Sunday 7 February 2016


The Scriptures needs interpretation and understanding so you won't contradict it and confuse your self by thinking its difficult, that's why I take time to pieces it big by bit to make you comprehend,interpret and understand it. Because when you understand of the scriptures is wrong,your practice, results & outcome will be wrong.
The primary way God wants us to be guided is by the written word not  by pictures.
Have a beautiful day ahead. Be in charge.

To know what you have ,you must know who you are.

Jesus is the only fact,the truth, the message and the conclusion.

They are two types of prophets:
1⃣The Minor Prophet
2⃣The Major Prophet.

What are their features and how can we identify each,its very simple. Their differences is in the content of their message.
The Minor Prophet speaks of events, places,calls phone numbers etc but the Major prophets only mission is to speak of the Messiah (Jesus Christ).

Human beings are spirits who you listen to matters.

False spirits try to lead you from the paths of Christ and what he wrought for you.
What makes them false is their foundation.

If your life is founded on the word then you are Founded in the truth.

Your impacts in your ministry can only be measured @ different times as the grace increases. Take all the grace you need in Christ.

We don't see Christ in abstract things but identified in a MAN.


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