Tuesday 26 January 2016


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, I'm always glad writing and contributing to your spiritual needs;its my joy to know that all my letters to you have been a blessing to your life immensely. Today I'll be talking about:-

�� But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.....(Acts.1:8).

☝God is not at all perturbed/disturb when you're faced with unpleasant situations. In fact, He is happy to see you  face those challenges because He knows you'll surely come out victorious. He knows you can change any situation, for the divine power necessary to effect that change is already resident in you; it was deposited in you the moment you received the holy spirit into your life.

Like a mother who expectantly watches her toddler take his first few unstable steps on his own,she prods him on and showers him with love. That's the same way the Lord watched to see us overcome whatever challenges we face in our lives. He waits with expectations and confidence,knowing that you have all it takes to win.

☝You may have been tested and told that you're barren,impotent or perhaps diagnosed with an incurable disease.
Maybe it's been long since you graduated from school and you still don't have a job or a business: God is waiting to see you effect a chance NOW. He knows you can. He believes in you because He's given you all that's required-the dynamic, miracle-working ability.

☝So put it to work. Stand firm and declare boldly in faith what you desire and watch the miracle you need unfold before you.

�� God is able to "....do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" (Ephesians.3:20). It means whatever God will do in your life is to the extent of the operation of that power in you.

☝Recognize that you have arrived in the place of change and God doesn't want you crying out to Him for Help. He wants to see you live triumphantly over every Crises. That's what earns you promotion to a higher level spiritually,for the father honours His children for their truimph of faith. Your spiritual promotions are based on these conquests.

For Deeper insight Study:
Mark.11:23; James. 5:16b(AMP).


Our New Year Bible Verse