Thursday 11 February 2016


Good evening great Citizens Of Divinity Nation, I'm always glad writing to you,we were discussing about "The NEW MAN AND OLD MAN, THE CHRIST, ANTI-CHRIST & THE FALSE PROPHET.we began with series upon series and I promise to take time to teach this, JESUS Christ was the only MAN that reconciled men to God and saved MAN forever from sin and death and brought a new life for us. We were discussing more about his humanity and divinity. His death, burial and resurrection made us free from the law,sin and death(this is more than a FACT but it is called " TRUTH".

��The life he brought to us is not a life subject to sickness, poverty, death  and all negativities of life.
Someone may ask but why are a lot of Christians sick today dying,poor etc;the answer is simple,everything in this world depends on information (knowledge), God says his own people are destroyed today because they lack knowledge. Hosea. 4:6" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge.
You see what  God calls you a priestly nation.

�� In life what you don't know Is what destroys you, those that have knowledge survive. It's like someone having a malaria and taking a tablet for cancer, what does cancer got to do with malaria,because there's a particular knowledge for a one. Life is lived with laws, there's law of gravity that whatever goes up must come down,same thing with the spiritual world.

�� Many tends to forget that MAN is a spirit,with a soul and lives in a body, the "spirit" controls the physical, life is lived in the spiritual; therefore anything outside the spiritual you are just living a fake life subject to the elements of this physical world. But those who operate their lives from the spirit realm(world) are those in charge,the conquer the elements of this world. That's the way God made his people to live but many tends to depend on the flesh, the scripture says those that lives in the flesh shall die but those who lives from their spirit lives.

��Jesus brought a new life to us, the same life he has and he says whosoever shall believe in him shall receive this life & never perish, now living with this life requires a deep consciousness,have you ever seen a prince living and begging in the streets; that means he doesn't really know who his father is and what family he came out from.
When you live not walk with the consciousness that the life you have is not you living but Christ living in you, you are bound to breakdown physically. The scriptures says in  psalm 82: 6-7 "   I said, You are gods [since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives]; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High.

But you shall die as men and fall as one of the princes.

��Why men die is because they don't know they are God's, a dog will give birth to dogs,a monkey will reproduce monkeys,& God reproduce ...... you know the answers already "Gods" so we are God's and our life is in Christ the son of God, our lives was no more when we gave our life to him.

��Now tell me when you walk with these consciousness everyday of your life that the life in you now is of  God, and Christ lives in you,not you,no wonder Paul says in him I move,live and have my being. He knew and understood these revelation and he made that statement,if that was Paul what of you now,the scripture says greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world.
Tell me can you be sick,poor,die after knowing and having this knowledge in you,its not possible my brethren, that life is no more  yours but Christ.

��Don't be afraid of life anymore,the devil and his cohorts,face the devil eye to eye and tell him he is a defeated foe,no man can harm you that's why God says no weapon formed against you shall prosper,you are indestructible, unbreakable because you are carrying the life of Christ and he lives forever, so if you are conscious of who you are,the way you talk will change,the way you pray will change, stop binding the devil that has been dealt with already, the way you live will change.

�� Live life like a Victor, a champion, don't let what you see Today make you change your confession of who you are for this light afflictions prepares you for an eternal weight of glory.

��Go ahead and celebrate what Christ Jesus did for you,the life he brought for you, and the joy he brought you into. You'll only miss this if you are not yet in Christ, make the decision today to receive his life in you and live victoriously in life.

Live like a ROYALTY for you are born of God.

Pastor Chris White.☺☺

Our New Year Bible Verse