Saturday 6 February 2016


Great Citizens Of Divinity, I'm always glad writing to you, I know so far we have learnt a lot about the man Jesus but there's still more to learn about him, today I'll be talking about "CHRIST,ANTICHRIST &FALSE PROPHETS, while we continue more in Jesus but I think I have to plant some seeds into your spirit early preparing you for more of the messages here. After the message of today some people will come to deep understanding of Christ, some will change their churches, some will get offended and leave this Church, some will be glad they belong here by staying here almost every second ,some will make this ministry their Church..
This message will make you take a decision that will favour you for life. Get ready.


��                    THE  CHRIST:
So many of us think that Christ was the name of Jesus,I know you are saying this man again today but you know I'll always tell you the truth, "Christ" means CHRIS-TOS in Greek which means "ANOINTED ONE"," MESSIAH" not the name of the person it is being used like this JESUS CHRIST which means Jesus the anointed one,the Messiah and not his name. Jesus is his name and a man anointed by God to redeem us from the law of sin and death. Let me show you proofs in the scriptures Jesus said in Luke 4: 17-19 " And there was handed to Him [the roll of] the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened (unrolled) the book and found the place where it was written,(F)

18The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruise etc,

Let's also look @ 1Corinth.15:3 " For I passed on to you first of all what I also had received, that Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for our sins in accordance with [what] the Scriptures [foretold],.
So Christ Jesua as we discussed is a man and will still be a man forever, why because he wanted to be identified with us.

↘ Jesus Christ while on earth as a man before and after his resurrection was he ever sick,was he ever poor,was he ever oppressed;No he wasn't even though he passed through tempations as a man but he wasn't experiencing the down side of life,if we are like him as he is then we must identify with him both in his lifestyle etc he wasn't for once sick,he wasn't for once poor etc,the scripture says we are joint heirs with Christ and partakers of his divine nature, I always tell people a new creation cannot be sick, poor,disadvantage why because we are identified with Christ who never experienced this things,I can preach a whole year on this but let's go to the message for today I talk on that tomorrow. As we said Christ is not his name but a reference added to his name to make him who he is. Do you know Jesus had another name,that name was "I AM" do you noticed when ever he speaks he'll say I AM in the father and the father in me, I AM the son of God,now this also makes you remember when Moses ask  God his name and  God also told him I AM,if truly you are joint with Christ and he lives in you, he said you are one with him and the father. So what is your name "I AM Is your name too. Hallelujah. Be identified with him in his humanity and Divinity. Jesus is the MESSAGE of the scriptures.

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