Friday 25 November 2016



 Romans 8:16–17
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ...

As long as you are born again, you are no longer a “slave”, but a son of the Most High God. And God does not just call you His son. He also calls you “an heir” through Christ. (Galatians 4:7) In fact, Romans 8:17 says that you are “joint heirs” with Christ.

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you inherit everything that He is. How precious Jesus is to the Father, is how precious you are to the Father. The way the Father loves Jesus, is the way the Father loves you!

How accepted are you by God today? Look at Jesus. That is how accepted you are! Christ is the measure of your acceptance. How favored are you by God? Look at Jesus, who is seated at the Father’s right hand. You enjoy that same favor today because whatever Christ enjoys, you enjoy!

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you also inherit all that He has obtained from the Father. How much Jesus has, is how much you have. How prosperous is the one who made all things, and who put the gold, silver and diamonds in the earth? So are you in this world! (1 John 4:17)

I used to read the Bible to find out how to be a successful and victorious Christian. But now, I read it to find out more about Jesus because I know that when I find Him, I find my every blessing in Him. (Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3)

My friend, all that Jesus is in heaven today, you are in this world. All that belongs to Him belongs to you. That is why it is in your interest to know Him more, to see Him in all His glory and beauty. And because Jesus is so glorious, it will take you a lifetime to discover everything that He has done for you and has for you.

Beloved, you are an heir of the Most High God. You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus. So find out all the blessings that your rich inheritance includes and start walking in them today!
To Know Who You Are First See Jesus.

Chris White Ministries®   |   PO Box 23400   |  NIG(AKS)

Friday 19 August 2016


Hello Citizens Of the most beautiful people from a beautiful country. I'm always glad to communicate to you the unsearchable riches of Christ, as it helps you know more about Christ and his finished works. Today we'll begin our series of message on the knowledge (Epignosis) of "YOUR IDENTIFICATION WITH DIVINITY", always remember when you see Jesus everything else looses value.

2 Corinthians 10:4   (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

I know many of you has come across this scripture many times and even heard your ministers preach it or you yourself preach it but there's something about this scripture which many don't understand, they tend to view it from a carnal/natural mind and interpret it.

Remember the old testaments was founded on things while the new testament is by the spirit, and so when studying the scriptures as a new covenant believer you need to interpret the scriptures from your spirit and not from your mind which can only tell you what you feel,see and perceive.

That same scripture does not talk about battling an unseen enemy,many tend to keep fighting till today,blaming other humans for their misfortunes in life,are you aware that the devil cannot hurt you except you give him access,the scriptures above speaks of these,your weapons of warfare are not you praying and binding the devil,fasting for 100 days,locking up yourself for days,yet when you come out of all these nothing changes,have you ask yourself what really happens,
The scriptures says we are not to be led by our sensory perception, ie your mind will tell you to fast and pray then something will change, my friend I've been on these road before yet nothing changes,then you may ask where is the problem then,its all in the scriptures.

I know many will refer to when Jesus told his disciples to fast and pray to cast out a demon,let's go there  Mark  9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Here Jesus was not referring to fasting to cast out demons,when you read the entire title you'll understand that something happened before he made this statement, his disciples tried casting out the demon but couldn't and when they came to Jesus he made that statement to them,before then Jesus said in Mark  9:19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me. Mark  9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Jesus was referring to their unbelief in casting out the demon and not fasting to cast out the demon,pls understand this and be corrected, one doesn't need to fast to cast out a demon,a new creation born into Christ can cast out demons with or without fasting,their major problem was unbelief,they needed to get rid of it before they could live the spiritual life Jesus wanted and not depended on things, now don't quote me wrong I'm not saying fasting isn't right,fasting is only but an exercise, its a deliberate thing just to keep you concentrate, staying away from friends is fasting,putting your phone on silence to study is fasting,staying hungry today is fasting with or without prayers, now Christianity is all about knowledge of who Christ is,his finished works and your identification with him.

Time may not allow me to write everything today, now getting back to our scripture, the change you need in your life isn't by praying too much,going to all types of churches,going for seminars,conferences etc,the change takes place in you and the only answer to this Is the knowledge of Christ, that verse says casting down imagination, and every high thing that exalted itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST, you are in that dilemma today because you do not have the knowledge of Christ, these was the prayer of Paul to the churches he visited, when you come into knowledge of who you are in Christ, his finished works etc there's no thought,other knowledge that can put you down, you are one lucky person to be here because here we unveil Christ to you and nothing else.

When you see yourself in Christ sickness, poverty, death etc becomes an alien, every other thing becomes subject to you. This is the truth and nothing else,the scripture says in psm 82-5-6 they know not neither will they understand, I have said you are gods and all of you are the children of the most high,but you die like mere men because you not understand, many die today because they believed the doctors report,instead of the word,many die today because of unbelief, the knowledge of Christ in you swallows up all these things and so,

You cannot be in him and be sick,poor and die. When you come to these knowledge every other thing will be subject to you.
I pray that you'll know Jesus beyond the pictures of your mind and grow in the knowledge of his finished works for you.
Part 2 comes up tomorrow GMT+1(9:00am)



Chris White Ministries® | PO Box 23400  |  NIG,(AKS) Uyo.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Pastor Chris White

Hello Beloved Brethren in Love, I Know You Are Growing In The Love & Knowledge Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I want you  to take out time and read today's series intensively,

                           GOD LIVES BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION ( VOL 1) part 3

Luke  21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

   We have established the fact yesterday that Jesus Christ lives in our hearts which is our spirit, we also read from the Pauline Gospels how that he referred to us a Gods building, God's temple, today we'll travel deeper into the word and unravel more mysteries.

Jesus speaking to his disciples in the four gospels told them in John  2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
This message Jesus was conveying to them was that a time will come when God will now live in a man and make him his temple, they never seems to understand spiritual realities, remember I said yesterday that the New Testament is founded in the spirit which is the death,burial & ressurection of our Lord Jesus Christ, while the Old Testament was founded on physical things, animal sacrifices, superstitious beliefs, unbelief, etc. 

Paul in the epistles is always communicating to us deep things of God revealed  which was hidden right form the foundation of time, while Jesus was communicating to his disciples concerning this particular temple,he referred to him self as the temple, John  2:21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

This particular temple needed to be destroyed in order to rebuild new ones, God was in old time like an alien to the Israelites but he wanted to build new temples,new men where he can live in the quarters of their heart, and therefore Jesus has to abolish the temple of law and sin and birth forth a new temple of Grace where God is seated,the scripture say in Hebrews 4:16   Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

That throne is in the quarters of your heart,I know you are thinking of a physical throne, that's the natural mind,see in spiritual terms,throne there represents a place of authority, where one exercises authority/power, that same place gives you a mindset of sonship where you no longer think over your past and the physical things,
it tells you,of the direct access you have with God, right inside you, and so when the scriptures says come boldly is a fact telling you to know your place of authority, if God was in a physical place all these wouldn't have been.

Do you remember in the old testament where the priest always go to offer sacrifices, to plead for the sins of the people, that physical place was called the holy of holies,they always believe God lives inside there and therefore no one enters anyhow except the priest, this was a typology of what is to come, and they real substance came when Jesus appeared,died,buried and ressurected and gave birth to us.

We became a living temple for God to live and reign from, let me show you in the scriptures this truth,let's look at Revelation 1:6   And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

This same truth appears 3 times in Revelation. This still establishes that facts.
Revelation 5:10   And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Revelation 20:6   Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Going deeper into this scriptures let me pieces them one after the other to make you understand the mind of God.
When he said a priest, what does a priest do; a priest is one separated (holy) unto God, he hears God as though God lives with him, he is the one who enters the holy of holies as at the old covenant, and so when Jesus died the scripture says the veil which covers the physical temple torn off and God was no more there,God was now interested in building a new place by himself to live and rule from there, at the time Jesus ressurected Mary was about touching new temple built by Christ and Christ told her no, Jesus had to show the father the new temple as a priest he was,and immediately Jesus ressurected he brought forth a new body,an indestructible temple where God lives and the scriptures says any man in Christ is a new creation, the old building has gone,behold it is built a new one. 

We are now a priest where God offer praises from,reaches out from etc and a king where he rules at the quarters of our heart. 

God spoke to Ezekiel and said in Ezekiel 36:26   A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
And in the epistles he said he will write his word in our hearts, Hebrews 10:16   This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
The word of God is God which therefore in reality means he lives in your heart.
God has found a new place to stay, he no more stay in the ark of covenant, holies of holies he lives in you now. Hallelujah

Celebrate what Christ has done in and through you, you are a God carrier, you are the embassy of God,he operates through you,he talks through you,reaches out through you,therefore you cannot be sick,poor,afraid when you have this knowledge, this is why Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16   All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Don't let any man tell you that you are posses of demon,don't let anyone tell you that you have inherited a family disease, generational cures,for a man who God lives in cannot be all these.
That's was why Paul said in his Gospels that you are "more than a conqueror"
Rest in his finished works and you'll enjoy his Grace..

We'll continue with the next series tomorrow to establish more truth that God lives in you beyond heaven's mentality.



Chris White Ministries® | PO Box 23400 |  NIG,(AKS) Uyo.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Pastor Chris White.

Hello Citizens Of Divinity here is today's teaching, I want you to take out time and study intensively, our audio and video messages will soon be online.

                          GOD LIVES BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION (VOL 1) part 2

1 Corinthians 3:9   For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. KJV

We established some truths in the scriptures about where God dwells beyond our carnal mind,  and we said that God is a spirit and dwell in the light in the spirit realm, today we'll go deeper into the deep things of God revealed to us by his spirit.

In the four Gospels where Jesus was teaching his disciples, though they were being obedient to the laws and couldn't understand Jesus message.

Mostly Jesus communicated to them in parables,
Parables are words/ or a way used to communicate to dull people ie slow of understanding spiritual things because they believe everything was to be physical, they never understood that Jesus is always talking in spiritual terms, they needed to see to believe, they needed things to touch,etc but that was not the gospel of Jesus; in regards to their dullness of heart to believe and see in spiritual terms Jesus said to them in John 16:12   I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

Paul also encountered same people who always think carnal during his ministry especially the Christians in the Galatian church, Paul also refer to them as bewitched/carnally minded people in
Galatians 3:1   O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
Galatians  3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

The new testament is in the spirit and not in physical things, the old covenant was always founded upon physical things, they needed to see,do to believe but yet it was a shadow of the real thing to come, a typology of the things to come, Jesus says to the woman in the well that God seeketh worshippers who will worship him in the spirit not on their physical things like images,visionary beliefs etc.

There is a belief that God lives in a heaven no doubt,I'm not denying that which many may think I am,but God does not dwell in the things made to be physical he lives in the spirit as we had established, there is a deeper knowledge about who you are in God and this was what Jesus was trying to communicate to the disciples and paul was trying to communicate to us, that living and seeing in the carnal profited nothing but our reasoning should be spiritual as new creations,

Jesus said to his disciples when they were asking him to show them the father, he tried to communicate spiritual things to them but they kept thinking at the physical,let's look at John 8:19   Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
John 14:9   Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

Jesus was teaching them to see the father inside him, ie helping them understand that God lives inside him but not in a physical place, this is similar to the pauline gospels were he was showing us exactly the same thing in his gospel in  1 Corinthians 6:19   What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1 Corinthians 15:44   It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

This same thing happened when Jesus referred to himself as temple in the four gospels,
Matthew 26:61   And said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days.
When Jesus made this statement they were still thinking in the flesh because they showed Jesus the physical temple of Jerusalem, but Jesus was trying to teach them spiritual realities of how one can become Gods abode,thank God this happened when Jesus died and ressurected, I remembered on one occasion where Jesus told them that whoever beloved in him, he and the father will make his abode in him John 14:23   Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Keeping his words there means believing in his gospel, paul also establishes this fact that we are the temple of God, always have in mind that the old covenant was founded upon physical things, while the new is in the spirit, the scriptures says  in 2 Corinthians 4:18   While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Right from the old covenant they believed that God lived in heaven but in these new testament God lives in our hearts/us, we are his home,we are spirit even book of proverbs confirms this Proverbs 20:27   The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.

Live with the consciousness that God lives in you as a new creation, and no more in a physical place, as the old covenant people believed, he is seated at the quarters of your heart,that is why he called you holy and accepted, you are the best place God can ever live.

We'll continue with the next series tomorrow to establish more fact that God lives in you beyond heaven's mentality.



Chris White Ministries®  |  PO Box 23400 | NIG,(AKS) Uyo.

Monday 8 August 2016

Pastor Chris White.

Hello Citizens Of Divinity Nation, here is today's message,I'll be teaching in series for the next few days, I want you to take out time and listen to these messages both in audio and the ones posted here.

                                   GOD LIVES BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION.(part 1).

  Colossians 1:27  
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Many are shortsighted with the knowledge of this reality, they ask "where does God lives",  "Does God lives in heaven" etc. The word of God has answers to all these questions,

Jesus says God is a spirit and those who worship him should do so in spirit and in truth,
John 4:24   God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. In your human mind think over these can a spirit live in a physical place/house, emphatically No, spirits lives in the realms of the spirit, while human lives in the physical realm; remember from the beginning God created heavens and the earth, but you might ask where was God when he created both places; Genesis 1:1   In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 

The prophet Isaiah says Isaiah 45:18   For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else. Note both places were meant to be inhabited by us.

God must not have been in heaven to create it, where did he live as at then the scriptures says in
1 Timothy  6:16 Who only(God) hath(is) immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Now let me show you in the scriptures that heaven and earth are for the flesh (Man) to dwell, don't forget Christ came as a man to redeem Man, and he went into heaven as man; I have established before that heaven and earth is a place where man will occupy,Paul establishes this fact in his gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:47   The first (man) is of the earth, earthy: the second (man) is the Lord from heaven. Note the word man in that verse which Paul was trying to make us understand, he further place more light on it 2 Corinthians 5:1   For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

Paul was a wonderful man full of Gods revelation, he was bringing many to the light that God sees us beyond a physical being but as a house he called it building of God, these is a great mystery reveled through him,in the Pauline scriptures he talked about we being the temple of God 1 Corinthians 3:17   If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

Remember I said God is a spirit and he lives in the spirit, man is a spirit and has a soul and a body,the spirit of man is the building of God where he lives. I'll establish more of these truths in the scriptures in the nest teaching, But know that God lives in your spirit and not in heaven, in order words heaven is inside us and heaven is not the more important, but the more important is JESUS, when you have him,you have heaven in you and God makes his home in you.

Jesus establishes this truth when he spoke to his disciples in the four-gospels in John 14:23   Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Remember Christ in you is the Gospel and where he lives. We'll be back tomorrow for more teachings on these series.



Chris White Ministries®  | PO Box 23400  |  NIG,(AKS) Uyo.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Pastor Chris White.

Hello Citizens Of Divinity Nation, Here Is The Unsearchable Riches Of Christ For Today.                              

                       A PLACE OF REST(IN HIS WORD)

Matthew 4:4
…He [Jesus] answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”

When the devil tempted Jesus, Jesus turned the Word of God on him, saying, “It is written…It is written…It is written…” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10)

Hebrews 4:9   There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

Hebrews 4:10   For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:11   Let us labour(believe) therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Likewise, should the devil remind you of the pain in your body, say what God’s Word says: “It is written, ‘By His stripes I am healed!’” (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24) And tell Daddy God, “I have Your Word for it and I am standing on Your Word. I am not trying to be healed. My healing has already happened. I don’t care what this body says. It has to line up with Your Word because by Jesus’ stripes I am healed!” God wishes you to be in health and prosper even your soul does, in the epistles Paul says by his stripes you "WERE" healed, ie Christ finished works,so all you need do is to profess and speak forth what the word says concerning you.

And if the devil says to you, “Look at the meager balance in your bank account. How are you going to pay your bills?” just say, “I'm not going to worry because I know that my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

This verse is even a kindergarten level of operating in your response to Gods word,grow to a level where you keep your total dependence on God,see him as a FATHER,not just a universal one,but in relationship terms,(your blood and bones), 

Which father will allow his children to go hungry,he knows what to do because its his responsibility to look after you,so what I'm I trying to say,live in the realm of "REST" let your father do the work,two of you cannot do the work at the same time,remember he neither sleep nor slumber,he told you to stay on his rest,don't struggle nor worry over anything, your needs are already met in Christ,believing this makes you a reality,but depending on your strength will definitely fail you.
It doesn’t matter how much I have in the bank. God’s Word tells me that as the need arises, the supply will be there!”

When fear grips you, don’t say to yourself, “This fear is stupid. Come on, what are the chances of it happening to me?” Don’t try to rationalize or reason your fear away. Instead, speak God’s Word into the situation. Say, “It is written, ‘For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’” (2 Timothy 1:7) What if the fear returns? Speak God’s Word again. Say, “It is written, ‘For God has not given me a spirit of fear…’”

You have the spirit of liberty, not for dancing in the Church but liberty which is a free spirit,freedom from fear,bondage etc, don't believe jargons that the doctor may give to you,whose report will you believe is it the word or the doctor,don't even believe what the pastors of salvation shops tell you,in the name of prophecy to bring you into fear or bondage,resist the devil and he'll flee from you.

When the devil tries to deceive you, give him the Word of God. There is something about the Word of God that causes him not to want to hang around those who use it. It reminds him of Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14), who rendered him powerless and of no effect when He said, “It is written…”
All you need do is to REST in Christ love,You have ETERNAL SECURITY in him.



Chris White Ministries®   |   PO Box 23400  |   NIG,(AKS) Uyo.

Friday 15 July 2016

SET YOUR LOVE UPON JESUS (Pastor Chris White).

Hello Fellow Citizens Of Heaven And Great Citizens Of Divinity Nation,Here Is The Unsearchable Riches Of Christ For Today.               
                                                        SET YOUR LOVE UPON JESUS
  Psalm 91:14
“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
Jesus was in a house in Bethany when a woman came to Him with an alabaster flask containing very costly fragrant oil. She poured the oil on His head. (Matthew 26:6–7) This woman loved the Lord. She had set her love upon Him.
But those who were present considered what she did a great waste because the oil could have been sold for an amount equal to one year’s wages, and the money given to the poor instead. Even Jesus’ disciples were indignant and asked her, “Why this waste?” (Matthew 26:8)
But Jesus defended her, saying, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me.” (Matthew 26:10) Not only that, He accorded her the highest honor when He added, “Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.” (Matthew 26:13)
Two thousand years have passed since this woman anointed Jesus with the expensive oil. She never expected in her wildest dreams that her act of love would be told down through the ages. Many kings and rulers have come and gone. Their great acts have faded from the memories of men. But what this woman did for Jesus is still told today around the world as a memorial to her!
When you get a revelation of how much Jesus loves you, you will set your love upon Him. And when you act out of love for Him, though others may see it as a waste of time, energy or money, He will defend you and deliver you from your critics. He will also set you on high. Your ministry will become powerful and life-changing. Your work will be highly esteemed among your peers. Your company will be prominent and highly successful. And it will not just be a job that you have, but a position of influence to impact many lives.
So set your love upon Jesus. Make Him the love of your life today, and He will defend, deliver and set you on high!
Chris White Ministries®   |   PO Box 52001   |   66 Enwe Str,AKS(NIG)

Sunday 3 July 2016

God's Kingdom.

Hello Citizens of DIVINITY NATION,here is the "UNSEARCHABLE RICHES OF CHRIST" for today.


Romans 14:17
…the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Are you troubled by many things today? For example, are you concerned about your rebellious teenager? Perhaps you see him as your problem, so you do your best to discipline him, only to end up with a heart full of worries and pain. And he is no better!

God says to you, “Don’t focus on controlling your rebellious teenager. Instead, seek first My kingdom, which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Be conscious of the righteousness you have as a gift from My Son. Keep your inner man flowing with My peace and joy, and I will take care of your child.”

We tend to think that the people around us are the problem. When we don’t get the promotion we want, we blame our bosses and colleagues. When we lose our temper, we blame our wives and kids. However, God wants us to stop looking outside and to start looking within because His kingdom is within us. (Luke 17:21)

The abundance of the kingdom of God is already inside you. As you seek first God’s kingdom, and follow His righteousness, peace and joy, the abundance within you will flow out and become a reality in your circumstances.(Matthew 6:33) You will find that God has not only taken care of what is troubling you, but has also added blessings to you, be it a promotion, well-behaved kids or a loving wife.

“But Pastor White, how do I keep my inner man flowing with righteousness, peace and joy?”

Be conscious of your righteousness in Christ. Don’t be conscious of your sins and problems. Listen to anointed sermons that remind you of how righteous you are because of the perfect sacrifice of Christ. Peace and joy flow when you know that all your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus’ finished work.

So the next time something troubles you, don’t focus on correcting the problem. Instead, seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. Make it a priority to have your inner man flowing with His peace and joy, and He will take care of that problem for you!


Chris White Ministries®   |   PO Box 52001   |   66 Enwe Road, AKS(NIG).

Monday 13 June 2016


Hello Beloved nation,here is the unsearchable riches of Christ for today,buy truth and grow in knowledge and understanding; this teaching is one of those messages that will sharpen and transform your mind towards life and your human needs!

 Luke 17:21
…For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

When you were younger, were you often scolded for not finishing all your food or leaving the lights and fan on when you left your room? Were you constantly reminded that there are people starving in the world, that electricity costs a lot of money and that money doesn’t grow on trees? Now, do you find yourself telling your child the same things?

We are naturally conscious of lack, but Jesus isn’t. Even in the midst of lack, He was always conscious of abundance. Remember the little boy’s five loaves and two fish? What did Jesus do when these were placed in His hands? Did He say, “What do you expect Me to do with so little?” No, His eyes were not on the natural, the visible, the lack. His eyes were on the kingdom of God where there is always abundance. So in His hands, the little boy’s lunch was multiplied, and 5,000 men, not counting women and children, were fed that day! (John 6:1–13)

God doesn’t want you to be conscious of the lack in your natural circumstances. He doesn’t want you to live by how much you earn or how much you have in the bank. Now, I am not encouraging you to spend foolishly beyond your means. I am saying that God wants you to be conscious of the abundance of resources in His kingdom.

“But Pastor White, where is that kingdom?”

As long as you have received Jesus as your Savior, that kingdom is in you!

Jesus said that “the kingdom of God is within you”. This means that the kingdom of God is not some physical place. It is within you and it is where the abundance of resources is. So if you want to experience abundance in your life, be conscious first of the abundance inside you. Then, what is inside you will become a reality on the outside.

Beloved, God doesn’t want you to be conscious of the lack you see outside you. He wants you to be conscious of the abundance within you because His kingdom is within you!

Chris White Ministries🎤🌍

Monday 16 May 2016


Hello citizens of Divinity Nation, Here is the unsearchable riches of Christ for today!!!

                                   🌺  CONSIDER THE LILIES OF THE FIELD🌾

   Matthew 6:28–29
So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

You may think that you must work very hard to provide for yourself and get ahead in life. But God wants you to consider the lilies of the field—they do nothing. They toil not, spin not and struggle not. Yet, they grow and are clothed by God while simply resting and basking in the sunshine of God’s love! And when God clothes them, they look even more glorious than King Solomon, the richest king who ever lived.

Like the lilies of the field, God wants you to let Him take care of providing for your material needs, instead of you striving to do it yourself. When you let go and let Him, you will see Him bless you supernaturally, abundantly and generously!

This is what happened to one of our church members who had been looking for a job. Initially, he received only two calls for interviews after sending out 12 résumés. Refusing to be discouraged, he believed that God wanted to bless him not just with a job, but with a position of influence too.

God was faithful. This church member soon became the business manager of an engineering company even though he had no engineering background. He was offered a very attractive remuneration package and within his first week on the job, was asked to quote on two projects. He knew that this was God’s doing because it was difficult enough just to secure an appointment with contract managers to discuss projects, let alone be asked to quote on not one but two projects. Before long, he was offered the position to run the entire Singapore subsidiary with only one other business development manager. He was then only 25 years old!

My friend, God can do for you what He did for this person. Just believe that if God clothes the lilies and grass of the field, which are here today and gone tomorrow, how much more will He clothe you, His eternal and precious child, with beauty and favor! All He asks is that you cease from your striving, allow Him to take over and just flow with Him!

Chris White Ministry 👑

Monday 9 May 2016

The Mind Of Christ Doesn't Grow Old!!!

The Unsearchable Riches Of Christ For Today.

                                         THE MIND OF CHRIST DOESN’T GROW OLD

   1 Corinthians 2:16 
...we have the mind of Christ.

“Oh dear, my memory is not as good as it used to be. I must be getting old.” Have you heard that before? Maybe you have even said it yourself a couple of times! But who says that as you grow older, you are supposed to forget things?

When the late Reverend Kenneth E Hagin was in his eighties, he was still healthy and strong. This amazing man of God would run around the platform as he preached. And those who have heard him preach would tell you that he had an amazing memory with which he could recall specific details such as the day of the week that a specific date fell on and even the time. Even at that age, the man’s memory was superb!

He once shared how he had started to forget things when he was in his fifties. He had read a medical journal which said that every day millions of cells in our brains die. He didn’t realize it, but those words got into his spirit and he started to forget things.

So he asked the Lord, “What is happening to me?” And the Lord said, “You read that article and you believed it.” He repented and asked the Lord what he should do. The Lord said, “Confess My Word. My Word says that you have the mind of Christ, and the mind of Christ never forgets.” He started to confess that he had the mind of Christ and that was how his memory remained sharp for the rest of his life.

My friend, the Word of God says that you have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is not old, slow or forgetful! I don’t care how old you get. You don’t have to become forgetful. Don’t believe and confess what medical science or your friends say. Believe and confess the Word of God which brings life.

The power of life and death is in your tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) So use your tongue for life. Don’t sit around saying, “I am getting old and forgetful.” Say, “I have the mind of Christ. My mind is sharp and quick because it is the mind of Christ!” Believe it, confess it, and see your thinking and memory live up to it!

Chris White Ministries 👑

The Mind Of Christ Doesn't Grow Old!!!

The Unsearchable Riches Of Christ For Today.

                                         THE MIND OF CHRIST DOESN’T GROW OLD

   1 Corinthians 2:16 
...we have the mind of Christ.

“Oh dear, my memory is not as good as it used to be. I must be getting old.” Have you heard that before? Maybe you have even said it yourself a couple of times! But who says that as you grow older, you are supposed to forget things?

When the late Reverend Kenneth E Hagin was in his eighties, he was still healthy and strong. This amazing man of God would run around the platform as he preached. And those who have heard him preach would tell you that he had an amazing memory with which he could recall specific details such as the day of the week that a specific date fell on and even the time. Even at that age, the man’s memory was superb!

He once shared how he had started to forget things when he was in his fifties. He had read a medical journal which said that every day millions of cells in our brains die. He didn’t realize it, but those words got into his spirit and he started to forget things.

So he asked the Lord, “What is happening to me?” And the Lord said, “You read that article and you believed it.” He repented and asked the Lord what he should do. The Lord said, “Confess My Word. My Word says that you have the mind of Christ, and the mind of Christ never forgets.” He started to confess that he had the mind of Christ and that was how his memory remained sharp for the rest of his life.

My friend, the Word of God says that you have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is not old, slow or forgetful! I don’t care how old you get. You don’t have to become forgetful. Don’t believe and confess what medical science or your friends say. Believe and confess the Word of God which brings life.

The power of life and death is in your tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) So use your tongue for life. Don’t sit around saying, “I am getting old and forgetful.” Say, “I have the mind of Christ. My mind is sharp and quick because it is the mind of Christ!” Believe it, confess it, and see your thinking and memory live up to it!

Chris White Ministries 👑

Sunday 3 April 2016


James 1:25 

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

That's the reason we're always blessed because its the law of liberty not law of Moses(sin & death, morality, rules and regulations etc).
When we keep looking and not forget who we are and what this new law has done for us we are blessed in everything.

Galatians 5:1  
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
The moment you veil yourself back with the law you have put yourself in bondage & deny what Christ did for you many years ago,don't forget he brought you into freedom liberty, whosoever the son of man set free is free indeed.

God is not a moralist, if you want to live your Christian life by morality you have missed it.
This new life has nothing to do with your praying for 10hrs a day,praying this way does not make you more powerful and holier than others.

When God says you are perfect, my friend you are perfect, stop trying to become perfect because you cannot increase perfection,there's nothing after perfect! What is perfect is perfect.

You that is praying for Jesus to come in the name of rapture,have you considered those that have not yet received Jesus and those that are yet to receive this Gospel of God's grace and truth.

Haven't you read that it is not God's wish that any soul should perish but come to the knowledge of truth.
Instead of you preaching God's grace to mankind, how that Christ loved them even the way they are,he died for them etc you are busy praying for Jesus to come & that's why most of your prayers are unanswered

No sin will take any man to Hades because sin had been taken away by the best sacrifice ever which is Jesus Christ, the only thing that will take men there is the rejection of Jesus, his finished works etc.

2 Peter 3:9 

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
So stop praying for people to die in the name of enemy,didn't Jesus tell you to love your enemies, stop praying for the Muslims to die,its a prayer God can never answer,the only prayer you should pray is for the salvation of their souls, for them to come to repentance.

Every one in this kosmos has the light to know that there is God,& they all worship different things in the name of God & religion,but one thing is sure they'll all come to the real God in the future because God wants all to be safe, and there's only one way to their repentance.
And this is the only way to bring men to the real repentance not what they are practicing

John 14:6  

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Anything outside Jesus is not the way,the religions of the world are claiming to serve God with different names, but truly they are not because they have neglected the way who is Jesus Christ,the only way to the father.

And what is the message of Jesus, is it the law,moral lessons to practice sin management, character modification, pretence, works,generational curses, fighting the defeated foe in the name of prayer warriors, fasting 100days in the name of spirituality,praying to angels who are supposed to be subject to you,praying for people to die in the name of enemies,sin consciousness mentality, etc these are all works of the law, Jesus never brought us this far to make us begin to struggle to reach him again, he fulfilled all these laws, he did all of it and brought us this message called.�


John 1:17  
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

And without Grace there's no truth so Truth accompanies Grace and makes us free from self righteousness

John 8:32 
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:17 
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 16:13
   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Galatians 1:6 
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Grace is the only Gospel, anything outside it is another Gospel.
Whenever you try to justify the law you have fallen from grace.

Galatians 5:4  
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

Ephesians 1:7  
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

His grace us in abundance take as much as you want that's why it is called the riches of his grace, many think that place talks about money,no it talks about the abundance of Grace we have in Christ.

Ephesians 3:2  
If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:
This is a new dispensation it is God's grace @ work not the laws of Moses,moral lessons, generational curses,, you know them....
Whenever you speak with the consciousness of God's grace you are on point.

Colossians 4:6 
Let your speech be away with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.


Thursday 18 February 2016


A new creation is a man who has been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God's dear Son JESUS, Jesus says "I am the way the truth & and the life. There's no other way to be saved than in Christ, when you find Christ in his word by believing that he is the son of God and that he was dead, buried and ressurected you are saved. Let's go to the Scriptures Romans 10:9-10 it says " Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.

The scripture has said it all,its a confession away,when you believe in your heart and confess that JESUS CHRIST is lord you are saved instantly,  its not a feeling it's a knowing. John 3:16-18 says " For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([d]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.

For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.

He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation--he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him) is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ's name.]

So when you don't believe and accept Christ you are already condemned, when you accept him the same life which is called (Eternal Life) in Greek its called Zoe is imparted to your spirit;here on earth not in heaven as many thinks. When you get born again you are definitely born of God, dogs give birth to dogs, monkeys reproduce monkeys, & God reproduces God's, let look @ the scriptures to confirm this truth, 1John. 5:1 says " EVERYONE WHO believes (adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact) that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah) is a born-again child of God; and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him (His offspring). & verse 4-5 says " For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.

Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers] the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]

When you come to Christ you are born of God, God actually gives birth to you spiritually; you no more belong to the earthly parentage,you belong to the God class you have the same life with the father and the son, John 1:12-13 says " But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name--

Who owe their birth neither to [c]bloods nor to the will of the flesh [that of physical impulse] nor to the will of man [that of a natural father], but to God. [They are born of God!]

Finally let me give you another scripture 1john  3:6 says" No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and [h]habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.

So you are born from the sperm of God this is a knowledge for those who wants to be mature in Christ not (nepius) babies ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the Truth.

So if you are not born again you are a natural man,& the scripture says the natural man does not understand spiritual things,but when you believe & confess Jesus as the lord of your life that he was dead, buried & he resurrected you are a new creation in Christ. You only have to be in Christ before you are a new creation anything outside him is lies,I see many Christians get born again every services, this is deep ignorance and their problem is sin consciousness,they still believe they are sinners because they did something wrong, my dear when you are born again your sins of today,tomorrow and forever is forgiven; I've been teaching on this for weeks now get back to the notes,so the day you got born again, you are saved and your name is in the book of life, nothing can remove your name from there, its a one time thing,stop being misled that when you sin your name is not in the book of life, the scripture says a Christian cannot sin,so if you are born again you are born again, stop doubting your salvation. Stop getting born again every service in church its ignorance.
So lets end with this scripture in 2corinth.5:17 " Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

When you are in Christ, you become a new man and what you need is his word to understand your identity,more about who you are and what you have in Christ & that's what I've been doing here everyday; unmasking you and showing you who you are in Christ, taking off the veil from your face. So if you are not still born again, make the decision today.

1John.5:11-12 tells us new creations in Christ the only record(testimony) we have in this life. I'm so glad I'm a new creation, I possess Christ. If you are yet to possess Christ and have life make the decision today...

And this is that testimony (that evidence): God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

He who possesses the Son has that life; he who does not possess the Son of God does not have that life.


Stay where you will grow spiritually and support it with your resources not grudgingly but graciously. This is the message new man needs to hear so he can be perfected in its fruit that's why you must put your resources for many to head this and come out of wrong practices and works. The new creation is the generation of revelations not condemnation and lawlessness. Any pastor that is not telling you this truth I'm preaching is putting you in bewitchment, spell etc while the pastor is living under grace he is putting you under the subjection of death, come out of there. I hear of Churches and Christians keeping the 10 commandments if you are still practicing this you are still under the law of death & you are mislead. A new creation has no commandment to keep the only commandment is to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God,I know you are doubting let me proof and convince with the scriptures lets look @ 1 John 3:23 " And this is His order (His command, His injunction): that we should believe in (put our faith and trust in and adhere to and rely on) the name of His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah), and that we should love one another, just as He has commanded us.

You can read it too in KJV the only commandments is to believe in the sin of God not the laws of Moses which had been abolished in Christ. 1John. 5:1-5 also talks about this " EVERYONE WHO believes (adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact) that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah) is a born-again child of God; and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him (His offspring).
By this we come to know (recognize and understand) that we love the children of God: when we love God and obey His commands (orders, charges)--[when we keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and His teaching].

For the [true] love of God is this: that we do His commands [keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and teaching]. And these orders of His are not irksome (burdensome, oppressive, or grievous).

For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.

Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers] the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]?

The scriptures has interpreted itself here,so believing in Christ Jesus is the complete 10 commandments you were supposed to be keeping. There is no law for the new creation stop keeping the 10 commandments, Jesus told his disciples he had many things to tell them but they couldn't bear it why because they were not born again, now you that are born again starting from the resurrection of Jesus which Paul brought to us must live in this revelation.
The major problem of the many Churches who looses members, Christians who are tossed to and fro, us because they don't devote themselves to study thoroughly  they just dig out scriptures from the old testament and teach new testament people. Teaching from the old testament is not a problem but the interpretation of it is what matters. If your pastor is putting you under  the bondage of the law, practice, works ( 100 days fasting, if you don't pray you don't have miracles or breakthrough, you must be holy to be blessed etc ) my brother and sister run away because the new creation had already been Blessed not about to be blessed, the day you got born again was the day you had your breakthrough, there are no conditions to get blessed for a new creation. Only old testament people got conditions to get Blessed.

That's why the Scriptures say study to show yourself approved(why) a workman rightly dividing the word of truth(grace).
When you don't study you'll live in perpetual bondage, you are a generation of revelation not practices.

I pray for you may you grow in the revelation and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul never prayed for Christians to get money or anything why because when you are in Christ you have arrived your inheritance,he always prayed for them to know.

There's more in God that's why the holy spirit was give to help us show us the deep things of God, when you have the holy spirit in you he will teach you all things so you can distinguish between the ministration of Moses (law and sin/death) and JESUS (grace & truth).

Any scriptures without a twin brother to back it up throw it away its not for you..

When you look @ the old testament you'll see Jesus in play all the time. When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son what does it represent, (Jesus), when God protected the tree of life and knowledge; what do you see there (Jesus), when God cloth Adam & eve with the sin of animals,when an animal is killed it has flesh and blood so God putting the skin on Adam & eve is the (Jesus in the old testament),when prophet Isaiah spoke about a seed coming from the stem of Jesse that was (Jesus), when Moses lifted up the serpent and told the Israelites to look @ it what was it representing (Jesus in the old testament),when ever God told the children of isreal to wash and signify bloods on their doorpost that was Jesus in the old testament. Jesus was a shadow in the old testament; old testament is Jesus concealed and the new testament is Jesus REAVEALED.

Grace was in play right from the beginning but the children of isreal loved the law even when God was living in grace with them, after Adam & eve has eaten the fruit, God said to Adam,Adam where art thou,Adam started religion by saying I am Naked, then  God asked him have you eaten of the fruit of knowledge and good,I thought God knew everything why did he ask Adam again even with that God didn't drive him away rather he clothed them that is GRACE in place,what God was to protect the tree which is the Christ and using the sword which is the word of God(Christ) to protect the tree. Adam started religion right from the beginning,when God made things his way he tried to work them out his own way. So from the beginning of the scriptures to the end is about Jesus Christ.
Remove Jesus from the bible it is a Quran


Good morning my lovely and holy Nation, I'm always exuberant communicating with the God-class because its a privilege given freely without a price tag on it,Jesus did it all & that's why I'm bold enough to preach this Gospel. This morning I have few things to start your day with so you don't do the wrong thing, always remember when your foundation in the word is based on works, the flesh, when its faulty, full of carnal practices then hour results will be faulty, wrong etc the scriptures are "PROFITABLE" for  "DOCTRINE" in what and what "REPROOF(evidence, tasted and trusted in everything)," CORRECTION"(learning) in what "RIGHTEOUSNESS" why ? That the man of God might be perfect in all things and have all good things.
So without a proper/sound teaching like the one I do here you'll be having the wrong results etc. So if you listen,take time to read my Gospels you'll not find difficulties in understanding the new testament revelations. As a new creation you are being implanted with the God life and that life has words, knowledge that bring it's fruit in you, so this is why God says that his own people suffer,go into want,die "why" because they lack knowledge (revelation) of who and what they are made of. I hear of many Christians argue of whether to stand, sleep,run etc and pray,but I'm here to correct you in righteousness.

When it comes to praying there is no special thing about it why because the veil had been removed, and you bringing in sentiments in prayer is a wrong practice and ignorance, I hear some say you don't speak in tongues anywhere just like that,I only  wonder where is better if not wherever you are,Paul says that all men should lift holy hands praying everywhere, he also I pray in the spirit and understanding also.
Notice his tenses whenever he talks,he said I pray in the spirit first and then understanding, why many Christians cannot pray is because they want to pray with their understanding (their mother tongue, the language they understand) instead if praying in the spirit and that is why the get tired on the way. 1 Corinthians. 14:15 says " Then what am I to do?      I will pray with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding; I will sing with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will sing [intelligently] with my mind and understanding also.

So praying In the spirit (other tongues) is the only language of a new creation man, in the world every Citizen of their countries has their languages even their ethnic groups, but we in Zion communicate to the father in one language and he understands us but no man can, that's praying in tongues.
No wonder Paul said "I thank God I pray in tongues more than ye all,that means he was praying in tongues everywhere, in the room,kitchen, toilet,while washing clothes etc no wonder he made so much impact in his generation, he showed us the secret to his success in life, he never hid it. So many debate on praying quietly and not shouting; my dear as long the the holy spirit lives in you & you begin to pray in the spirit, you cannot control the fire burning on the inside because you'll scream for the glory is all over you,something is happening inside you, its like putting a plantain on a hot oil what will happen, it will scream; that's what happens when you pray in tongues, no matter how you try controlling it. Christianity is not for cool people, this life of God in you needs drunk men,rugged men,men that have lost their own minds for Christ,  so praying like a gentle man or woman, you deprive yourself of what you are made of,you cannot put gas in a vehicle and drive instead of fuel. You can only grow, be motivated, succeed when you pray always in the spirit. Jude 1:20 proofs this it says
But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [[d]make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;

��So if you've never prayed in tongues, start praying today, this doesn't happen specially or by fasting, immediately you got born again you were baptized in the spirit and fire, John baptize in water but Jesus came and didn't baptize in water anymore but with the holy ghost & fire,so forcing you to baptize in water is a mere practice, someone can baptize and is not born again; are you aware of that,so Jesus wanted us to go beyond works & practices to reach to him,because this thing is a spiritual thing;so your pastor forcing you to baptize in water compulsorily after you were baptized into Christ,your pastor is saying that based on ignorance, the day you got born again, you were baptized into Christ because this is a spiritual thing do no need fighting your self over baptizing in water, you may say but Jesus baptized yes you must also know that whatever Jesus did was to fulfill all righteousness, all laws for your behalf that you may no longer go through such process,but come to the father through him not through practices, this is a big and high revelation & its a blessing you know it,so if you weren't baptized by water(works) which Jesus did on your behalf & you are born again, then you have been baptized into Christ, because the same thing done in the water,being immersed 3 times signifies what JESUS did,his death,his burial & ressurection;he did all these to show you that hale has taken your place,being a new creation you have come into rest(Christ), you don't struggle anymore, no conditions for anything, when  God looks @ you he sees Jesus, you are not even in the picture but Christ seen in you, until you understand the revelations of Christ you'll be living in perpetual bondage of ignorance, that is why I always say you need to know ,who you are,what you have, and what you are not and what you are not supposed to do. so the day you got born again you were baptized into Christ therefore you received the holy spirit, and you have a new language which JESUS spoke about in mark 16, that those that believes in his name will speak in new tongues, that's praying in tongues, prophet Isaiah prophesied this that a generation is coming that will be talking in a stammering tongues, I think I have to take a week to teach this so we get the understanding better,because what you don't know is what puts you in captive.
So if you are a new creation go ahead and pray in the spirit this morning even if is only one line you speak go ahead and speak it for no man understand what you say except your father. Go-ahead and pray for it is not for pastors, bishops, and Apostles alone.
God bless you all.
Get ready to learn more of God's word its a generation of knowledge and you are a part of this generation so celebrate.

Matthew. 3:11
because of repentance [that is, because of your [e]changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

The purpose of baptism was because Jesus had not yet come and when he came he took you place,so man can no longer be baptized to repentance but come to in,receive him to repentance, repentance is the renewing of your minds,sin stays in the minds,that is why the scripture say let the mind of "CHRIST" be in you;so all you are to see,think of his Christ not angels,demons etc Christ Jesus is the center of everything, don't always forget that whatever JESUS did was because he didn't want you to go through it again and again,remember he said Go into the world & preach the Gospel,baptizing them in the name of the father, son & the holy spirit not water and river Jordan anymore, when you receive Christ you receive the father,and the spirit because all is one in Christ, the scripture says he that is joined to God is one spirit. So you are baptized in the name of the father,son and holy spirit, you may ask but why did many of us baptize in water simple its because those that taught those that baptize us  were teaching mere theology and not the spirit in the word, they interprets the scriptures with their minds and teach them to teach us,that's why a lot of thought being a Christian is too difficult, they made it seem so,but God didn't see it so,he made everything beautiful so we might enjoy life to the full. The problem is that those that controls the Christiandom teaches religion,African traditional religion,they teach their minds,what they think and how they see it,remember the scriptures are interpreted by the holy spirit to you, not your minds;so that's why many blame God for their predicament, in life what you believe is what controls you why because you are spirit, soul and body,so the bewitchment comes from the pulpit not your village, that was why Paul emphasized on this thoroughly. Repentance is a thing of the mind not actions,Jesus didn't save you because of your actions, righteousness,or holiness. Man strive to understand this from the beginning so God had to send Jesus to open our eyes to this revelation which those of the old covenant could not understand.
There's so much to teach you in Christ so stay tight and ready to learn unto a mature man In Christ.
I love you all.☺��

Why many pastors cannot teach the word of grace Jesus brought for us is because they think its difficult and hard and to teach not preach,the people need teaching. It's easy to open the Bible & dig out stuff from the law,works and preach to them telling them to bring olive oil, salt,koboko,fruit to service, intimidating people that needs Jesus in their lives and confusing the hungry sheep's the scripture says in the days of his words the people will be willing, these are the days ,my dear the revelations of Jesus Christ is beyond practice,beyond drinking olive oil, eating snakes,drinking a pastor sperm as I heard in south Africa, eating grass,praying with idols,Rosary's, praying to idols in the name of Mary,these are all deception when you are in Christ you are olive oil yourself and you don't need any olive oil anymore,the people take their minds off the word (Jesus) & set it on olive oil,fruits,salts etc. In Christ there is no such things,Peter said "is any among you sick" why did he ask this question its because its unnatural for anyone to get sick in Zion,its not normal when you are in Zion and you get sick,  its not possible, he was referring to those that just came into Zion not those that live in Zion,he said let them meet the elders and they will minister to them,who are the elders, these are those that have handled the word of God, so when those that are sick meets them they minister health through the word,the word of God is a cleaning agent, that's why Jesus said you are clean through the word I've spoken to you, anytime you read,hear the word you are cleansed,have you ever read the new testament & saw the use of olive oil,it only took place in the old covenant. We are declared free from oppression and bondages, don't go back there.

I always tell my people "Stop making the devil feel like he is too important because he is not,you only make him feel so when you notice his works" look beyond him for he had been defeated he is only seeking attention. And I tell you same thing today, so whatever and wherever you find yourself today is your issue, you put yourself where you belong today because of what you don't know. So go for knowledge don't stop @ what you are about Christ go deeper.


MANY pastors thinks that ministry is about making money,that is why they deviate for greed and meet the devil,if your aim as a pastor in ministry is to build your wealth you'll be frustrated I tell you in a short time. The ministry is all about Jesus, he is the one that sent you and anything outside Jesus is deception as I always say,many pastors thinks that when they perform miracles they'll have members, ministry is not about members; even the devil can perform miracles that's why  it is called lying wonders,miracles are meant for children, for the unbelievers to believe, Jesus said that this generation seeketh for signs that is why they are mislead but the only Gospel should be the revelation of Jonas in the belly of the fish which is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you measure a man of God by  materiality you are carnal, Greed has entered the Church decorated with the word prosperity,materialism is not Godliness, when your main aim in ministry is  material things you are deviating from the truth, because anything outside truth is not truth. Truth is Truth. The true worth of the man of God is the word and doctrine, the sound word of God is the only thing the church needs; if you teach the church this message you won't need to force people to give,they'll do it wholeheartedly, any pastor preaching this Gospel of Jesus not miracles, works,practice can never be broke, remember Jesus said to his disciples when i sent you without purse,script nor anything except the word lack ye anything,their answers was no. So the church is hungry for the message if Jesus(grace) and not Moses(law giver) because the old covenant has been replaced with the new,therefore any message outside what you grace is bewitchment. That's why Paul said to the Corinthians Churches who bewitched,hypnotized,cast a spell on you,any pastor that preaches the law to you is bewitching you,putting you into bondage and you'll be pushed to & fro like the devil tossed. The spirit of God in you bears witness with the sound word. The reason many pastors loose brethren is because of their content(their content is contained in the law,faultfinding ministrations) but when a pastor preaches the message Jesus(grace) brethren have found the reaveled secrets, when people are looking for solutions in the word you as a pastor bring them back in bondage why won't they leave the church and find grace in time of need. @ the mount of transfiguration 3 people appeared,JESUS(grace), MOSES(lawgiver) & ELIJAH(law restorer) when Peter saw this he said lets build 3 terbanacle here one for Jesus, Moses & Elijah immediately Moses and Elijah heard that they left because Jesus was the one on the scene, instantly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased here only him. Jesus(grace) is the only message to be preached grow Moses(lawgiver) & Elijah(law restorer).when your message is about the message Jesus, you'll experience miracles and wealth in your ministry. The only difference btw a juju pastor and a pastor that is doing miracle is the message because the devil cannot preach sound doctrine that is why many are mislead. As a pastor your aim should be to study and pray not roaming around seeking help from the pit of hell. If your content is about miracles, works practice and fallacies you are towing the wrong line. The new testament are called to do not to obey.

Tuesday 16 February 2016


JESUS had done everything already for us all we need to do is to recognize this and do the word, we are not called to obey the word but to DO the work. When you have the wrong foundation, knowledge of the word;your practice and results will be wrong.
Get the seasoned EPIGNOSIS and live there.

Note the tenses I used @ the beginning "HAD" meaning a past tense it has already been not about to, or will. Walk and live in what Jesus wrought in your behalf.

ROMANS 8:1-4

THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who lives [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.

For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death.

For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being weakened by the flesh [[a]the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit]. Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, [God] condemned sin in the flesh []subdued, overcame, [c]deprived it of its power over all who accept that sacrifice],

So that the righteous and just requirement of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit]..


But [that appointed time came] when Christ (the Messiah) appeared as a High Priest of the better things that have come and are to come. [Then] through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with [human] hands, that is, not a part of this material creation,

He went once for all into the [Holy of] Holies [of heaven], not by virtue of the blood of goats and calves [by which to make reconciliation between God and man], but His own blood, having found and secured a complete redemption (an everlasting release for us).

For if [the mere] sprinkling of unholy and defiled persons with blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a burnt heifer is sufficient for the purification of the body,

How much more surely shall the blood of Christ, Who [b]by virtue of [His] eternal Spirit [His own preexistent [c]divine personality] has offered Himself as an unblemished sacrifice to God, purify our consciences from dead works and lifeless observances to serve the [ever] living God?

[Christ, the Messiah] is therefore the Negotiator and Mediator of an [entirely] new agreement (testament, covenant), so that those who are called and offered it may receive the fulfillment of the promised everlasting inheritance--since a death has taken place which rescues and delivers and redeems them from the transgressions committed under the [old] first agreement.

Satan and sins had been disabled & paralyze stop wasting time binding him. It is complicating the Gospel if you are found there (fighting a defeated foe). The devil cannot see nor reach you because you are seated with Christ( where) in heavenly places,far above principalities and powers,etc live from here,don't live as one in satanic bondage, for you are superior to him. The earlier you know and live in this realm the greater your results in the word. Don't be deceived,it is waste of time fighting Satan,becoming a prayer warriors in fighting Satan; its contradiction. He "WAS" already disarmed and defeated.

Motivational speaking will not give you your place in Christ, you can't get motivated by listening to such messages, what you need is Christ, when you have the holy ghost you are motivated. Any Church that teaches motivation is killing you. The only message is Christ. The Christians only get motivated with the secret in Jude 1:20 " But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [[d]make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;

When you pray in other tongues you are praying in the holy ghost, that's where motivation comes from. If you don't pray in other tongues make up your mind to pray in other tongues from today, it is not for special Christians but for every Christians, Jesus says in Mark 16:17
" And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages;.
Paul says in 1corinth.14:2 " For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].

Note what Paul said the understanding is unfruitful, no one understands,for you speaketh mysteries,I hear of many Christians who don't speak in tongues because they think they are not holy enough, righteous enough, fasted for 7 days for it,because it is not important, it is only for pastors etc these is a lie from the devil.
Jesus made it clear by saying anyone who believes in his name will speak in tongues, it is a gift, you don't have to be righteous to get it, when you receive Christ into your life then you have the holy ghost in you,go ahead and speak in tongues for your power is there. speak in tongues anytime, anywhere, because that's the only way & language a new creation knows and should be talking. The earlier you live with this consciousness the greater results you get in the word.

Join us for more of this mysteries revealed on WhatsApp @ +234-8106844793



��I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands,without wrath and doubting (1 Timothy 2:8)

��Someone once said, "I always feel reluctant to pray. How do I get free from this? "when ever I want to pray I feel tired" It's just like someone who feels reluctant to eat. If you don't eat,then you'll lose weight and become malnourished.
But there'll only be a change when you choose to act wisely by eating right. Same with prayer; When you feel reluctant to pray that's when you should pray..
Remember God has given you the power of choice,so you have the power to choose and exercise wisdom by acting on your knowledge of the importance of prayer.

��This kind of wisdom is a force; it's more than ability. You can have ability to do something and not do it. But true wisdom is that you know what you should do,and you do it! So let that wisdom function in you at all times and cause you to do what's right,like choosing to pray. Prayer is your life's work,and the best way to learn to pray is to pray. Culture yourself to do this,whether or not you feel like,prayer is labour,it is work;if you wanna see progress in your life you must learn to discipline yourself on prayer,don't sell your God given talents,dreams vision to sleep. Sleep has cost a lot of people their future, some spend their whole day watching Nollywood, African magic etc risking their future on what men like them has taken their time to build,when will people begin to watch you too,don't risk your families life,academy, marriage, relationship, ministry because of not taking that discipline to pray,some times I post prayers here to be prayed at specific times;how many people has always taken advantage of it;they think they are too busy to pray,pray ahead of you for you don't know when you evil day shall come.

��When you're praying always in discipline and labour personally you'll find out that you'll be seeing a great results in your spirit and your life as a whole. Please don't risk your future by sitting on the television for the whole day,when you're supposed to be speaking into your future, when last did you starve yourself of sleep at night at least to pray for 30 mins minimum for your future, ministry,family, child,children, parents,academics etc you've traded it for sleep,discipline your flesh enough to do what your spirit wants it to do. This is when responsibility and maturity comes in. Jesus told his disciples"you cannot tarry with me for an hour"That change you need in your finances, marriage, academics, relationship is tied to your being disciplined to pray consistently. Jesus said in Luke 18:1 "Men ought always to pray and not faint (get tired)", He didn't say,"Men ought always to pray when they feel like!"

��You have the power to decide what you want to do,so choose to pray. Take for example, Paul's admonition to 2 Timothy 4:2: "Preach the word; be instant in season,out of season; reprove,rebuke,exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."

��Here,the Spirit of God teaches us something important, letting us know that whether or not we feel like it,in every season, we ought to preach the gospel. The same thing in prayer;you pray in season and out of season!

��This is where many misses it always. Prayer doesn't require a convenient place per se; you can pray anywhere, in any position. You don't necessarily have to find a place where you can kneel,or a place that's high enough for you to lift your hands or a place where you can shout. You can pray as quietly as possible, or as loudly as you want;you can pray sitting, lying,kneeling-whatever position. What's important is that you pray. So you have no excuse not to pray.

��Make a decision to pray always-anywhere-and God will hear and answer you.

Have a fulfilled Day.
Pastor Chris White.

Monday 15 February 2016


Don't be judgemental

Today I'll be speaking to you about the very way fellow believers condemns one another,and lives indecently; the scriptures speaks of Love and living it. Many today are judgemental;they do this often to a brother or sister that they think is doing one thing or they other and they are not doing it,if you  see your fellow brother going in a wrong direction, dwelling in a bad misconduct, sin, practice etc, I hear of many being indulge in lesbianism, homosexualism,drug addictive,masturbation,runs,etc making this a very life for making money; when you asked them they'll tell you is survival, if you have any friend that is indulge in any of these misconduct, don't condemn nor judge, don't see him or her as evil,but rather with gentleness bring him/her to order. The scriptures says in Gal.6:1 " BRETHREN, IF any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.

Practicing these is not good and should not be practice, we know we are living by grace but that shouldn't give you the liberty to be practicing what you know is not right. When a believer has tasted the holy spirit and still indulges in this act, it shows you don't value yourself nor what Christ did for you. I hear of many Christians going to club,"what are you doing there"?;you're not  supposed to be there; Jesus says let your light so shine before men that they may see and glorify your father in heaven.

You are a new creation, you were bought with a price,your only service should be to God and not practicing those acts,Christ died for you yes but he also said Sin cannot have Dominion over you,so its not God's responsibility to stop you from these things,its your responsibility to decide and stop them. When you value yourself as the righteousness of God,a seed of Abraham, the light of the world, a peculiar and holy Nation etc you'll stop living indecently.

Jesus told the adulterous woman go and sin no more,he didn't condemn her,if you are one that cannot carry others burden, faults,bear their attitudes then you must learn to because the scriptures admonishes us to do so.when you look @ verse 2 of that scripture above it says  "Bear (endure, carry) one another's burdens and [a]troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete [b]what is lacking [in your obedience to it].

You are the Jesus on scene today,act like him when he saw men full of faults,sin and misconduct,love them,put them in order; for this is  what Jesus did and is still doing today.

Dont take yourself more important than others, maybe because you have graduated from college, you have a good job,you now have money,you are from a wealthy home etc and you think others are nothing,this is not right, see the uniqueness in others,let your means of progress be the only way in lifting others up to become better than you, don't feel nobody is important, deserve you,deserve what you know,for God created all of us with uniqueness. The scripture says in verse 3 of that same chapter " For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another's load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself.

Learn to celebrate people, show love to people, encourage others. And you who are living and practicing this act value yourself for Christ died for you and gave you his righteousness,living this way is disrespecting and hating what he gave you. You are not a sinner therefore don't live like one, you are declared righteous, learn to be responsible,stop doing those things that do not add value to you nor glorify your father. I encourage you today to make a decision never to return to this habits,misconduct etc for they add no value to you. You are Christ,think of this will Jesus be doing runs,lesbianism, gay,masturbation,will he be clubbing every week. Think of this then you'll learn to value your own self and be responsible. Remember you who are in Christ are not saved by works but by grace,therefore stop practicing those things For they are of the flesh(works). He that Lives in the flesh shall reap corruption and death but he that lives in the spirit shall reap life.

This is an additional scriptures to help you out. Gal.6:8-9.
For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

Be responsible, take charge of your life and value it.
Have a blessed week.
Pastor Chris White.


Good morning great citizens of divinity, I'm always exuberant communicating with you; I have here a wonderful event that took place which represent you and I,read this and place a value on yourself from this day onward.

�� A man went to God and asked, "What's the value of life?"

God gave him one stone and said, "Find out the value of this stone, but don't sell it."

The man took the stone to an Orange Seller and asked him what it's cost would be.

The Orange Seller saw the shiny stone and said, "You can take 12 oranges and give me the stone."

The man apologized and said that the God has asked him not to sell it.

He went ahead and found a vegetable seller. "What could be the value of this stone?" he asked the vegetable seller. The seller saw the shiny stone and said, "Take one sack of potatoes and give me the stone."

The man again apologized and said he can't sell it.

Further ahead, he went into a jewellery shop and asked the value of the stone.

The jeweler saw the stone under a lens and said, "I'll give you 50 Lakhs for this stone." When the man shook his head, the jeweler said, "Alright, alright, take 2 crores, but give me the stone."

The man explained that he can't sell the stone. Further ahead, the man saw a precious stone's shop and asked the seller the value of this stone.

When the precious stone's seller saw the big ruby, he lay down a red cloth and put the ruby on it. Then he walked in circles around the ruby and bent down and touched his head in front of the ruby.

"From where did you bring this priceless ruby from?" he asked. "Even if I sell the whole world, and my life, I won't be able to purchase this priceless stone.

Stunned and confused, the man returned to the God and told him what had happened. "Now tell me what is the value of life, God?

God said, "The answers you got from the Orange Seller, the Vegetable Seller, the Jeweler & the Precious Stone's Seller explain the value of our life... You may be a precious stone, even priceless, but people may value you based on their level of information, their belief in you, their motive behind entertaining you, their ambition, and their risk taking ability. But don't fear, you will surely find someone who will discern your true value."

In the eyes of God you are very very precious. Respect yourself. You are  Unique. No one can Replace you!

Our New Year Bible Verse