Tuesday 7 March 2017


The Gospel Means "Too Good To Be TRUE" or say "The Hard Truth".

Are you aware that all Authority and Dominion God Has,He Has Given It To You,I'm Not Saying God No More Has Authority & Dominion But He Is Limited To This Realm,Why Because God is a spirit and spirits don't live here on earth, except in the spiritual realm,therefore for God to operate here he has to do that through a man,the reason why God did not come in the spirit to save man but he came as a man,because all authority and dominion can only be exercised through man,and so this shows how much value you should place on your self and how much respect you should on your self.  Ephesians 1:23   Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

If you are one of those seeking deliverance, anointed oil and water for carnal use,then you've lost value on who you are,think of this,God of the world universe not doing anything until you move,shouldn't this humble you enough to tell people who you are,and when life's challenges knocks hard on you,you knock hard on it by exercising that authority over it as though God is the one doing so.

Mark 1:27   And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.

Mark 11:28   And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority to do these things?

God was teaching and showing Moses how to exercise authority as though he was the one by parting the red sea which was a shadow of the substance Jesus who not calm the sea but walked on it understanding the authority God has given to man,but Moses did out of fear,being a shadow of who we are today, today we can boldly raise our voice and hands in authority and dominion and change circumstances bearing in mind that God is the one speaking and raising those hands through us,Jesus did same to the raging sea but the disciples were too carnal to understand authority, but today he is in us and we in him exercising dominion!

So therefore exercise dominion in that sick body,job,contracts,family issue health as though God is the one doing it and truly he is the one.

Don't live as one who is empty,valueless, mediocre etc,the Almighty Jehovah lives inside you through his son Jesus Christ and so therefore, you are more than a conqueror, undefeated, unblamable and cannot be destroyed by any disease or infirmities.
The more you are conscious of who you are the more it becomes real to you and the more victories you experience daily!
Get ready for a new message series on Authority and the part 5 of Jesus the perfect theology.

CWM Team.

Our New Year Bible Verse