Wednesday 13 January 2016



��Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and HATH MADE US KINGS and PRIESTS untos God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (Revelation 1:5-6).

��When God looks at you, He doesn't see a helpless, needy person who's always looking for a way out.

��He sees a king; He sees someone full of dominion and authority! You've been ordained by God to reign and rule in the realm of life; He has made you superior to the devil and every demon of darkness.

��Not only does God expect you to see yourself as a king, He also expects you to live as one.

��How do you practise kingship? It begins from your consciousness. You must make up your mind that you're going to walk, talk, pray and live as a king.

��The scripture says God has made you a king, so you look into the mirror and tell the fellow in that mirror, "You're a king!" Then you ask yourself, "How do kings behave?" One thing is sure: kings don't beg; they make decrees! So start making declarations of faith.

��Begin to exercise your God-given authority and dominion over the devil and the negative forces of life. This kind of consciousness will affect your prayer life and all the beggarly prayer prayers will be a thing of the past.

��When you pray, you should minister to God as a priest and make decrees as a king. You are a king, born of the king of kings! Your words are backed with power; they contain an inherent, dynamic ability to change any negative situation and put the devil to flight.

��Therefore, be bold to speak in line with God's Word. Be bold to make decrees, and whatever you decree shall be established unto you.

��Practising kingship will affect even your posture and gait. It'll get rid of the slouch from your walk and put some spring in your steps.

��It'll cause you to square your shoulders, hold your head up, and walk with dignity!



Good Afternoon Citizens Of Divinity, Here is your lunch!!!.

"For this cause I bow my knees unto the  Z's of our lord Jesus Christ,of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,that he would grant you,according to the riches of his glory,to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man" (Ephesians 3:14-16).

Man is a spirit and he dwells in a body,he has a soul and a mind.That spirit or inner man is the real you.As the body or outward man(ie our physical body) can be weak,so can the inner man be weak if not properly nurtured spiritually.Your inner man must be strengthened with might-miracle-working ability-at all times for you to be able to deal effectively with the crises of life.

Food is to the physical body,while the word of God, prayer,and meditation are to your inner man.

Your inner man(real you) is strengthened as you spend time studying and meditating on the word,and praying in the spirit (tongues),in other tongues.You may ask but I don't know how to speak in tongues,yes its a gift from God and its expedient you know this Jesus says "in my name they will speak in new tongues" (Mark 16:17) you don't pray to speak in tongues its in you already as long as you have the holy ghost in you, the bible says "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, Now I want you all to speak in tongues". (1Corinthians 14:4-5), and another scripture I want to show you why you praying in tongues & why it is in you is (Jude.1:20) it says "But you beloved,build yourselves up on your most holy faith,praying in the holy ghost". Jesus says open your mouth and I'll fill it,so go ahead and speak it,it may sound somehow go ahead that is it,the Bible says "howbeit in the spirit you are speaking mysteries" and you won't understand what you are saying only the spirit knows your heart desires and praying about it for you.You also develop the right character and are able to do the things of God more effectively.

Christians who vacilate,not being able to do the things they should do,or strong enough to refuse those things they shouldn't do,demonstrate an inner weakness. When the inward man is energized, he'll make the body do what its supposed to do,and refrain the body from doing what it shouldn't do.You need that divine inner fortitude and strengthening in your spirit to forge ahead In life.

You may say," I like to pray,but sometimes I just can't get myself together to do it";or "I want to win souls,but somehow I feel too shy and intimidated to speak."Such things happens when your spirit is not energized. When your inner man is strengthened, you become fervent in the things of God all the time.

You'll love to pray and praise God;studying the word will become an exhilarating,exciting experience for you! It won't be hard for you to talk to somebody about Jesus;because you're energized for the Gospel from within; you're on top everyday, bubbling for the Lord!

Deeper Insights

( Colossians 1:11),

(Psalm 84:7)(NIV),

(Colossians 1:29)

I Love You All.

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(A Secret To Effective Living)

"Honour your father and your mother, " which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on earth."'(Ephe:6:2-3).

In our theme scripture today, we find an important key to a long and prosperous life. It says for you to honour your father and mother, that it may be well with you,and that you may live long on earth. Notice that God didn't give you any condition upon which you should honour your parents. He didn't say, " "Honour your father and mother if they're good people.... " No! So long as they're your parents, you must honour them.

This is the first commandment with a promise. When you follow it,the Bible says you'll prosper and live long on the earth. It doesn't matter what career you want to pursue,or in which country you live,you'll always experience victory and enjoy good success.

There're some folks who never suceed in life no matter how hard they try. They get a good Job, only for them to get into trouble and lose the job. Everything about them is just one unfortunate story after another, and their condition keeps getting worse regardless of their incessant prayers. That's the kind of situation one may find himself in if he fails to honour his parents. But when you do the word and honour your parents, your prayers will produce the right results,and things will always vturn out well for you everywhere you go.

Think of ways of honouring your parents today,and do them.

For more of this messages and many more inspiring ones,join our watsapp group @ +234-8106844793.
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Remain Blessed.

Get Wisdom!!!


��"Those who achieved
success do not stop. They
never become complacent, they keep learning and
looking for the new knowledge. Never think you
have made it, there is always more to learn and

��"Most people fail because they do not have
determination and perseverance. Extraordinary
people are determined and persevere that is what
makes them extraordinary."

��"You are the CEO of YOU. There is no job
security, you must ensure that your company of
YOU is one where if you were hiring a person you
would pick you."

��"Do not be discouraged if someone copies you.
Copying is a compliment - you are doing it right.
It also gives you the opportunity to grow and
move beyond what is now being copied. Keep
moving forward."

��"When choosing a career you will find success, if
you choose work that you would do even if you
were not paid. Do what you love to do."

��"Always remember you will not please everyone.
The most important person to please is yourself.
Do your best."

��"Keep your mind open to new ideas and ways of
doing things. A closed mind is one where you
only see things your way. Be open."
From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Our New Year Bible Verse