Wednesday 13 January 2016


(A Secret To Effective Living)

"Honour your father and your mother, " which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on earth."'(Ephe:6:2-3).

In our theme scripture today, we find an important key to a long and prosperous life. It says for you to honour your father and mother, that it may be well with you,and that you may live long on earth. Notice that God didn't give you any condition upon which you should honour your parents. He didn't say, " "Honour your father and mother if they're good people.... " No! So long as they're your parents, you must honour them.

This is the first commandment with a promise. When you follow it,the Bible says you'll prosper and live long on the earth. It doesn't matter what career you want to pursue,or in which country you live,you'll always experience victory and enjoy good success.

There're some folks who never suceed in life no matter how hard they try. They get a good Job, only for them to get into trouble and lose the job. Everything about them is just one unfortunate story after another, and their condition keeps getting worse regardless of their incessant prayers. That's the kind of situation one may find himself in if he fails to honour his parents. But when you do the word and honour your parents, your prayers will produce the right results,and things will always vturn out well for you everywhere you go.

Think of ways of honouring your parents today,and do them.

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Remain Blessed.

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Our New Year Bible Verse