Monday 18 January 2016


Good Morning great Citizens Of Divinity, I'm glad to write to you today and to share the realities of who you are,What you have,and what Christ can do through you; the word of God can be understood through perpetual study and praying meditatively. Give yourself to the study of the word and prayer, for your father which seeth in secret will reward you openly. A new week has began,take out time to study your Bible, tell someone about Jesus, schedule your prayer times,and be smart and serious @ what you do. Here is the word(Devotion) for your Monday morning titled:-


��Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5).

��There're’re people who choose not to be happy because of certain experiences they’ve had. And interestingly, they try to make other people victims of their disgruntled state, or blame others for their misfortune.

��But life isn’t that way. No one has the responsibility to make you happy. You’re the one to choose to be happy, and enjoy your life, no matter what. The Bible says count it all joy when you go through diverse tests (James 1:2). You have to learn to depend on, and use, the Word.

��The Word of God provides solution to every problem. Trust the Word. When you have questions in your mind, when you face difficulties, it’s the Word you need.

��When some people face dire situations, they sit somewhere, feeling sorry for themselves and worrying. That doesn’t help. When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, look to the Word; search the Scriptures for answers.

��What God wants is for the Word to be in your spirit, and produce in you the victory mentality.No wonder He says, “Let the word of Christ dwellin you richly in all wisdom…” (Colossians 3:16). The Word in you will make you what it talks about! Study and meditate on the Word consistently.

��Listen to messages again and again. Study the messages I sent you everyday both the previous ones and the present ones.Take it in; digest it, and let it become mingled with your spirit! Listen for what the Holy Spirit will tell you to encourage you, or to give you direction. There’s no problem that has no solution. Through the Scriptures, you receive light; God’s Word has the ability to bring illumination to your spirit and give you insight reality.

��Through the Word, you’ll find that there’s nothing you can’t do, and there’s nothing you can’t have! God’s Word is the true light (John 1:9) that reveals who you really are, and your inheritance in Christ; let that light guide you in all things.

��PRAY THIS WAY�� Dear Lord,thank you for the gift of your word,which is in my heart and in my mouth. You’re the glory of my life;and today, I experience the power and influence of your Word in all I do.I’m refreshed and energized for the transcendent life,in Jesus’ Name. Amen...

��Do Have A Blessed Week!����

Our New Year Bible Verse