Thursday 18 February 2016


MANY pastors thinks that ministry is about making money,that is why they deviate for greed and meet the devil,if your aim as a pastor in ministry is to build your wealth you'll be frustrated I tell you in a short time. The ministry is all about Jesus, he is the one that sent you and anything outside Jesus is deception as I always say,many pastors thinks that when they perform miracles they'll have members, ministry is not about members; even the devil can perform miracles that's why  it is called lying wonders,miracles are meant for children, for the unbelievers to believe, Jesus said that this generation seeketh for signs that is why they are mislead but the only Gospel should be the revelation of Jonas in the belly of the fish which is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you measure a man of God by  materiality you are carnal, Greed has entered the Church decorated with the word prosperity,materialism is not Godliness, when your main aim in ministry is  material things you are deviating from the truth, because anything outside truth is not truth. Truth is Truth. The true worth of the man of God is the word and doctrine, the sound word of God is the only thing the church needs; if you teach the church this message you won't need to force people to give,they'll do it wholeheartedly, any pastor preaching this Gospel of Jesus not miracles, works,practice can never be broke, remember Jesus said to his disciples when i sent you without purse,script nor anything except the word lack ye anything,their answers was no. So the church is hungry for the message if Jesus(grace) and not Moses(law giver) because the old covenant has been replaced with the new,therefore any message outside what you grace is bewitchment. That's why Paul said to the Corinthians Churches who bewitched,hypnotized,cast a spell on you,any pastor that preaches the law to you is bewitching you,putting you into bondage and you'll be pushed to & fro like the devil tossed. The spirit of God in you bears witness with the sound word. The reason many pastors loose brethren is because of their content(their content is contained in the law,faultfinding ministrations) but when a pastor preaches the message Jesus(grace) brethren have found the reaveled secrets, when people are looking for solutions in the word you as a pastor bring them back in bondage why won't they leave the church and find grace in time of need. @ the mount of transfiguration 3 people appeared,JESUS(grace), MOSES(lawgiver) & ELIJAH(law restorer) when Peter saw this he said lets build 3 terbanacle here one for Jesus, Moses & Elijah immediately Moses and Elijah heard that they left because Jesus was the one on the scene, instantly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased here only him. Jesus(grace) is the only message to be preached grow Moses(lawgiver) & Elijah(law restorer).when your message is about the message Jesus, you'll experience miracles and wealth in your ministry. The only difference btw a juju pastor and a pastor that is doing miracle is the message because the devil cannot preach sound doctrine that is why many are mislead. As a pastor your aim should be to study and pray not roaming around seeking help from the pit of hell. If your content is about miracles, works practice and fallacies you are towing the wrong line. The new testament are called to do not to obey.

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