Sunday 17 January 2016


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, Its an awesome thing to know that you belong to Christ and that Christ lives in you,As  New species in Christ walking in love is one of the vital fact you need to always be acquainted with every time. Jesus says:-

��A new commandment I give unto you,That you love one another; as I have loved you,that ye also love one another (John 13:34).

❤ In these last days,its our discovery of the love of Christ that'll bring us into that place where we'll be ready for the coming of the lord. That's what's going to get us prepared for the rapture if the church and take us to the highest level of his anointing.
Therefore the earlier you make that discovery, the better. There're no two ways about it,you have to walk in love.

�� There're too many  Christians,(New Creations) and even ministers,who don't know what it is to walk in Love. It's amazing how people carry out ministry for Christ without walking in love. One sure way you can measure your love-walk is through your tongue,the content of your communication. You know a matured and a carnal believer by the content of their words. James the Apostle explained it thoroughly in James 3:2."If any man offend not in word,the same is a perfect man,and able also to bridle the whole body."
He lets us know that the way to measure a man's spiritual maturity is through his words.

�� Your confession locate you; they reveal who you really are. As sons of God there are words you are words you are not supposed to be using when speaking or interacting with people, these words are the exact words the world uses to communicate e.g fuckup,kul,you dey craze,God punish you,you dey mad,your father etc you can name. Words that are encouraging,edifying, the Bible says Iron sharpeneth Iron.  It makes no difference what anybody may think of you or what you might think of yourself, what matters is the word that comes out of your mouth everyday! Irrespective of who you're talking to;whether you're talking to God,men yourself or to circumstances or to nature;it makes makes no difference! True content of your word measures your true spirituality.

�� If you catch yourself saying something you shouldn't have said,quickly retract it; learn to tame your tongue. Refuse to speak poisonous of venomous words that'll defame or devalue others. Let your communications be gracious, edifying, encouraging, strengthen others. Sanctify your tongue.
When your tongue is sanctified,it means it has been dedicated to the Lord,and He has become the Lord of your tongue. That means your tongue can only speak love and say those things that JESUS allows.

I Pray For you today, I give God praise for his love shed abroad in your heart by the holy spirit. May you express that love today consciously in words and in action, thus bringing forth the beauty and grace of his character inherent in you,in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Deeper Revelation������
James 3:1-2
Romans 5:5
2Corinthians 5:14.

Our New Year Bible Verse