Tuesday 2 February 2016


Hi Golden people of divinity, I got this message and wish to share with you all:

One day I decided to quit.... I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality..... I wanted to quit my life. I went to have one last talk with my mentor. I said, "Can you give me  one good reason not to quit?"

The answer surprised me..."Look around. What do you see?” I saw a fern and bamboo seeds?"

My mentor replied, "When the fern and the bamboo seeds were planted, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water.

The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

“In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

“In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

“In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

“Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots.

Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.

Life does not give anyone a challenge they can not handle.
"Did you know that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I did not quit on the bamboo. Never quit on yourself.

Don't compare yourself to others. The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern; yet, they both make the forest beautiful.

“Your time will come. You will rise high! How high should you rise? How high will the bamboo rise? ...As high as it can. So you should rise as high as you can.

Never regret a day in your life.”
• Good days give you Happiness.
• Bad days give you Experiences.
• Both are essential to life.
• Happiness keeps you Sweet,
• Trials keep you Strong,
• Sorrows keep you Human,
• Failures keep you Humble,
• Success keeps You Glowing,
• But only your faith keeps you going!
Have faith in God!


Hello lovely people of a great nation. As far as we take care of your spiritual needs we take care of others too,I'll be sharing with you a message my sent to me by one of my mentors in ministry,this message will help you,sharpen you,build in you a confidence and give you a new mentality as it did to me. This message talks about marriage, choosing the right partner,the role of a man and woman in a relationship, how to know she's yours and vice versa. Be blessed by it.

���� LADIES if you haven't LEARNED SUBMISSION, stay away from MARRIAGE. Marriage is not PARTNERSHIP, its AUTHORITY, you are under your Husband and subject to Him.

���� The higher authority is Jesus. If HE is not SUBJECT to CHRIST, then its an ERROR! Start learning how to SUBMIT to your mum, dad, pastor, leaders and BOSS if you haven't being doing SO yet.

���� GENTLEMEN, it doesn't
make you become BOSSY. Oh GENT if YOU still THINK ME, MYSELF and I, then you ain't matured yet for MARRIAGE.

���� Stop Proposing and engaging sisters for donkey years and telling them to wait for YOU? Huh?

���� GENTLEMEN, MATURITY is for RESPONSIBILITY, don't go finding a woman when you ain't ready to be responsible. It's more than AGE and having a beard, or a good house, car or so much money in your bank account.

���� HELLO MR, Your parents still feed you, give you pocket money ,PAY your SCHOOL FEES? HUH? You have no business COURTING or being in a RELATIONSHIP not to talk of MARRIAGE. An adult still being BREASTFED? That's an ERROR!!!

���� FINDING someone to LOVE YOU is very EASY, but FINDING someone SUITABLE for YOU is the ASSIGNMENT.

���� LOVE is not enough for you to MARRY ANYONE. WHAT'S YOUR DEFINITION OF LOVE? HE CALLS YOU EVERYDAY? Say what? Any good friend can do that. SHE COOKS GOOD and BRINGS YOU NICE MEALS? Even your mum can cook. HE TAKES YOU OUT ALWAYS and SHOPS FOR YOU? That's sweet, but even a good girl friend can do that for you.

���� SHE'S CARING? Huh? Your sister cares, your mum does, that Lady at work cares!
SHE'S BEAUTIFUL? Beauty is Vain, charm is deceit!

���� If your reasons for marrying anyone is JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM or HER, those are LAME REASONS.....Its too cheap!

���� Have you checked, if he or she tithes? How about partnering in the kingdom? Who is he listening to? Who is she subjected to aside you?, What's
his or her relationship with others, family, friends or colleagues? You just can't be the only person he or she is passionate about or cares for? If you are, there is an error! We have too much love to dispense to only one person.

���� LOVE is more than feelings, its a FORCE! Its SUPERNATURAL and everyone is capable of LOVE.

���� Like I always say DON'T MARRY DREAMERS, MARRY VISIONAIRES!!! People Who make realistic and achievable goals and get them done in every little way.

���� There would be a time when those FEELINGS won't feel like it, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? You need CONCRETE CONVINCTIONS to MARRY SOMEONE! That's why as a MAN you must have VISIONS, LAID DOWN already! Know who you are and your God-given purpose.

���� LADY know who you are and where you are going, SO YOU DON'T GET CARRIED away by any man's vision.

���� There must be a MEETING POINT in your VISIONS, you are PARTNERS, If you're not going where the other is going, LEG IT!

���� GENT, YOUR WIFE is a HELPMEET, called to assist YOU. GENT! Now who told you because SHE PRAYS so WELL and SINGS so sweetly she's the ONE FOR YOU! Even the devil comes as an angel of LIGHT.

���� ENJOY your feelings with caution, DON'T LET THEM CONTROL YOU. There's a CALLING for EVERYONE. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU MARRY! Find it before you think of saying I DO!

���� AGE is not maturity! ( Pause and think). BE IN YOUR PLACE OF PURPOSE LADY - even if its a HOLE, HE WILL FIND YOU. Stop trying to FIND HIM. Lady protect your self-esteem. SET a STANDARD for yourself, UPHOLD BIBLE- based VIRTOUS VALUES and stick to them. 

���� Nevertheless, LOVE is IMPORTANT, SHOW MUCH LOVE. Love is like a Plant, it takes time to grow when you are watering it.

���� EVERY RELATIONSHIP without COMMUNICATION dies no matter what kind it is. There must be constant sharing of thoughts. DON'T become INACCESSIBLE or deaf to your PARTNER, understand even their SIGN LANGUAGE. That's why you must pay attention to those you LOVE.

���� Yes its a responsibility, STUDY them and get to know them.

���� Without respect there is no love but remember RESPECT is earned; Guy don't go fighting for who to bow to YOU or call you LORD, its childish. When a woman LOVES you and you show her how important she is to you, she would KNEEL for YOU without you asking her to.

���� If you can't TRUST your PARTNER, you can as well leave now before MARRIAGE. You won't always be there to MONITOR them, stop STALKING!!!

���� LOVE is the BEST GIFT we can give to anyone, show much LOVE

���� Ephesians 5:33 Amplified version; "and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband [ that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].

���� 1: You see the 1st synonym for reverence is to notice him. Most women don't notice their husbands. They think they are still in their parents house where they just walk and see their siblings sitting in the sitting room and just greet them and pass by! If your husband is alone in the parlor maybe watching tv go straight there, hold his hand, sit very close to him, maybe lean your head on his shoulder. Just do something romantic and watch with seriousness what he's watching

���� If you don't like watching football and he likes it you better start learning how to watch football. Moreover when men have their women around them, it makes them feel proud, it makes them feel important and valued, it makes them more a man.

���� Don't act as though your husband is an inanimate object, notice him! Don't wait until you have a need before coming to him. Men too love to be loved.

Notice the nice shirt he wears, his shoe, tell him how beautiful his tie is.

More Are Coming So Fasten Your Seat Belt.��


My dear Brethen of divinity citizens i want to let you all kno that without the word of God in you, there is no solution to your problem.i may not kno what you are passing tro in life, the qus is did you have Jesus in your life,the author nd the finisher, the begining nd the ending he is the only one who can healed, all your diseases as written in (luke 6 :19).

when you hear the word of God, you will healed from your diseases, there is a very big difference from hearing the word of God nd having it inside you.

any man in christ Jesus can never sick, beacuse you are living in the word of God, you are justified nd you are no more condemn as written in Romans (3 :6 - 7).

my dear Brethen of divinity citizens is not for you to say i am this nd i am that in my Church, the qus is did you have Jesus christ in your life, did the resurrection Jesus dwelling in you, did you recieve him as your personally lord and saviour?

did you kno that when you have Jesus christ in your life, you can never be confuse in life, you can never be frustrated and you can never be sick, neither begged for any ting in life beacuse christ in you the hope of glory. when you Jesus dwell in you, you hope for every thing good in your furture.

so my dear Brethen of God, please look for a place were the will be preaching the resurrection of Jesus and see if your life will ever remain the same.

I am here this morning to tell you all that by making Jesus christ your number one thing in life, your life can never remain the same,above all you are a new creation and from that very moment every good things in life will be your portion in the name of Jesus Amen.

Our New Year Bible Verse