Tuesday 14 February 2017


I have to finish the part 2 of this teaching because its already a new day in different parts of the world.
If you missed out on the first part of this teaching please visit our web page blog to study it intensely. Most people love reading short teachings because they feel they don't have the time,but how will you grow if you don't spend time in studying the scriptures, teachings and be eqquiped for the work of the ministry.

Let's deliver this teachings and get into another series of teachings from tomorrow!

NOTE: When you give to a ministry, it’s not just what they need, it’s what you need too!

King Solomon didn’t need the queen’s riches, but she needed his wisdom and blessing, and her gift opened the door to the very things she needed. She probably left with more riches than she brought, and just think of how much more of a blessing she may have been to the poor on her return trip. This is a great example of how things work in the kingdom of God.

When you give to a ministry, you not only bless the people that are being touched by that ministry, but you start a supernatural flow of your finances, and you partake of the anointing and the blessing that’s on that minister’s life.

It’s not bad to want the anointing that is on my life or that of another minister. The Bible says that we are to desire spiritual gifts. I really believe that the things that are operating in my life have come in part, not totally because I have supported great men and women of God. I gave on purpose, saying, “God, I want to be a part of that. I’m going to sow part of my life into this person and into that ministry and, by doing so, open a door that allows the blessing that’s on them to flow toward me.” It doesn’t just happen automatically; you have to have faith. But I believe that you can start seeing these things happen in your life just as I have seen in mine, if you will mix faith with your gifts.

This is a story of a dear Man of God and his wife,concerning a friend who partner with other ministries that fed them spiritually, HE SAYS- (Some very good friends of I and my wife, whom we’ve known since about 1980, have a great testimony that will illustrate sowing into the anointing and partnership).👇

Charlie and Jill LeBlanc are one of the most anointed couples in music I’ve ever heard. Even though they have always had a powerful anointing, they struggled financially earlier in their ministry. Because of that, they developed a real heart for other quality ministries in the same position. They were taking all their tithes and offerings and giving them to smaller ministries where they felt their gift could really make a difference.

Their gifts were certainly making a difference in the lives of these ministers and the people those ministers were reaching. They were also experiencing a supernatural flow of God’s divine prosperity coming toward them, but they were still missing one very important element—they needed an impartation of anointing and blessing that those they were giving to were not able to give.

The Queen of Sheba needed something her peers weren’t able to give either, so she went to the one who could, King Solomon. It wasn’t just a selfish desire; it was important so she could better fulfill her role as queen.

The Lord began to convict Charlie and Jill of this, telling them that they needed to start giving to ministries that fed them and had an anointing they needed. It was time to start partaking of the blessing and anointing that was on the lives of other ministers. In response, they began giving to people like Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, and me, all ministers who were imparting anointing and blessing to their lives.

Within about six months they received a call from Dave and Joyce Meyer, who asked them to dinner. During dinner, Joyce asked them to lead praise and worship in their Word seminars she conducts across America and around the world. What a blessing! They now minister on a regular basis to thousands, and their anointing has increased proportionally. It was no accident that this door was opened to them after they started giving, expecting to receive increased blessing and anointing. This isn’t to say that God doesn’t lead us to do benevolence giving, expecting nothing in return, because he does.

Just like the Queen of Sheba, Charlie and Jill could have been sidetracked by the needs of all who were struggling, but they knew that what they would receive in increased anointing and blessing would make it possible to benefit those around them in a much greater way.

It’s important to understand the power that is available in partnership and then put that power to work for you. I pray that the eyes of your understanding are enlightened and that the Holy Spirit has borne witness with this teaching in your heart, and I release the blessing and anointing on my life to you, my partners.
To partner with us directly you can contact us now divinitycitizens@gmail.com or call +234-7011591171.
God bless you.

                                                              Chris White Ministries® 2017

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