Friday 8 January 2016

Phronesis  for you.  ➡Nothing is for itself; Rivers doesn't drink water, Sun doesn't need heat and Trees doesn't eat fruits.  ➡You are not for yourself, you are here to contribute to the lives of many.  ➡The world is starving for your contribution.  ➡Don't waste your life on things that add no value to you and the people.  ➡Take some time today and meditate on who you are in Christ Jesus!  ➡You’re God’s perfectly crafted masterpiece, set forth to manifest His glory and display His praises to the world around you.  ➡Your responsibility now is to be the best of you for Him.  ➡You’re the only one of you that God has.  ➡He’s never had another one like you, He doesn’t have another like you, and will never have another like you.  ➡That’s how unique you are. Therefore be a success for Him!  ➡Be the best of you for Him, and give Him your all. Offer your services faithfully.  From The Pastor's Desk!!!.

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Our New Year Bible Verse