Saturday 16 January 2016


God is not mad at you, he loves you unconditionally and affectionately, Jesus did not die for nothing he died,buried and ressurected for your sakes;He didn't die for Nigeria alone,he died for the whole world.

When I mean the whole world, it includes the harlot in your environment,that bad guy close to you everyone you think is evil. Jesus died for them all,including Obama,buhari etc

Don't be a Christian that receive this Gospel and keep quiet, preach it to everyone that is in your sphere of contact, in your office,school,business center etc. This Gospel is your responsibility, no wonder Paul said "Necessity is laid upon me therefore WOE into me if I do not preach the Gospel.

Jesus gave us the ministry of reconciliation,ie reconciling the world unto Christ; this is your responsibility. The gospel is not for pastor's, Evangelist, etc alone,it is for all of us.

Don't keep quiet about this Gospel, preach it and make it your responsibility because you will give account of the souls of those closer to you if you don't preach the Gospel to them. They are your responsibility, is your mum,your uncle,your sisters, your Friends, your, Neighbours etc a New creation, if they are not it is your responsibility to preach the Gospel to them or you will give an account of them to the Lord. God told Ezekiel to preach the Gospel to his close acquaintance if not their blood will be on his head.

If you don't accept what Jesus did for you on the Cross you won't be that which God predestinated you to become beforehand.

A new creation man is not subject to satan, is not subject to sickness, is not subject to disease,poverty,lack etc. Jesus had done everything for you and gave you his word to live by. Any life outside the Gospel( his word) is a sad,tattered life.

Salvation is one word that contains everything in life. Salvation contains
Eternal life.
Eternal joy
Eternal inheritance
Inner peace
Divine health
Goodness etcYou can name the rest...........

Jesus didn't call you to switch off smiles from your face,being born again does not mean you are restricted from living the better life,don't live your life in bondage thinking because you are born again you are in a cage of no freedom.

Where the spirit of God is there is liberty, serve God freely;don't be a sin conscious type Jesus paid for all your sins and gave you liberty to serve him freely with joy.

Don't dictate your life by what you did in the past or present, when God died for your sins he didn't just die for the sins of 2001 & forget the sin of 2020; Nooo he paid for your sins both present,past and future therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace and receive help in time of need,whosoever the son of man set free is free indeed.

As a new Creation, you are not subject to sin rather you are superior to sin,sin has no dominion over you,the Bible says anything without faith is sin;sin is not what you think it is,stop living and having a sin conscious mentality.

Until you believe and acknowledge this truth you will not understand the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus did not come to condemn you,Jesus did not come to crucify you,he came to let you know he loves you just the way you are,he came to let you know that he values you, he came to make you a son of God,he came to identify with you.

Therefore don't look at yourself the way people see you,look at yourself the way the word shows you. The word  of God you are righteous see yourself that way.

The word says you are holy,made beautiful, full of Grace, victorious, triumphant see yourself that way.

Learn to see yourself in the word,look away from the world's system of religious act,because Christianity is not a religion but it is the revelation of you in Christ. It is the pulsating life of Christ in a man,it is the revelation of the life of God in you.

Don't live your life in quilt, condemnation, and past sins. You are free from all these in Christ, you have been delivered from you past sins,therefore serve God with freedom, serve God without guilt,serve him without the conciousness of past sins.

Serve him with joy because you now have his righteousness, serve him because you are holy and unblamable, unreproveable,be BOLD whenever you are in the gathering of the saints(fellowship). Rejoice for Christ has done it all.Hallelujah.........


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, Here Is your Saturday Morning Breakfast. I commend you to always give time to the study of the word of God for therein lies your origin and life. Study and meditatively pray with this word.

��And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice…And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them (Numbers 20:11-12).

��It pays to always do things God’s way. The scripture above tells us of Moses’ action when the children of Israel were thirsty for water in the wilderness.

�� They cried to Moses, and when Moses spoke to the Lord about it, He told Moses,“Take the rod,and gather thou the assembly together, thou,and Aaron thy brother,and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes…” (Numbers 20:8).

�� The instruction was for Moses to speak to the rock to give them water; he wasn’t to strike it. Interestingly, much earlier in their journey, when they were thirsty and cried to God for water,God said to the same Moses,“…smite the rock,and there shall come water out of it,that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel” (Exodus 17:6).

�� However, this time, He said, “Talk to the rock.” This was a different instruction. Sadly, Moses did it his own way, striking the rock, instead of talking to it as expressly instructed, because he was offended at the people. God was trying to teach Moses that there was a higher way; a better way. Moses was used to performing miracles with the rod; he could do anything with his rod, but God wanted to change things. He was trying to tell Moses, “You really don’t need this rod; you can rule by words; just talk to the rock and it’ll get you water.” Moses was too angry to think with God. Refuse to be ruled by anger or negative emotions.

��Some people are so self-conscious and earthly-ruled that all they think about is how to do things their own way. They’re so carried away in the flesh that God’s voice is faint to them. All they hear is the voice of the flesh, but to be carnally minded is death (Romans 8:6).

�� Don’t be that way. Go the Word-way all the time; follow the Spirit. Even when His instructions don’t seem “convenient,” do His will, because with Him, you can’t miss your way in life. Don’t do what’s convenient for you; do what He wants, and your life will be full of peace and glory. 

�� I Pray For you today,may you delight to do his will,May God's word stay in your heart,causing you to walk in righteousness and fulfil your destiny in him!May you develop a strong desire to please him in all things,as you live by his Word,in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

��Go Deeper:- Proverbs 16:25 Luke 22:41-42 Romans 8:14.

Have a Blissful weekend as you do the word.

Our New Year Bible Verse