Tuesday 16 February 2016



��I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands,without wrath and doubting (1 Timothy 2:8)

��Someone once said, "I always feel reluctant to pray. How do I get free from this? "when ever I want to pray I feel tired" It's just like someone who feels reluctant to eat. If you don't eat,then you'll lose weight and become malnourished.
But there'll only be a change when you choose to act wisely by eating right. Same with prayer; When you feel reluctant to pray that's when you should pray..
Remember God has given you the power of choice,so you have the power to choose and exercise wisdom by acting on your knowledge of the importance of prayer.

��This kind of wisdom is a force; it's more than ability. You can have ability to do something and not do it. But true wisdom is that you know what you should do,and you do it! So let that wisdom function in you at all times and cause you to do what's right,like choosing to pray. Prayer is your life's work,and the best way to learn to pray is to pray. Culture yourself to do this,whether or not you feel like,prayer is labour,it is work;if you wanna see progress in your life you must learn to discipline yourself on prayer,don't sell your God given talents,dreams vision to sleep. Sleep has cost a lot of people their future, some spend their whole day watching Nollywood, African magic etc risking their future on what men like them has taken their time to build,when will people begin to watch you too,don't risk your families life,academy, marriage, relationship, ministry because of not taking that discipline to pray,some times I post prayers here to be prayed at specific times;how many people has always taken advantage of it;they think they are too busy to pray,pray ahead of you for you don't know when you evil day shall come.

��When you're praying always in discipline and labour personally you'll find out that you'll be seeing a great results in your spirit and your life as a whole. Please don't risk your future by sitting on the television for the whole day,when you're supposed to be speaking into your future, when last did you starve yourself of sleep at night at least to pray for 30 mins minimum for your future, ministry,family, child,children, parents,academics etc you've traded it for sleep,discipline your flesh enough to do what your spirit wants it to do. This is when responsibility and maturity comes in. Jesus told his disciples"you cannot tarry with me for an hour"That change you need in your finances, marriage, academics, relationship is tied to your being disciplined to pray consistently. Jesus said in Luke 18:1 "Men ought always to pray and not faint (get tired)", He didn't say,"Men ought always to pray when they feel like!"

��You have the power to decide what you want to do,so choose to pray. Take for example, Paul's admonition to 2 Timothy 4:2: "Preach the word; be instant in season,out of season; reprove,rebuke,exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."

��Here,the Spirit of God teaches us something important, letting us know that whether or not we feel like it,in every season, we ought to preach the gospel. The same thing in prayer;you pray in season and out of season!

��This is where many misses it always. Prayer doesn't require a convenient place per se; you can pray anywhere, in any position. You don't necessarily have to find a place where you can kneel,or a place that's high enough for you to lift your hands or a place where you can shout. You can pray as quietly as possible, or as loudly as you want;you can pray sitting, lying,kneeling-whatever position. What's important is that you pray. So you have no excuse not to pray.

��Make a decision to pray always-anywhere-and God will hear and answer you.

Have a fulfilled Day.
Pastor Chris White.

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