Friday 29 January 2016


This is a special message for pastor's, Evangelist,ministers etc.

The World is Waiting for You :

Ps 40 : 10 tells us : “ I have not kept this good
news hidden in my heart ; I have talked about
your faithfulness and saving power . I have told
everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing
love and faithfulness .”

�� There is something about
stepping out in faith that activates a boldness
and grace to minister to the lost . I think many
times God is waiting for us to get out of our
comfort zones and go to those areas where we
might be stretched and fully dependent on Him .
We’ ve come to expect God to do the miraculous
in the preparation process , and over and over
we’ ve seen Him prepare the way ahead of us . I
never get tired of hearing joyful pastors say :
“Thank you for coming. We have been praying
and asking God to send someone to us for years. ”
�� 2. Good Relationships Make all the Difference:
Once a city has been decided upon for the event,
building sound relationships with local pastors
and leaders ( of all denominations) is the number
one key in putting together a successful crusade.
Remember , local pastors are the gateway to the
people . Developing relationships requires an
investment of time and patience and is always
well worth the effort . At times the temptation
might be to focus more attention on the
arrangements and preparations – especially when
challenges or obstacles arise. However it is
important to balance both aspects . When good
relationships are in place , people are then likely
cooperate and contribute by offering direction ,
suggestions and assistance in all aspects of the
planning and preparation. All of which is
invaluable to the overall success of the event.

☝3. Nothing beats Good Preparation:

Nothing beats good strategic planning and
preparation. It is extremely important to research
thoroughly and go through every detail to make
sure that each operational aspect of the event is
properly thought through . Create a checklist and
ask yourself a few questions, What is our Plan B
for this ? What happens if the electricity goes
out ? What happens if the truck transporting our
sound equipment breaks down? Is there a
backup? What if it rains ? Planning well and
anticipating potential problems will most often
ensure an enjoyable time of ministry and alleviate
much frustration . To simplify the priorities, the
following items are non -negotiable .

1) Permission – Has the city issued a permit for
the crusade?

2) Publicity – Have we done all we can to let
people know about the crusade ?

3) Platform – Do we have a platform to preach

4) Power – Do we have stable electricity ? Do we
have a backup?

5) Public Address System – Is the sound good ?
Can people hear clearly ?

6) Preacher – Am I ready for God to use me to
reach the multitudes?

��4. Location, location, location . Choosing the
Crusade Grounds :
There are a couple of thoughts when considering
a venue for the crusade. After exploring all
possible venue options , give preference to a
visible, open field situated along a well- traveled
street. An open and highly accessible venue
makes people feel welcome and able to attend .
There are times when a stadium may be used if
no other options exist however , keep in mind that
stadiums are usually built to keep people out
unless a payment of some sort is made . This
alone may deter the poor from attending .
Additionally there are normally fees involved as
well as a significant amount of red tape to deal
with. We have always found that our attendance
and impact is greater when we use an open
space situated in a good part of the city. This
might be a soccer field , a city park or plaza, fair
grounds, or even a large parking lot .
��5. Timing is everything . Choose the Right Time:
Unless an indoor venue is being used for the
event, weather is always something to consider.
The best time of year to plan an open- air crusade
is during the dry season – after the crops have
been harvested . This normally is a “feel good ”
time in the country and families are more likely to
attend planned events .

��6. Live Ready , Go Prepared:
You may be the only voice your audience will ever
have to deliver them from eternal separation from
God. Take the time to pray well in advance , seek
God and prepare your messages . Expect God to
work through you and to move mightily at the
crusade. People’ s lives will be eternally changed
as a result of the event – if you are prepared .
Board the airplane with a determination to be a
blessing and to make a difference in the lives of
many. TL Osborn stated: “if you are not fit to
demonstrate the gospel , then you’ re not fit to
preach it .”

��7. Maximum Impact:
Leading and presenting a well- organized event
will have long lasting impact . It will promote
unity within the body of Christ as churches and
denominations work together for a common
purpose . Believers will be emboldened to share
Jesus outside of the four walls of the church, and
it will provide a platform for further ministry long
after the event is over.
��8. Leave an Enduring Legacy :
You may be organizing an event but ensure that
it initiates or contributes to an ongoing ,
sustainable process and leaves a lasting legacy
which local partners can energetically maintain.
��9. Other Important Considerations :
There are many other practical aspects to
planning a successful event, a few of which are:
publicity and advertising , volunteers, working with
committees, funding & risk, church involvement
and follow - up. On your next overseas event
consider bringing a team along to help you in
ministry and expose them to the mission field .
Plan other types of outreaches that will
complement the crusade and reach an even
greater number of people . A few ideas would be :
prison outreach, street ministry, ministry to
orphans, or even a building project .
I believe in mass crusade evangelism today more
than ever . Some would suggest that the world
has already been reached via television , radio and
the Internet . I believe that there are still many
unreached people waiting for someone to come
and share Jesus with them in person . Mass
crusade evangelism provides an effective way of
doing just that – gathering multitudes of people
together for the purpose of preaching and
demonstrating the gospel . As one evangelist
declares : “people in this generation have a right
to hear the gospel ”. May our prayer be : “Lord
send us to the darkest places , to those who have
not yet heard . ”

From the president Divinity World Outreach Int'l
(Divinely Empowering Men) to all leaders and ministers of the Gospel.

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Our New Year Bible Verse