Tuesday 9 February 2016


☺ If you’ve never been a leader or occupied a leadership position, you may never fully comprehend some of the peculiar challenges of leadership. If you ever want to get to the top or remain at the top, then you must learn to think from the perspective of a leader. The challenges of leadership are very peculiar to leaders. And until you’re one, you don’t know what they’re like.

☺ The challenges and responsibilities of leadership are enormous! That’s why we pray for leaders. Whether they’re leaders in your church, place of work, or country, pray for them. The more you pray for them, the more understanding, tolerant, and appreciative you’ll be of their work. Then God will find it fit to bring you to some position of leadership, because you’re learning to understand.

☺ There’re some people who are quick to criticize leaders. Don’t be that way. Don’t always think that your leaders are taking the wrong steps just because you’re not comfortable with their decision. If you want to be a leader, then never be angry with leaders. Don’t be an angry and a malicious critic, because such people never contribute anything meaningful to the Church or society.

☺ For your leaders, do what God says: pray for them; and secondly, esteem them very highly, in love, for their work’s sake.


☺ Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.

☺ Any fool can criticize, condemn,and complain-and most fools do.

☺ Applause is a receipt,not a bill.

☺ Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart,live for it,die for it,and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.

☺ Develop success from failures.
Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

☺ Do the hard job first. The easy Jobs will take care of themselves.

Have a great day!!!

Our New Year Bible Verse