Sunday 27 December 2015

 (πŸ‘ͺπŸ’₯🌏): SEASONS GREETINGS Dear Beloved, Warm greetings in Jesus name. Congratulations and welcome to the festive season, as we all know today is widely known as Christmas Day,and also the year is coming to an end;it was indeed a year of favour, grace,triumph, increase etc, Indeed we @ divinity ministry experienced favour & triumph on all sides even as we have yielded ourselves as vessels to favour others.  A million thanks to you, all of you here @ divinity nation,those who have sacrificed their personal things to stay consistent to this vision.I know that you'll never suffer shame or have any regrets because you are furthering God's righteous cause in Jesus name, Amen!  Have a wonderful Christmas and a glorious new year.. 

You may think you are too far gone, you've made too many mistakes, been through too much. But the KING is looking for you. Not to codemn you, but to restore you, bless you and push you into your purpose.  HIS BIRTH has brought Redemption and Restoration. YOU are the REASON for the SEASON.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Declare today: # HE'S ALIVE IN ME#!!!

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