Saturday 9 January 2016



Dear Citizens, this message will be coming in series stay connected for more,this is the first part of it.So many wants to be rich but they ignore Gods instruction/principles concerning prosperity, stop struggling on your own and d God's word,and live the life you always dreamt of. Whenever a pastor tells you to sow a seed,it is not because the pastor is broke or poor,but he is giving you an opportunity to propagate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you give to  God; its an act of appreciation towards what God has done for you; God gives you the money and not man,I found out that many get offended when ever they are ask to give. So many wants to be rich but they do not know that prosperity has a principle, prosperity dies not come by too much prayer,it does not come by faith,it does not come by fasting; ask those who prospers today what their secrets are and they'll tell you its a continual life of giving, the bible says he that sows to the flesh shall reap corruption (sickness, pains,death etc),but he that sows to the spirit reaps eternal life (joy, prosperity,abundance, love etc).Many are saying,this year I'll drive a car,this year,I'll build a house but do you know the principles towards achieving that.

When you look at the word "SPI-RITUAL" what do you see these words separate into two but let's look @ the second part for now,"Ritual" in the world's(devilish) system of prosperity this is applicable which we all know, like wise in the kingdom of God,can you remember in the old testament the isrealites are always doing a rituals(killing of animals as a sacrifice to God) after this act God speaks to them and blessed them greatly, picture in your spirit what Solomon did was it not a ritual,picture in your  spirit what your father Abraham did was it not a ritual,picture in your spirit what Jesus did was it not a ritual,and many more coming into your minds now,all these rituals are they not alike,yes it is because it involves "BLOOD".

But something happened which stop the killing of animals, Jesus was the last animal to be slaughtered" He was the lamb taken to be slaughtered " Today we no more slaughter animals as the Jews (Muslims) keeps doing because there's is something else that represent the animals.

You may be asking but what is this  thing it is called "MONEY", the bible says the ransom for a rich mans lice is his wealth (including cars,properties etv),now when a pastor, or the spirit of God tells you to give your money etc do you think God is broke, do you think God is poor,don't forget Jesus became poor for your sake so you might be rich,if you don't connect your seeds,offerings to God as the children of Israel did how do you expect to prosper.

God is not mocked,whatever a man sows that will he reap,when you eat your tithes,seeds etc where do you expect God to carry  a sacrifice and bless you, Jesus said except a seed of corn falls to the ground and dies it abideth alone,why you are the way you are is because you are stingy with your creator and you expect him to bless you.

God told Moses what is that in your hands,he said it is a rod ,the Lord said lift it up and divide the sea,a miracle happened which we all know,God is telling you today what is that in your hands;do you need healing in your body,job opportunity, business ideas,etc. Go ahead and do a ritual with your money on the altar,or drop it @ the feet of your man of God(pastor) Dont have the mentality that your pastor wants your money, your pastor is a 419,your pastor is broke etc. God puts him there to nurture and feed your spirit therefore he deserves to be blessed by you.

Have you asked yourself when last did you give to your pastor, when last did you buy him a suit, a recharge card,a shoe etc do you think because he doesn't ask he is not in need of those, why do you think,God gave him to you,the Bible says you should communicate good gifts to those that teaches you the gospel.

I have to drop this message as an addition because the spirit of God told me to,why because so many had this mentality and that is why  they don't see progress i n their endeavors, pls take heed of instructions the spirit of God ministers to you to do. Obedience is better than sacrifice,take a bold step now and sponsor this Gospel in your time.

More of this will be coming your way again stay connected.
Thank you.
I care about your spirit.

For more of this drop your watsapp contact @ our email or comments box,or better still add to your watsapp contact to join us for this and many more +234-8106844793.
Remain Blessed.

Our New Year Bible Verse