Sunday 12 March 2017



Hi Citizens for the past one month now till date,this is how far we have pushed this message so far around the world,we wanna say a big thank you for all our readers,followers and partners all around the world who has helped in dispensing this message with clarity and passion.
To follow us and receive our teachings directly to your mailbox and follow us on every new events and opportunities that comes,just scroll below this page and click follow or subscribe below to receive our daily grace teachings.

Thank you to you all.
Let's keep pressing more and flood our world and dark places with this message.
We all with a candle of knowledge can light up our religious cities,local Churches, countries and continents with the knowledge of the Grace of God and the preach the death,burial and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you all our followers, partners and leaders around the world.

CWM Team.

Our New Year Bible Verse