Monday 6 February 2017

JESUS PAID IT ALL(No Point To Selah).


John 8:28 "Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things."

JOHN 8:12-30

This is the second of three times that Jesus spoke of Himself being "lifted up" (1st - Jn. 3:14; 3rd - Jn. 12:32-33). As the scripture explains in John 12:33, this was a reference to crucifixion as the means of His death. The lifting up is speaking of being lifted up from the earth and suspended on a cross in crucifixion. The Jews understood that Jesus was speaking of death.

And so for those(believers) who are still lifting Jesus up in their songs in the name of worship,Christ has already been lifted 2000 years ago,he was talking about his death and remember anytime you sing these songs attaching lifting Jesus up it means you're killing him again and again, so therefore our songs should be based on Christ finished works on the Cross and not to sing a song because it sounds nice, a song may sound nice but its interpretation becomes a negative confession and also denies what Christ has done for you,so stop lifting Jesus up(stop killing him) he is seated in the right hand of God in righteousness and not lifted up,that has already been fulfilled.

The crucifixion didn't just happen. It was planned by God. Does this mean that God bears all responsibility and those who were actually instrumental in the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus are not guilty? Not at all. Jesus came to the earth to die in our place and thereby purchase redemption for us. That was His plan but He didn't force anyone to fulfill it. His ministry and message placed Him in direct opposition with the devil and his followers. Their hatred for Jesus caused them of their own free will to crucify Jesus.

God, in all His wisdom, simply knew what man would do and He determined to use their rejection of His Son to accomplish His will. He never controls our will to accomplish His.

If a person truly understands the message of the cross, then he understands grace. Jesus didn't just make a token sacrifice for us. He paid it all. There's no sacrifice that we can make that will add to or replace the sacrifice of Christ. He did it all, and we can thank Him forever

There's no other thing you'll add to what Christ had done 2000 years ago,he said "it is finished" you can't add,and so just receive and live life as one who knows who he/she is in Christ, learn to exercise your authority in Christ, learn to speak who you are,learn to accept what he did for you and you'll keep living in the supernatural everyday.
Be Blessed!
                                                           Chris White Ministries®2017

Our New Year Bible Verse