Sunday 10 January 2016

Get Wisdom.

Hello Citizens of Divinity, I discovered that many are disturbed,distracted, confused etc because of their challenges, predicaments,when life hits on you,bounce back with confidence eye to eye and say no mater how hard it is I'm journeying my way to greatness.

➡Don't dictate your life by what you are passing through now, what your family is been through now etc all these are part of the event in the journey of your great future.

➡ Stars don't just come out as easy like that in the  sky, it takes a process no mater the weight,weather, it will still shine,don't be down whenever you are been hit by life,for it is a training unto greatness. Learn to see the bright side of life in the darkest moment of it.

➡ It is not because you don't have money today, that you won't have tomorrow, is not because you don't have a job today that you won't have tomorrow. Take your eyes away from your disabilities,see the possibilities of your future.

➡ Those that makes it to the top always have a story to tell,in life when you journey and you are encountered with situations, challenges in all ways, what it's simply doing is this: the challenges, situations are only shapening you,remoulding you,building you to be the best God created you to be.

➡ Accept them as they come,they are only bringing the best of you out,Have you ever seen gold in its raw state,and after it is smelt. The process it undergoes though it is tough only brings out the beauty in a Gold, that is why many uses it today but cannot know the process it undergo.


➡You must be ready to accept challenges, situations, persecutions etc because they are only helping in bringing out the best out of you, take your mind off what you are going through, take your mind off your bank account, for life is spiritual, conquer life from your spirit, learn to see the beautiful side of you.

➡ Finally, don't be anxious, overwhelmed, distracted, disturbed about your present state,family,mother, father, education, etc for as you journey those things must be because they were part and parcel of the story of your great destiny, there's always a light @ the end of every dark tunnel, when you accept the troubles you face in life, you are only making them become real. Life is also lived in the mind that is why the bible says "you should be transformed by the renewing of your mind", it also says " as a man thinketh in his heart so he is" delete  those things that will not help you reach your destination out of your mind.

➡ Take a bold step eve in the midst of fear for behind fear there is a miracle, but only the strong @ heart fights the good fight, be bold,be an impact to others,don't think there's nothing good about you, don't dictate your life by the money,needs you don't have,make use of the little you have in helping others, make others smile. One thing I learned about life & will never forget is that:EVERYONE CAN SOLVE A PROBLEM, THERE'S A UNIQUENESS IN ME,INSIDE ME LIES THE BEAUTY,SOLUTIONS THE WORLD NEEDS. AWAKE TO THIS REALITY AND TAKE A BOLD STEP,DON'T BE BEATEN DOWN BY YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES,BECAUSE THEY ONLY EXIST TO BEAUTIFY YOU.

➡ Start from where you are NOW, Don't follow others, try out your own innovative ideas,see the possibilities in your ideas,etc live for others and not for yourselves.I love you all and I believe in your future, Thanks for allowing me serve you and giving me your attention. Remain Bless.
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☀����Good Morning Divinity Citizens,Happy Sunday to you all;I drafted this out just to help you and your dreams to be achieved, please take time to read them. Today is Sunday, don't stay @ home,plan to be in service for God today, don't forget this is a new year. Start Today and plan your life if you couldn't do that last week;for the time is still young but you must ACT fast and ACT NOW.

➡“The only person you are
destined to become is the
person you decide to be.”

➡ “Start where you are. Use
what you have. Do what you

➡“How wonderful it is that
nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to
improve the world.”

➡ “When one door closes
another door opens; but we so
often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed
door, that we do not see the
ones which open for us.”

➡ “Life is a succession of
lessons which must be lived to
be understood.”

➡“When you get into a tight
place and everything goes
against you, till it seems as
though you could not hang on
a minute longer, never give up
then, for that is just the place
and time that the tide will
turn.” ~

➡. “You must do the thing you
think you cannot do.”

➡. “If you don’t pay
appropriate attention to what
has your attention, it will take
more of your attention than it
deserves.” ~

➡. “I find hope in the darkest
of days, and focus in the
brightest. I do not judge the

➡“Character cannot be
developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of
trial and suffering can the soul
be strengthened, ambition
inspired, and success
achieved.” ~

Happy Sunday Great Citizens Of Divinity.
I Encourage You To Continue At What You Do. Be Different.
From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Our New Year Bible Verse