Friday 8 January 2016

New Year Commitment.

Beloved Divinity Citizens��

➡I want to welcome you all to the new year, new season once again. I am confident that the word of God is working mightily in your life even as His grace is multiplied unto you.

➡2016 has begun as we are all aware just few days has passed away, you have to recognize what God has done for you & for your family & give him praise. And also it is expedient for you to know that there's so much demands that heaven will place on you this year as regarding the souls of men,so it is so expedient to know that your ability to get focused irrespective of seeming distractions is a sign of your maturity in the spirit. You've got to train yourself to think in the same direction with your pastor because you cannot run at variance. You've got to make up your mind to be vital in God's plan by letting your life count in the kingdom of God in this 2016 & beyond.

➡Your expliot must be evident to both men & angels not just because you are born into the kingdom but because of your relevance in God's plan.

➡As you grow,more responsibility will be placed on you,this portrays your importance in the kingdom of God,and so more demands will be placed on you.This is a big plus for you.Nobody is taking you for granted,rather be happy.The worst thing that can happen to a believer is to take away his/her responsibility. This is like rendering him useless and making him irrelevant.

➡When God gives you a responsibility; that means more grace is added to you,with that you can never make up your mind today to be relevant in God's kingdom, let heaven celebrate you in 2016 not just for anything but for your availability for the kingdom's work.

➡I sieze this opportunity to also commend all those who have began this vision with me,I want to specially thank you for your encouragements ,support, seeds,efforts, availability,prayers and time etc in moving the kingdom forward @DIVINITY WORLD OUTREACH INT'L. Though we are yet to cover a lot of grounds in 2016 & beyond,like organizing our seminars,mentorship meetings, skills acquisition meetings, crusades,outreaches etc in UK (London), India,(Delhi,Gangtok etc) China,Germany, Nigeria and some local villages here in Nigeria & abroad. I want to say to all relevant citizens of Divinity World Outreach Int'l; You are wonderful! with great faith in our hearts we look forward to conquer more grounds 2016 & beyond and move higher to a greater height.

������ I pray for you this day,that the spirit of God will rest upon you & cause you to function in a greater wisdom. May circumstances, men and creation all work together for your good and success in Jesus name.Amen

I love you.

From the pastor's desk.

Pastor Chris-White

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Our New Year Bible Verse