change, my friend I've been on these road before yet nothing changes,then you may ask where is the problem then,its all in the scriptures.

I know many will refer to when Jesus told his disciples to fast and pray to cast out a demon,let's go there  Mark  9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Here Jesus was not referring to fasting to cast out demons,when you read the entire title you'll understand that something happened before he made this statement, his disciples tried casting out the demon but couldn't and when they came to Jesus he made that statement to them,before then Jesus said in Mark  9:19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me. Mark  9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Jesus was referring to their unbelief in casting out the demon and not fasting to cast out the demon,pls understand this and be corrected, one doesn't need to fast to cast out a demon,a new creation born into Christ can cast out demons with or without fasting,their major problem was unbelief,they needed to get rid of it before they could live the spiritual life Jesus wanted and not depended on things, now don't quote me wrong I'm not saying fasting isn't right,fasting is only but an exercise, its a deliberate thing just to keep you concentrate, staying away from friends is fasting,putting your phone on silence to study is fasting,staying hungry today is fasting with or without prayers, now Christianity is all about knowledge of who Christ is,his finished works and your identification with him.

Time may not allow me to write everything today, now getting back to our scripture, the change you need in your life isn't by praying too much,going to all types of churches,going for seminars,conferences etc,the change takes place in you and the only answer to this Is the knowledge of Christ, that verse says casting down imagination, and every high thing that exalted itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST, you are in that dilemma today because you do not have the knowledge of Christ, these was the prayer of Paul to the churches he visited, when you come into knowledge of who you are in Christ, his finished works etc there's no thought,other knowledge that can put you down, you are one lucky person to be here because here we unveil Christ to you and nothing else.

When you see yourself in Christ sickness, poverty, death etc becomes an alien, every other thing becomes subject to you. This is the truth and nothing else,the scripture says in psm 82-5-6 they know not neither will they understand, I have said you are gods and all of you are the children of the most high,but you die like mere men because you not understand, many die today because they believed the doctors report,instead of the word,many die today because of unbelief, the knowledge of Christ in you swallows up all these things and so,

You cannot be in him and be sick,poor and die. When you come to these knowledge every other thing will be subject to you.
I pray that you'll know Jesus beyond the pictures of your mind and grow in the knowledge of his finished works for you.
Part 2 comes up tomorrow GMT+1(9:00am)



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