Wednesday 13 January 2016



��Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and HATH MADE US KINGS and PRIESTS untos God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (Revelation 1:5-6).

��When God looks at you, He doesn't see a helpless, needy person who's always looking for a way out.

��He sees a king; He sees someone full of dominion and authority! You've been ordained by God to reign and rule in the realm of life; He has made you superior to the devil and every demon of darkness.

��Not only does God expect you to see yourself as a king, He also expects you to live as one.

��How do you practise kingship? It begins from your consciousness. You must make up your mind that you're going to walk, talk, pray and live as a king.

��The scripture says God has made you a king, so you look into the mirror and tell the fellow in that mirror, "You're a king!" Then you ask yourself, "How do kings behave?" One thing is sure: kings don't beg; they make decrees! So start making declarations of faith.

��Begin to exercise your God-given authority and dominion over the devil and the negative forces of life. This kind of consciousness will affect your prayer life and all the beggarly prayer prayers will be a thing of the past.

��When you pray, you should minister to God as a priest and make decrees as a king. You are a king, born of the king of kings! Your words are backed with power; they contain an inherent, dynamic ability to change any negative situation and put the devil to flight.

��Therefore, be bold to speak in line with God's Word. Be bold to make decrees, and whatever you decree shall be established unto you.

��Practising kingship will affect even your posture and gait. It'll get rid of the slouch from your walk and put some spring in your steps.

��It'll cause you to square your shoulders, hold your head up, and walk with dignity!


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