Thursday 18 February 2016


Good morning my lovely and holy Nation, I'm always exuberant communicating with the God-class because its a privilege given freely without a price tag on it,Jesus did it all & that's why I'm bold enough to preach this Gospel. This morning I have few things to start your day with so you don't do the wrong thing, always remember when your foundation in the word is based on works, the flesh, when its faulty, full of carnal practices then hour results will be faulty, wrong etc the scriptures are "PROFITABLE" for  "DOCTRINE" in what and what "REPROOF(evidence, tasted and trusted in everything)," CORRECTION"(learning) in what "RIGHTEOUSNESS" why ? That the man of God might be perfect in all things and have all good things.
So without a proper/sound teaching like the one I do here you'll be having the wrong results etc. So if you listen,take time to read my Gospels you'll not find difficulties in understanding the new testament revelations. As a new creation you are being implanted with the God life and that life has words, knowledge that bring it's fruit in you, so this is why God says that his own people suffer,go into want,die "why" because they lack knowledge (revelation) of who and what they are made of. I hear of many Christians argue of whether to stand, sleep,run etc and pray,but I'm here to correct you in righteousness.

When it comes to praying there is no special thing about it why because the veil had been removed, and you bringing in sentiments in prayer is a wrong practice and ignorance, I hear some say you don't speak in tongues anywhere just like that,I only  wonder where is better if not wherever you are,Paul says that all men should lift holy hands praying everywhere, he also I pray in the spirit and understanding also.
Notice his tenses whenever he talks,he said I pray in the spirit first and then understanding, why many Christians cannot pray is because they want to pray with their understanding (their mother tongue, the language they understand) instead if praying in the spirit and that is why the get tired on the way. 1 Corinthians. 14:15 says " Then what am I to do?      I will pray with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding; I will sing with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will sing [intelligently] with my mind and understanding also.

So praying In the spirit (other tongues) is the only language of a new creation man, in the world every Citizen of their countries has their languages even their ethnic groups, but we in Zion communicate to the father in one language and he understands us but no man can, that's praying in tongues.
No wonder Paul said "I thank God I pray in tongues more than ye all,that means he was praying in tongues everywhere, in the room,kitchen, toilet,while washing clothes etc no wonder he made so much impact in his generation, he showed us the secret to his success in life, he never hid it. So many debate on praying quietly and not shouting; my dear as long the the holy spirit lives in you & you begin to pray in the spirit, you cannot control the fire burning on the inside because you'll scream for the glory is all over you,something is happening inside you, its like putting a plantain on a hot oil what will happen, it will scream; that's what happens when you pray in tongues, no matter how you try controlling it. Christianity is not for cool people, this life of God in you needs drunk men,rugged men,men that have lost their own minds for Christ,  so praying like a gentle man or woman, you deprive yourself of what you are made of,you cannot put gas in a vehicle and drive instead of fuel. You can only grow, be motivated, succeed when you pray always in the spirit. Jude 1:20 proofs this it says
But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [[d]make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;

��So if you've never prayed in tongues, start praying today, this doesn't happen specially or by fasting, immediately you got born again you were baptized in the spirit and fire, John baptize in water but Jesus came and didn't baptize in water anymore but with the holy ghost & fire,so forcing you to baptize in water is a mere practice, someone can baptize and is not born again; are you aware of that,so Jesus wanted us to go beyond works & practices to reach to him,because this thing is a spiritual thing;so your pastor forcing you to baptize in water compulsorily after you were baptized into Christ,your pastor is saying that based on ignorance, the day you got born again, you were baptized into Christ because this is a spiritual thing do no need fighting your self over baptizing in water, you may say but Jesus baptized yes you must also know that whatever Jesus did was to fulfill all righteousness, all laws for your behalf that you may no longer go through such process,but come to the father through him not through practices, this is a big and high revelation & its a blessing you know it,so if you weren't baptized by water(works) which Jesus did on your behalf & you are born again, then you have been baptized into Christ, because the same thing done in the water,being immersed 3 times signifies what JESUS did,his death,his burial & ressurection;he did all these to show you that hale has taken your place,being a new creation you have come into rest(Christ), you don't struggle anymore, no conditions for anything, when  God looks @ you he sees Jesus, you are not even in the picture but Christ seen in you, until you understand the revelations of Christ you'll be living in perpetual bondage of ignorance, that is why I always say you need to know ,who you are,what you have, and what you are not and what you are not supposed to do. so the day you got born again you were baptized into Christ therefore you received the holy spirit, and you have a new language which JESUS spoke about in mark 16, that those that believes in his name will speak in new tongues, that's praying in tongues, prophet Isaiah prophesied this that a generation is coming that will be talking in a stammering tongues, I think I have to take a week to teach this so we get the understanding better,because what you don't know is what puts you in captive.
So if you are a new creation go ahead and pray in the spirit this morning even if is only one line you speak go ahead and speak it for no man understand what you say except your father. Go-ahead and pray for it is not for pastors, bishops, and Apostles alone.
God bless you all.
Get ready to learn more of God's word its a generation of knowledge and you are a part of this generation so celebrate.

Matthew. 3:11
because of repentance [that is, because of your [e]changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

The purpose of baptism was because Jesus had not yet come and when he came he took you place,so man can no longer be baptized to repentance but come to in,receive him to repentance, repentance is the renewing of your minds,sin stays in the minds,that is why the scripture say let the mind of "CHRIST" be in you;so all you are to see,think of his Christ not angels,demons etc Christ Jesus is the center of everything, don't always forget that whatever JESUS did was because he didn't want you to go through it again and again,remember he said Go into the world & preach the Gospel,baptizing them in the name of the father, son & the holy spirit not water and river Jordan anymore, when you receive Christ you receive the father,and the spirit because all is one in Christ, the scripture says he that is joined to God is one spirit. So you are baptized in the name of the father,son and holy spirit, you may ask but why did many of us baptize in water simple its because those that taught those that baptize us  were teaching mere theology and not the spirit in the word, they interprets the scriptures with their minds and teach them to teach us,that's why a lot of thought being a Christian is too difficult, they made it seem so,but God didn't see it so,he made everything beautiful so we might enjoy life to the full. The problem is that those that controls the Christiandom teaches religion,African traditional religion,they teach their minds,what they think and how they see it,remember the scriptures are interpreted by the holy spirit to you, not your minds;so that's why many blame God for their predicament, in life what you believe is what controls you why because you are spirit, soul and body,so the bewitchment comes from the pulpit not your village, that was why Paul emphasized on this thoroughly. Repentance is a thing of the mind not actions,Jesus didn't save you because of your actions, righteousness,or holiness. Man strive to understand this from the beginning so God had to send Jesus to open our eyes to this revelation which those of the old covenant could not understand.
There's so much to teach you in Christ so stay tight and ready to learn unto a mature man In Christ.
I love you all.☺��

Why many pastors cannot teach the word of grace Jesus brought for us is because they think its difficult and hard and to teach not preach,the people need teaching. It's easy to open the Bible & dig out stuff from the law,works and preach to them telling them to bring olive oil, salt,koboko,fruit to service, intimidating people that needs Jesus in their lives and confusing the hungry sheep's the scripture says in the days of his words the people will be willing, these are the days ,my dear the revelations of Jesus Christ is beyond practice,beyond drinking olive oil, eating snakes,drinking a pastor sperm as I heard in south Africa, eating grass,praying with idols,Rosary's, praying to idols in the name of Mary,these are all deception when you are in Christ you are olive oil yourself and you don't need any olive oil anymore,the people take their minds off the word (Jesus) & set it on olive oil,fruits,salts etc. In Christ there is no such things,Peter said "is any among you sick" why did he ask this question its because its unnatural for anyone to get sick in Zion,its not normal when you are in Zion and you get sick,  its not possible, he was referring to those that just came into Zion not those that live in Zion,he said let them meet the elders and they will minister to them,who are the elders, these are those that have handled the word of God, so when those that are sick meets them they minister health through the word,the word of God is a cleaning agent, that's why Jesus said you are clean through the word I've spoken to you, anytime you read,hear the word you are cleansed,have you ever read the new testament & saw the use of olive oil,it only took place in the old covenant. We are declared free from oppression and bondages, don't go back there.

I always tell my people "Stop making the devil feel like he is too important because he is not,you only make him feel so when you notice his works" look beyond him for he had been defeated he is only seeking attention. And I tell you same thing today, so whatever and wherever you find yourself today is your issue, you put yourself where you belong today because of what you don't know. So go for knowledge don't stop @ what you are about Christ go deeper.

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Our New Year Bible Verse