Thursday 2 March 2017


Hello citizens get ready for part 4 of the message series JESUS THE PERFECT THEOLOGY tomorrow, its gonna be hot and explosive,someone ask me will you keep preaching one message and righteousness/sin consciousness message for a long time,and my response," where I'm I rushing to,even if it takes me one year to deliver a message for the people to understand I will,besides the Church isn't an entertainment center but a bible school,every Church should be a Bible school and not an entertainment center, there's no use rushing the message and the people doesn't get it,and so my main aim/focus is for the people to get the message,understand it and live with it as a consciousnesses.

Equipping the believer for the work of the ministry is the job of The 5 fold ministry etc.
Always remember you are alive in Christ and so your sins past,present and future we're left being in hades/hell when Jesus was buried. You no longer have a past,but a past,present and future sanctified, righteous and redeemed.

Be blessed.
See you tomorrow!

CWM Team.

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