Sunday 31 January 2016


�� In Genesis 1:27 God made man in his likeness and breath into man life and he became a living being which we are all aware of this is actually the old man but the new man in 2 Corinthians 5: 17 a new man came on the scene again which is called the NEW CREATION MAN but I'm going to take everything back from the beginning and how it all started so you might understand the hidden mysteries btw this two kinds of men and what governs them.

↘ Many Christians are living in a full blown ignorance and that's the main reason God said his own people perish because of this ignorance but I thank God he gave some pastors and teachers, apostles, prophets after his resurrection for the perfecting of the saints. So many Christians contradict the Scriptures and they can't understand who they are and what the Scriptures is all about. Jesus says in John 5:39 " You search and investigate and pore over the Scriptures diligently, because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them. And these [very Scriptures] testify about Me" when some of us read this there's no understanding at all but I'm here to unravel this mysteries to you for it is your birthright to know your true identity and you can only know this in the word.

↘ The scriptures are christo-centric which means the Scriptures is a book "centered in Christ" that is why Jesus said in that same verse that they "testify of him", the scriptures is not a book of characters but a book  that is centered on one person which is "Christ Jesus".

↘ Now concerning the old man(testament, covenant, life etc) we all know of the first man " ADAM", in Genesis(in the beginning); God created Adam & gave him dominion & authority over all things, Genesis. 1:26-27 " God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.
So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.
And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.

↘ Man was giving authority as read but had certain restrictions from eating of the tree of knowledge, good and evil;man sinned against God by going contrary to the Instructions,all these was caused by the devil to rob man of his eternal life, authority,dominion etc.

↘ God gave man eternal life called ZOE(God kind of life) he wanted man to function like him in everything but man lost everything to the devil's craftiness. Man began suffering, knew sin,had a normal human life(which means he can get sick,die,suffer etc.

↘ Generations upon Generations this continued man was living in sin etc,until the time of the Israelites where a covenant was enacted in order to bring man closer to God again as in the beginning, man was given laws which was written by Moses and the angels, because whenever God looked upon man he sees sin,wickedness, evil etc,so the law was introduced in order to keep man righteous before God; but when you violate the law you die this law was called the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH;which means when you sin you die, but this didn't still work; God couldn't communicate with man directly as in the beginning do he did that through the priest,prophets etc who were living by his grace.

↘ So Moses came on the scene as one priest who tried everything but to no avail, God rather speak to him to speak to the Israelites as at then,Moses wrote down laws to help man closer to God but nothing worked,men still violate the laws as from the beginning as Adam did,infact there was a day 3000 men died because of violating the law, so God knew the only thing that can redeem man is "BLOOD".

↘ Blood was the only thing that can take away the sins of men in order to make man righteous as  God like in the beginning (Created Adam). Heb.9:7,22 says
(7). But into the second [division of the tabernacle] none but the high priest goes, and he only once a year, and never without taking a sacrifice of blood with him, which he offers for himself and for the errors and sins of ignorance and thoughtlessness which the people have committed.
(22) [In fact] under the Law almost everything is purified by means of blood, and without the shedding of blood there is neither release from sin and its guilt nor the remission of the due and merited punishment for sins.

↘ And then they started offering animals every year;the priest will be doing this offering the blood of goats,bulls etc which takes away sins only on yearly basis, that means it must be done yearly,but come to think of this it wasn't also helping ie bringing man closer to God and rightoeus.

↘ I remember in the Bible when Moses after writing down the law with the help of angels in writing it for the Israelites; Gal.3:19 " What then was the purpose of the Law? It was added [later on, after the promise, to disclose and expose to men their guilt] because of transgressions and [to make men more conscious of the sinfulness] of sin; and it was intended to be in effect until the Seed (the Descendant, the Heir) should come, to and concerning Whom the promise had been made. And it [the Law] was arranged and ordained and appointed through the instrumentality of angels [and was given] by the hand (in the person) of a go-between [Moses, an intermediary person between God and man].
When Moses discovered that the glory was departing from his face he covered it with a veil,he came and saw the Israelites worshipping another God while he was bringing the law he  broke the law himself, so moses was the first to have broken the law(commandments) he had written. 2 Corinthians. 3:7,10 says
Now if the dispensation of death engraved in letters on stone [the ministration of the Law], was inaugurated with such glory and splendor that the Israelites were not able to look steadily at the face of Moses because of its brilliance, [a glory] that was to fade and pass away.
Indeed, in view of this fact, what once had splendor [[c]the glory of the Law in the face of Moses] has come to have no splendor at all, because of the overwhelming glory that exceeds and excels it the glory of the Gospel in the face of Jesus Christ].

↘ The law was a fault finding covenant,its a sin conscious covenant, it doesn't take away sins,it justifies no one.
So once every year the priest will offer sacrifices to redeem man but this couldn't make man righteous and have the life(eternal) of God. The blood of animals were no longer working. Heb.10:4 says " Because the blood of bulls and goats is powerless to take sins away & verse 11 says " Furthermore, every [human] priest stands [at his altar of service] ministering daily, offering the same sacrifices over and over again, which never are able to strip [from every side of us] the sins [that envelop us] and take them away.

↘ You may be asking "why" but the answer is simple,it is because man sinned and it is only a man(free,sinless, righteous man that can take away sins)& reconcile Men to God.

↘ I'll continue with the second series of this message tomorrow, you'll know the man and why he is important to you.
Have a blessed day.

From the pastor's desk!!!


Good afternoon Citizens of this great Nation, I hope you have been blessed by the ministrations of your pastors etc,They are certain mysteries which had been hidden for ages but now it has been made manifest revealed to us and I'm  blessed to be a partaker of this great revelation just like Paul and its my duty to tell you about your identity, what Christ wrought for you, and your new life. Gladly I am beginning this series of messages from today,you'll be so glad and blessed because I'm gonna unravel mysteries concerning your new life in Christ and @ the end of my messages you'll be bold enough to declare your identity and know the word of God for you selves,the word of God is everything you need;take yourself outside the word  Of God you are nothing,its just like taking a fish out of the sea; what do you think will happen to the fish,it will so also to you when you are out of the word of God everything about you dies,eat the life for they you have your life. No wonder the Bible says in

John 1:1-4 " 

1⃣ IN THE beginning [before all time] was the Word ([a]Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God [b]Himself.(A)
2⃣ He was present originally with God.

3⃣ All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.

4⃣ In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.

So this afternoon I'll begin a new series of messages titled "THE OLD AND THE NEW MAN!.

Friday 29 January 2016



1. A first class degree won't make you a first class wife rather your submission and respect will.

2. The woman who respects her husband is the best wife anyone would ever have.

3. Your character and attitude will go a long way in determining if your husband will wish he never Regret getting married to you..

4. To be a great wife, you need more anger management skills than nagging skills.

5. Be a leader at work, or anywhere else but be a companion at home.. It's wisdom!

6. Don't compete with your husband; compliment him.

7. Your strength is in humility and submission, not in strife and contention.

8. Be tender, every man respects a tender woman but firm.

9. Never try to punish your husband by starving him of food or Sex, he maybe forced to get it outside.

10. There is nothing wrong in accepting that you are wrong when you are wrong.

11. Prepare to forgive your husband if he wrongs you.. For a forgiving wife is better than a vengeful one.

12. Make a decision to be a good wife, you will need it in the long run..
God Bless the Women!.

One of the things you should lookout for in your search for the right woman is her ability to help you. Ideally the woman is a 'helpmeet'..don't just look for a woman,look for the one that can help/assist you with your ladies start asking yourself what you are bringing to the 'right' man..if you are not sure if any start acquiring one,learn something,get an were designed to help that man..

Have a great afternoon!



Our Key Scripture: Esther 4:13-14.
Have you ever wondered why you were born in this generation and not in the 1800s,for example? You have to understand that God has something to do with your being alive at this time.He has a purpose for your being.
The children of Israel were in a terrible predicament, in the days of king Ahasuerus. A certain man named Human hated the Jews,and he happened to be a very influencial figure, and wielded so much authority at the behest of king Ahasuerus. The king promoted and elevated him above all the princes in his kingdom and so all the servants in the kings gate bowed and reverenced Human whenever he walked by.Read( Esther 3:1-2).Thus, Human had a political might and influence to annihilate the Jews whom he hated,as Mordecai the Jew would not bow to him.
However,Esther, Who was also a Jew,and married to the king,was relishing the glory of the palace, completely oblivious of Haman's hatred and quest to destroy the Jews. Mordecai, her uncle, sent a touching message to Esther which we read in our key scripture.He told Esther," Who Knows,perhaps, you have come to royal position to prevent this from happening."Indeed, Esther's timely intervention prevented Haman from actualizing his wicked plot against the Jews.
Maybe you're" the Esther" that God has placed in government, in that office, in that choir, in that church,in that company, in that school, in that family,that pastor,that neighbor, that close friend of yours who is not born again, in that strategic position, where you can be of help to God's people. Sometimes, it might even be for you to help an individual,or the work of the kingdom in your locality, country or region to progress further. Perhaps God placed you there because he knew a time of need would come, and you'd rise to the occasion.Don't fail him.Don't neglect any opportunity to help.Dont think about yourself only;think about the gospel, and its spread around the world through your personal contribution.
For further insights Read.(Romans 15:1),(Galatians 6:8).
prayer points you should use praying for 15 mins.
(1).Pray that God creates opportunities that will make you become available to help others.(2).Declare that you are relevant in the spread of the gospel around the world.(3)Declare that you'll recognize & take advantage of the grace in you to win for others.(4)Declare that youll fulfill that which God has created you for & that you'll fulfill your role in the ministry of reconciliation.
Summarize by praying it in all:Dear father, I'm grateful for the opportunities you've made available to me to be of help to others and be relevant in the spread of the Gospel around the world. I recognize and take advantage of your Grace in me to win for others and fulfill my role in the ministry of reconciliation,in Jesus'Name. Amen
Have A Great Day


This is a special message for pastor's, Evangelist,ministers etc.

The World is Waiting for You :

Ps 40 : 10 tells us : “ I have not kept this good
news hidden in my heart ; I have talked about
your faithfulness and saving power . I have told
everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing
love and faithfulness .”

�� There is something about
stepping out in faith that activates a boldness
and grace to minister to the lost . I think many
times God is waiting for us to get out of our
comfort zones and go to those areas where we
might be stretched and fully dependent on Him .
We’ ve come to expect God to do the miraculous
in the preparation process , and over and over
we’ ve seen Him prepare the way ahead of us . I
never get tired of hearing joyful pastors say :
“Thank you for coming. We have been praying
and asking God to send someone to us for years. ”
�� 2. Good Relationships Make all the Difference:
Once a city has been decided upon for the event,
building sound relationships with local pastors
and leaders ( of all denominations) is the number
one key in putting together a successful crusade.
Remember , local pastors are the gateway to the
people . Developing relationships requires an
investment of time and patience and is always
well worth the effort . At times the temptation
might be to focus more attention on the
arrangements and preparations – especially when
challenges or obstacles arise. However it is
important to balance both aspects . When good
relationships are in place , people are then likely
cooperate and contribute by offering direction ,
suggestions and assistance in all aspects of the
planning and preparation. All of which is
invaluable to the overall success of the event.

☝3. Nothing beats Good Preparation:

Nothing beats good strategic planning and
preparation. It is extremely important to research
thoroughly and go through every detail to make
sure that each operational aspect of the event is
properly thought through . Create a checklist and
ask yourself a few questions, What is our Plan B
for this ? What happens if the electricity goes
out ? What happens if the truck transporting our
sound equipment breaks down? Is there a
backup? What if it rains ? Planning well and
anticipating potential problems will most often
ensure an enjoyable time of ministry and alleviate
much frustration . To simplify the priorities, the
following items are non -negotiable .

1) Permission – Has the city issued a permit for
the crusade?

2) Publicity – Have we done all we can to let
people know about the crusade ?

3) Platform – Do we have a platform to preach

4) Power – Do we have stable electricity ? Do we
have a backup?

5) Public Address System – Is the sound good ?
Can people hear clearly ?

6) Preacher – Am I ready for God to use me to
reach the multitudes?

��4. Location, location, location . Choosing the
Crusade Grounds :
There are a couple of thoughts when considering
a venue for the crusade. After exploring all
possible venue options , give preference to a
visible, open field situated along a well- traveled
street. An open and highly accessible venue
makes people feel welcome and able to attend .
There are times when a stadium may be used if
no other options exist however , keep in mind that
stadiums are usually built to keep people out
unless a payment of some sort is made . This
alone may deter the poor from attending .
Additionally there are normally fees involved as
well as a significant amount of red tape to deal
with. We have always found that our attendance
and impact is greater when we use an open
space situated in a good part of the city. This
might be a soccer field , a city park or plaza, fair
grounds, or even a large parking lot .
��5. Timing is everything . Choose the Right Time:
Unless an indoor venue is being used for the
event, weather is always something to consider.
The best time of year to plan an open- air crusade
is during the dry season – after the crops have
been harvested . This normally is a “feel good ”
time in the country and families are more likely to
attend planned events .

��6. Live Ready , Go Prepared:
You may be the only voice your audience will ever
have to deliver them from eternal separation from
God. Take the time to pray well in advance , seek
God and prepare your messages . Expect God to
work through you and to move mightily at the
crusade. People’ s lives will be eternally changed
as a result of the event – if you are prepared .
Board the airplane with a determination to be a
blessing and to make a difference in the lives of
many. TL Osborn stated: “if you are not fit to
demonstrate the gospel , then you’ re not fit to
preach it .”

��7. Maximum Impact:
Leading and presenting a well- organized event
will have long lasting impact . It will promote
unity within the body of Christ as churches and
denominations work together for a common
purpose . Believers will be emboldened to share
Jesus outside of the four walls of the church, and
it will provide a platform for further ministry long
after the event is over.
��8. Leave an Enduring Legacy :
You may be organizing an event but ensure that
it initiates or contributes to an ongoing ,
sustainable process and leaves a lasting legacy
which local partners can energetically maintain.
��9. Other Important Considerations :
There are many other practical aspects to
planning a successful event, a few of which are:
publicity and advertising , volunteers, working with
committees, funding & risk, church involvement
and follow - up. On your next overseas event
consider bringing a team along to help you in
ministry and expose them to the mission field .
Plan other types of outreaches that will
complement the crusade and reach an even
greater number of people . A few ideas would be :
prison outreach, street ministry, ministry to
orphans, or even a building project .
I believe in mass crusade evangelism today more
than ever . Some would suggest that the world
has already been reached via television , radio and
the Internet . I believe that there are still many
unreached people waiting for someone to come
and share Jesus with them in person . Mass
crusade evangelism provides an effective way of
doing just that – gathering multitudes of people
together for the purpose of preaching and
demonstrating the gospel . As one evangelist
declares : “people in this generation have a right
to hear the gospel ”. May our prayer be : “Lord
send us to the darkest places , to those who have
not yet heard . ”

From the president Divinity World Outreach Int'l
(Divinely Empowering Men) to all leaders and ministers of the Gospel.

Tuesday 26 January 2016


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, I'm always glad writing and contributing to your spiritual needs;its my joy to know that all my letters to you have been a blessing to your life immensely. Today I'll be talking about:-

�� But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.....(Acts.1:8).

☝God is not at all perturbed/disturb when you're faced with unpleasant situations. In fact, He is happy to see you  face those challenges because He knows you'll surely come out victorious. He knows you can change any situation, for the divine power necessary to effect that change is already resident in you; it was deposited in you the moment you received the holy spirit into your life.

Like a mother who expectantly watches her toddler take his first few unstable steps on his own,she prods him on and showers him with love. That's the same way the Lord watched to see us overcome whatever challenges we face in our lives. He waits with expectations and confidence,knowing that you have all it takes to win.

☝You may have been tested and told that you're barren,impotent or perhaps diagnosed with an incurable disease.
Maybe it's been long since you graduated from school and you still don't have a job or a business: God is waiting to see you effect a chance NOW. He knows you can. He believes in you because He's given you all that's required-the dynamic, miracle-working ability.

☝So put it to work. Stand firm and declare boldly in faith what you desire and watch the miracle you need unfold before you.

�� God is able to " exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" (Ephesians.3:20). It means whatever God will do in your life is to the extent of the operation of that power in you.

☝Recognize that you have arrived in the place of change and God doesn't want you crying out to Him for Help. He wants to see you live triumphantly over every Crises. That's what earns you promotion to a higher level spiritually,for the father honours His children for their truimph of faith. Your spiritual promotions are based on these conquests.

For Deeper insight Study:
Mark.11:23; James. 5:16b(AMP).


Sunday 24 January 2016


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, I'm always glad to write to you,Today is Sunday and we all know what it is here in Nigeria and other Nations, Dubai attends their Sunday service on Friday and other Nations have a special day. The Bible says in:-

�� (Heb. 10:25)- Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believer's], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.

�� Today is a day of visitation and its expedient you comprehend this reality,there's a day(special) God visits his people yours might be today therefore don't postpone today; because you don't have clothes, offerings, seeds, vows,shoes,etc these should and cannot separate you from the love of God expect you allow them but you're expected to be wise. Take your future into your hands don't be like those who feel that going to church is not important and necessary.

⛪ When God wants to bless a person certain challenges sets in to distract and destroys your focus,so to avoid this distractions its expedient you stay in fellowship with other brethren, be in fellowship(church).

�� There are no two meetings, there's always a word for every services either Sundays or Wednesday, the church is moving and its important you follow the church, some the church has gone far ahead of them;don't be behind. Run the race with courage.

�� You cannot outgrow your church, your pastor, therefore building and commiting your quota in building the church is your responsibility, don't be a floor member get involved in an activity unit (e.g, ushering,media,protocol, choir etc). For when you do this you are building up this terbanacle.

�� Jesus says he will prune the branch that bears fruit and cuts off the one that does not. Be productive in your church,fellowship etc. (John.15:1-2) I AM the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.
Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit.

�� Wake up to this reality and get bless, win souls into our kingdom always.

Remain Blessed!!!
Happy New Week.

Saturday 23 January 2016


Good Morning Beautiful People Of A Great Nation. I'm Always Glad Writing You And Telling You Of Our Lord Jesus Christ And His Love; Today I'll Be Telling Of His Love And Strong Value To You. That's Why I say:-

����HE NEVER LETS        YOU DOWN����

Read (Proverbs 18:24b)

�� In this world,we all have friends-people we relate with,talk with, share with,pray & play with,& whose company we enjoy. But even the best of friends may sometimes let you down or disappoint you in your hour of need;not because they want to,but because they may be unavailable, or not have the right words to say to you at the time. Then of course its possible for them to get tired of your "issues" and eventually give up on you,because they feel you aren't going to change.��

�� But there's a friend that'll never let you down. He'll never disappoint,fail,or give up on you!He's never tired of you,His Name is Jesus.��

�� Those who know Jesus as a friend don't seek the help or favor of men! What you need is to have a private, personal relationship with him. And you don't need to go looking for Him,for he lives in you! You can talk with him,and he'll talk to you.��

�� He is inside you,yet He is with you right there beside you.He can talk to you inside you, and also talk to you from the outside!��

�� He's the dearest friend you could ever have,and hr has the wisdom and ability to see you through the most difficult situations.��

�� The Bible says read (Hebrews 7:25.) Hell go any length to help you. He proved it through His death for you on the cross.��

�� He'll never give up on you or condemn you!Let Him be your closest friend; don't be ashamed to identify yourself with him for he loves you exceedingly.��

�� He'll never be ashamed of you & He will always be there for you,even to the end of the world, Read (Matthew 28:20). Start each day by saying" I love you today,lord Jesus." Develop that relationship with him through His word & the Holy Ghost...��

         �� TELL HIM ��
Dear Lord Jesus, You're the dearest friend I could ever know. No one can love me,believe in me & care for me the way you do! You're my best friend & the object of my deepest affection. I love you with all my heart, and desire to know you more & more each day. Thank you for being my lord,Master and friend Amen..

��Deeper Insight.��
Hebrews 4:15-16; Hebrews 2:17.

From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Monday 18 January 2016


Good Morning great Citizens Of Divinity, I'm glad to write to you today and to share the realities of who you are,What you have,and what Christ can do through you; the word of God can be understood through perpetual study and praying meditatively. Give yourself to the study of the word and prayer, for your father which seeth in secret will reward you openly. A new week has began,take out time to study your Bible, tell someone about Jesus, schedule your prayer times,and be smart and serious @ what you do. Here is the word(Devotion) for your Monday morning titled:-


��Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5).

��There're’re people who choose not to be happy because of certain experiences they’ve had. And interestingly, they try to make other people victims of their disgruntled state, or blame others for their misfortune.

��But life isn’t that way. No one has the responsibility to make you happy. You’re the one to choose to be happy, and enjoy your life, no matter what. The Bible says count it all joy when you go through diverse tests (James 1:2). You have to learn to depend on, and use, the Word.

��The Word of God provides solution to every problem. Trust the Word. When you have questions in your mind, when you face difficulties, it’s the Word you need.

��When some people face dire situations, they sit somewhere, feeling sorry for themselves and worrying. That doesn’t help. When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, look to the Word; search the Scriptures for answers.

��What God wants is for the Word to be in your spirit, and produce in you the victory mentality.No wonder He says, “Let the word of Christ dwellin you richly in all wisdom…” (Colossians 3:16). The Word in you will make you what it talks about! Study and meditate on the Word consistently.

��Listen to messages again and again. Study the messages I sent you everyday both the previous ones and the present ones.Take it in; digest it, and let it become mingled with your spirit! Listen for what the Holy Spirit will tell you to encourage you, or to give you direction. There’s no problem that has no solution. Through the Scriptures, you receive light; God’s Word has the ability to bring illumination to your spirit and give you insight reality.

��Through the Word, you’ll find that there’s nothing you can’t do, and there’s nothing you can’t have! God’s Word is the true light (John 1:9) that reveals who you really are, and your inheritance in Christ; let that light guide you in all things.

��PRAY THIS WAY�� Dear Lord,thank you for the gift of your word,which is in my heart and in my mouth. You’re the glory of my life;and today, I experience the power and influence of your Word in all I do.I’m refreshed and energized for the transcendent life,in Jesus’ Name. Amen...

��Do Have A Blessed Week!����

Sunday 17 January 2016


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, Its an awesome thing to know that you belong to Christ and that Christ lives in you,As  New species in Christ walking in love is one of the vital fact you need to always be acquainted with every time. Jesus says:-

��A new commandment I give unto you,That you love one another; as I have loved you,that ye also love one another (John 13:34).

❤ In these last days,its our discovery of the love of Christ that'll bring us into that place where we'll be ready for the coming of the lord. That's what's going to get us prepared for the rapture if the church and take us to the highest level of his anointing.
Therefore the earlier you make that discovery, the better. There're no two ways about it,you have to walk in love.

�� There're too many  Christians,(New Creations) and even ministers,who don't know what it is to walk in Love. It's amazing how people carry out ministry for Christ without walking in love. One sure way you can measure your love-walk is through your tongue,the content of your communication. You know a matured and a carnal believer by the content of their words. James the Apostle explained it thoroughly in James 3:2."If any man offend not in word,the same is a perfect man,and able also to bridle the whole body."
He lets us know that the way to measure a man's spiritual maturity is through his words.

�� Your confession locate you; they reveal who you really are. As sons of God there are words you are words you are not supposed to be using when speaking or interacting with people, these words are the exact words the world uses to communicate e.g fuckup,kul,you dey craze,God punish you,you dey mad,your father etc you can name. Words that are encouraging,edifying, the Bible says Iron sharpeneth Iron.  It makes no difference what anybody may think of you or what you might think of yourself, what matters is the word that comes out of your mouth everyday! Irrespective of who you're talking to;whether you're talking to God,men yourself or to circumstances or to nature;it makes makes no difference! True content of your word measures your true spirituality.

�� If you catch yourself saying something you shouldn't have said,quickly retract it; learn to tame your tongue. Refuse to speak poisonous of venomous words that'll defame or devalue others. Let your communications be gracious, edifying, encouraging, strengthen others. Sanctify your tongue.
When your tongue is sanctified,it means it has been dedicated to the Lord,and He has become the Lord of your tongue. That means your tongue can only speak love and say those things that JESUS allows.

I Pray For you today, I give God praise for his love shed abroad in your heart by the holy spirit. May you express that love today consciously in words and in action, thus bringing forth the beauty and grace of his character inherent in you,in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Deeper Revelation������
James 3:1-2
Romans 5:5
2Corinthians 5:14.

Saturday 16 January 2016


God is not mad at you, he loves you unconditionally and affectionately, Jesus did not die for nothing he died,buried and ressurected for your sakes;He didn't die for Nigeria alone,he died for the whole world.

When I mean the whole world, it includes the harlot in your environment,that bad guy close to you everyone you think is evil. Jesus died for them all,including Obama,buhari etc

Don't be a Christian that receive this Gospel and keep quiet, preach it to everyone that is in your sphere of contact, in your office,school,business center etc. This Gospel is your responsibility, no wonder Paul said "Necessity is laid upon me therefore WOE into me if I do not preach the Gospel.

Jesus gave us the ministry of reconciliation,ie reconciling the world unto Christ; this is your responsibility. The gospel is not for pastor's, Evangelist, etc alone,it is for all of us.

Don't keep quiet about this Gospel, preach it and make it your responsibility because you will give account of the souls of those closer to you if you don't preach the Gospel to them. They are your responsibility, is your mum,your uncle,your sisters, your Friends, your, Neighbours etc a New creation, if they are not it is your responsibility to preach the Gospel to them or you will give an account of them to the Lord. God told Ezekiel to preach the Gospel to his close acquaintance if not their blood will be on his head.

If you don't accept what Jesus did for you on the Cross you won't be that which God predestinated you to become beforehand.

A new creation man is not subject to satan, is not subject to sickness, is not subject to disease,poverty,lack etc. Jesus had done everything for you and gave you his word to live by. Any life outside the Gospel( his word) is a sad,tattered life.

Salvation is one word that contains everything in life. Salvation contains
Eternal life.
Eternal joy
Eternal inheritance
Inner peace
Divine health
Goodness etcYou can name the rest...........

Jesus didn't call you to switch off smiles from your face,being born again does not mean you are restricted from living the better life,don't live your life in bondage thinking because you are born again you are in a cage of no freedom.

Where the spirit of God is there is liberty, serve God freely;don't be a sin conscious type Jesus paid for all your sins and gave you liberty to serve him freely with joy.

Don't dictate your life by what you did in the past or present, when God died for your sins he didn't just die for the sins of 2001 & forget the sin of 2020; Nooo he paid for your sins both present,past and future therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace and receive help in time of need,whosoever the son of man set free is free indeed.

As a new Creation, you are not subject to sin rather you are superior to sin,sin has no dominion over you,the Bible says anything without faith is sin;sin is not what you think it is,stop living and having a sin conscious mentality.

Until you believe and acknowledge this truth you will not understand the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus did not come to condemn you,Jesus did not come to crucify you,he came to let you know he loves you just the way you are,he came to let you know that he values you, he came to make you a son of God,he came to identify with you.

Therefore don't look at yourself the way people see you,look at yourself the way the word shows you. The word  of God you are righteous see yourself that way.

The word says you are holy,made beautiful, full of Grace, victorious, triumphant see yourself that way.

Learn to see yourself in the word,look away from the world's system of religious act,because Christianity is not a religion but it is the revelation of you in Christ. It is the pulsating life of Christ in a man,it is the revelation of the life of God in you.

Don't live your life in quilt, condemnation, and past sins. You are free from all these in Christ, you have been delivered from you past sins,therefore serve God with freedom, serve God without guilt,serve him without the conciousness of past sins.

Serve him with joy because you now have his righteousness, serve him because you are holy and unblamable, unreproveable,be BOLD whenever you are in the gathering of the saints(fellowship). Rejoice for Christ has done it all.Hallelujah.........


Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, Here Is your Saturday Morning Breakfast. I commend you to always give time to the study of the word of God for therein lies your origin and life. Study and meditatively pray with this word.

��And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice…And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them (Numbers 20:11-12).

��It pays to always do things God’s way. The scripture above tells us of Moses’ action when the children of Israel were thirsty for water in the wilderness.

�� They cried to Moses, and when Moses spoke to the Lord about it, He told Moses,“Take the rod,and gather thou the assembly together, thou,and Aaron thy brother,and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes…” (Numbers 20:8).

�� The instruction was for Moses to speak to the rock to give them water; he wasn’t to strike it. Interestingly, much earlier in their journey, when they were thirsty and cried to God for water,God said to the same Moses,“…smite the rock,and there shall come water out of it,that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel” (Exodus 17:6).

�� However, this time, He said, “Talk to the rock.” This was a different instruction. Sadly, Moses did it his own way, striking the rock, instead of talking to it as expressly instructed, because he was offended at the people. God was trying to teach Moses that there was a higher way; a better way. Moses was used to performing miracles with the rod; he could do anything with his rod, but God wanted to change things. He was trying to tell Moses, “You really don’t need this rod; you can rule by words; just talk to the rock and it’ll get you water.” Moses was too angry to think with God. Refuse to be ruled by anger or negative emotions.

��Some people are so self-conscious and earthly-ruled that all they think about is how to do things their own way. They’re so carried away in the flesh that God’s voice is faint to them. All they hear is the voice of the flesh, but to be carnally minded is death (Romans 8:6).

�� Don’t be that way. Go the Word-way all the time; follow the Spirit. Even when His instructions don’t seem “convenient,” do His will, because with Him, you can’t miss your way in life. Don’t do what’s convenient for you; do what He wants, and your life will be full of peace and glory. 

�� I Pray For you today,may you delight to do his will,May God's word stay in your heart,causing you to walk in righteousness and fulfil your destiny in him!May you develop a strong desire to please him in all things,as you live by his Word,in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

��Go Deeper:- Proverbs 16:25 Luke 22:41-42 Romans 8:14.

Have a Blissful weekend as you do the word.

Wednesday 13 January 2016



��Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and HATH MADE US KINGS and PRIESTS untos God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (Revelation 1:5-6).

��When God looks at you, He doesn't see a helpless, needy person who's always looking for a way out.

��He sees a king; He sees someone full of dominion and authority! You've been ordained by God to reign and rule in the realm of life; He has made you superior to the devil and every demon of darkness.

��Not only does God expect you to see yourself as a king, He also expects you to live as one.

��How do you practise kingship? It begins from your consciousness. You must make up your mind that you're going to walk, talk, pray and live as a king.

��The scripture says God has made you a king, so you look into the mirror and tell the fellow in that mirror, "You're a king!" Then you ask yourself, "How do kings behave?" One thing is sure: kings don't beg; they make decrees! So start making declarations of faith.

��Begin to exercise your God-given authority and dominion over the devil and the negative forces of life. This kind of consciousness will affect your prayer life and all the beggarly prayer prayers will be a thing of the past.

��When you pray, you should minister to God as a priest and make decrees as a king. You are a king, born of the king of kings! Your words are backed with power; they contain an inherent, dynamic ability to change any negative situation and put the devil to flight.

��Therefore, be bold to speak in line with God's Word. Be bold to make decrees, and whatever you decree shall be established unto you.

��Practising kingship will affect even your posture and gait. It'll get rid of the slouch from your walk and put some spring in your steps.

��It'll cause you to square your shoulders, hold your head up, and walk with dignity!



Good Afternoon Citizens Of Divinity, Here is your lunch!!!.

"For this cause I bow my knees unto the  Z's of our lord Jesus Christ,of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,that he would grant you,according to the riches of his glory,to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man" (Ephesians 3:14-16).

Man is a spirit and he dwells in a body,he has a soul and a mind.That spirit or inner man is the real you.As the body or outward man(ie our physical body) can be weak,so can the inner man be weak if not properly nurtured spiritually.Your inner man must be strengthened with might-miracle-working ability-at all times for you to be able to deal effectively with the crises of life.

Food is to the physical body,while the word of God, prayer,and meditation are to your inner man.

Your inner man(real you) is strengthened as you spend time studying and meditating on the word,and praying in the spirit (tongues),in other tongues.You may ask but I don't know how to speak in tongues,yes its a gift from God and its expedient you know this Jesus says "in my name they will speak in new tongues" (Mark 16:17) you don't pray to speak in tongues its in you already as long as you have the holy ghost in you, the bible says "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, Now I want you all to speak in tongues". (1Corinthians 14:4-5), and another scripture I want to show you why you praying in tongues & why it is in you is (Jude.1:20) it says "But you beloved,build yourselves up on your most holy faith,praying in the holy ghost". Jesus says open your mouth and I'll fill it,so go ahead and speak it,it may sound somehow go ahead that is it,the Bible says "howbeit in the spirit you are speaking mysteries" and you won't understand what you are saying only the spirit knows your heart desires and praying about it for you.You also develop the right character and are able to do the things of God more effectively.

Christians who vacilate,not being able to do the things they should do,or strong enough to refuse those things they shouldn't do,demonstrate an inner weakness. When the inward man is energized, he'll make the body do what its supposed to do,and refrain the body from doing what it shouldn't do.You need that divine inner fortitude and strengthening in your spirit to forge ahead In life.

You may say," I like to pray,but sometimes I just can't get myself together to do it";or "I want to win souls,but somehow I feel too shy and intimidated to speak."Such things happens when your spirit is not energized. When your inner man is strengthened, you become fervent in the things of God all the time.

You'll love to pray and praise God;studying the word will become an exhilarating,exciting experience for you! It won't be hard for you to talk to somebody about Jesus;because you're energized for the Gospel from within; you're on top everyday, bubbling for the Lord!

Deeper Insights

( Colossians 1:11),

(Psalm 84:7)(NIV),

(Colossians 1:29)

I Love You All.

For more of this messages and many more inspiring ones,join our watsapp group @ +234-8106844793.
Or your can send your mails to:


(A Secret To Effective Living)

"Honour your father and your mother, " which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on earth."'(Ephe:6:2-3).

In our theme scripture today, we find an important key to a long and prosperous life. It says for you to honour your father and mother, that it may be well with you,and that you may live long on earth. Notice that God didn't give you any condition upon which you should honour your parents. He didn't say, " "Honour your father and mother if they're good people.... " No! So long as they're your parents, you must honour them.

This is the first commandment with a promise. When you follow it,the Bible says you'll prosper and live long on the earth. It doesn't matter what career you want to pursue,or in which country you live,you'll always experience victory and enjoy good success.

There're some folks who never suceed in life no matter how hard they try. They get a good Job, only for them to get into trouble and lose the job. Everything about them is just one unfortunate story after another, and their condition keeps getting worse regardless of their incessant prayers. That's the kind of situation one may find himself in if he fails to honour his parents. But when you do the word and honour your parents, your prayers will produce the right results,and things will always vturn out well for you everywhere you go.

Think of ways of honouring your parents today,and do them.

For more of this messages and many more inspiring ones,join our watsapp group @ +234-8106844793.
Or your can send your mails to:

Remain Blessed.

Get Wisdom!!!


��"Those who achieved
success do not stop. They
never become complacent, they keep learning and
looking for the new knowledge. Never think you
have made it, there is always more to learn and

��"Most people fail because they do not have
determination and perseverance. Extraordinary
people are determined and persevere that is what
makes them extraordinary."

��"You are the CEO of YOU. There is no job
security, you must ensure that your company of
YOU is one where if you were hiring a person you
would pick you."

��"Do not be discouraged if someone copies you.
Copying is a compliment - you are doing it right.
It also gives you the opportunity to grow and
move beyond what is now being copied. Keep
moving forward."

��"When choosing a career you will find success, if
you choose work that you would do even if you
were not paid. Do what you love to do."

��"Always remember you will not please everyone.
The most important person to please is yourself.
Do your best."

��"Keep your mind open to new ideas and ways of
doing things. A closed mind is one where you
only see things your way. Be open."
From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Tuesday 12 January 2016


������Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, I'm glad writing to you today and always,you must always be confident and trust on the word of God;depending on the word of God should be your topmost priority and you being an inspiring tool to many. You must be an inspiration to others,value others no matter how difficult they may be,in life friendship is about value, impact and inspiration.


��Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults…Don’t condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier(Luke 6:37MSG).

➡God expects you to value others the same way He values you. When people come around you, they shouldn’t feel uneasy, dejected, imperfect, timid, insecure, afraid, or doubtful of themselves. Rather, they should be confident, inspired, courageous, strong, vibrant, and enthusiastic to face life and win. Don’t make people feel intimidated, worthless or hopeless. Consider the Lord in Genesis chapter eighteen: He appeared in the form of a man, and told Abraham who, at the time, was almost one hundred years old, that he was going to have a son through his wife Sarah. Sarah, who heard what the Lord said,laughed within herself,saying,“After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure,my lord being old also?” (Genesis 18:12).

➡Responding to Sarah’s unbelief, God asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh?” (Genesis 18:13). The Bible says, “Then Sarah denied, saying, I didn’t laugh; for she was afraid” (Genesis 18:15). God could have reprimanded her thus: “You mean in my presence, you dare tell a lie?” But no, He wasn’t mad at her. Instead, He said to her lovingly, “No; but you did laugh” (Genesis 18:15). God didn’t make Sarah feel less than she was; He didn’t attack her personality. He was easy on her, because He knew the reason she lied was because she was afraid, and the solution for fear is faith that works by love.

➡Let people be confident around you. Let them be free to be themselves around you. Let them be free to express themselves; they shouldn’t be afraid to “fail” or make a mistake around you. Every human person is bought with, and washed by, the blood of Jesus Christ; we’re sanctified by God, and are therefore valuable to Him. When you see, relate with, and talk to people with this understanding, they’ll be confident in themselves and know that’s how God sees them too. Thus, instead of running away from God when they do something wrong, they’ll run to Him.

Be An Inspiration To Your Generation.
Have A Blessed Day!!!.
From the Pastor's Desk.

Monday 11 January 2016

Stand Up For The Gospel.

☀����Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity Nation, I'm glad to write you today; This is a new week and it's expedient you set goals and write down strategies concerning your future, business, Job, opportunities,relationships,families etc. In doing all these you must also remember that you are the custodian of the gospel and God is depending on you for this Gospel to be preached everywhere & always, your Joy, happiness etc depends on preaching this Gospel.

����Take A Stand For The Gospel:

��Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing,and I could not stay(Jeremiah 20:9). Jeremiah 20:10 tells us how Prophet Jeremiah faced challenging times at a point in his life. His friends had betrayed him; and some people who hated his guts were waiting for him to slip, in order to take their revenge on him. It was a time of tremendous pressure, but he couldn’t be quiet.

➡Read again his inspiring words of commitment to the Lord in our opening verse. Jeremiah couldn’t be quiet; he had to speak.

➡ He had to proclaim God’s message. Nothing was going to douse his passion for the Lord! You may have taken a look at your environment, your home, place of work, city or nation, and told yourself, “I’m going to bring the glory of God into this place; I’ll proclaim the Gospel and see to it that the Kingdom of God is established in the hearts of men.” Then suddenly, trouble and persecution break out on every side.

➡ You know what? Remain strong. Don’t chicken out! Take a stand for the Gospel. The Apostle Paul was in a similar situation, but read what he said:“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself,so that I might finish my course with joy,and the ministry,which I have received of the Lord Jesus,to testify the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). Blessed words! Jeremiah, in spite of all the terror and troubles around him, stood up for the Lord, because he understood that the One with him was greater than all adversities around him. He boldly affirmed,“… the lord is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble,and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed;for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten” (Jeremiah 20:11).

➡ The Lord has created opportunities for you in your family, city, place of work, and environment, to make an impact for Him with the Gospel. Don’t keep quiet. This year, more than you’ve ever done, and irrespective of the challenges, let soul-winning be your topmost priority. Let your greatest desire and pursuit be to bring praise to the Name of the Lord, and make His glory known. 

Let this Gospel be a necessity for you.
Have a great week,Remain Blessed.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Get Wisdom.

Hello Citizens of Divinity, I discovered that many are disturbed,distracted, confused etc because of their challenges, predicaments,when life hits on you,bounce back with confidence eye to eye and say no mater how hard it is I'm journeying my way to greatness.

➡Don't dictate your life by what you are passing through now, what your family is been through now etc all these are part of the event in the journey of your great future.

➡ Stars don't just come out as easy like that in the  sky, it takes a process no mater the weight,weather, it will still shine,don't be down whenever you are been hit by life,for it is a training unto greatness. Learn to see the bright side of life in the darkest moment of it.

➡ It is not because you don't have money today, that you won't have tomorrow, is not because you don't have a job today that you won't have tomorrow. Take your eyes away from your disabilities,see the possibilities of your future.

➡ Those that makes it to the top always have a story to tell,in life when you journey and you are encountered with situations, challenges in all ways, what it's simply doing is this: the challenges, situations are only shapening you,remoulding you,building you to be the best God created you to be.

➡ Accept them as they come,they are only bringing the best of you out,Have you ever seen gold in its raw state,and after it is smelt. The process it undergoes though it is tough only brings out the beauty in a Gold, that is why many uses it today but cannot know the process it undergo.


➡You must be ready to accept challenges, situations, persecutions etc because they are only helping in bringing out the best out of you, take your mind off what you are going through, take your mind off your bank account, for life is spiritual, conquer life from your spirit, learn to see the beautiful side of you.

➡ Finally, don't be anxious, overwhelmed, distracted, disturbed about your present state,family,mother, father, education, etc for as you journey those things must be because they were part and parcel of the story of your great destiny, there's always a light @ the end of every dark tunnel, when you accept the troubles you face in life, you are only making them become real. Life is also lived in the mind that is why the bible says "you should be transformed by the renewing of your mind", it also says " as a man thinketh in his heart so he is" delete  those things that will not help you reach your destination out of your mind.

➡ Take a bold step eve in the midst of fear for behind fear there is a miracle, but only the strong @ heart fights the good fight, be bold,be an impact to others,don't think there's nothing good about you, don't dictate your life by the money,needs you don't have,make use of the little you have in helping others, make others smile. One thing I learned about life & will never forget is that:EVERYONE CAN SOLVE A PROBLEM, THERE'S A UNIQUENESS IN ME,INSIDE ME LIES THE BEAUTY,SOLUTIONS THE WORLD NEEDS. AWAKE TO THIS REALITY AND TAKE A BOLD STEP,DON'T BE BEATEN DOWN BY YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES,BECAUSE THEY ONLY EXIST TO BEAUTIFY YOU.

➡ Start from where you are NOW, Don't follow others, try out your own innovative ideas,see the possibilities in your ideas,etc live for others and not for yourselves.I love you all and I believe in your future, Thanks for allowing me serve you and giving me your attention. Remain Bless.
Join us on watsapp @ +234-8106844793.


☀����Good Morning Divinity Citizens,Happy Sunday to you all;I drafted this out just to help you and your dreams to be achieved, please take time to read them. Today is Sunday, don't stay @ home,plan to be in service for God today, don't forget this is a new year. Start Today and plan your life if you couldn't do that last week;for the time is still young but you must ACT fast and ACT NOW.

➡“The only person you are
destined to become is the
person you decide to be.”

➡ “Start where you are. Use
what you have. Do what you

➡“How wonderful it is that
nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to
improve the world.”

➡ “When one door closes
another door opens; but we so
often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed
door, that we do not see the
ones which open for us.”

➡ “Life is a succession of
lessons which must be lived to
be understood.”

➡“When you get into a tight
place and everything goes
against you, till it seems as
though you could not hang on
a minute longer, never give up
then, for that is just the place
and time that the tide will
turn.” ~

➡. “You must do the thing you
think you cannot do.”

➡. “If you don’t pay
appropriate attention to what
has your attention, it will take
more of your attention than it
deserves.” ~

➡. “I find hope in the darkest
of days, and focus in the
brightest. I do not judge the

➡“Character cannot be
developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of
trial and suffering can the soul
be strengthened, ambition
inspired, and success
achieved.” ~

Happy Sunday Great Citizens Of Divinity.
I Encourage You To Continue At What You Do. Be Different.
From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Saturday 9 January 2016



Dear Citizens, this message will be coming in series stay connected for more,this is the first part of it.So many wants to be rich but they ignore Gods instruction/principles concerning prosperity, stop struggling on your own and d God's word,and live the life you always dreamt of. Whenever a pastor tells you to sow a seed,it is not because the pastor is broke or poor,but he is giving you an opportunity to propagate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you give to  God; its an act of appreciation towards what God has done for you; God gives you the money and not man,I found out that many get offended when ever they are ask to give. So many wants to be rich but they do not know that prosperity has a principle, prosperity dies not come by too much prayer,it does not come by faith,it does not come by fasting; ask those who prospers today what their secrets are and they'll tell you its a continual life of giving, the bible says he that sows to the flesh shall reap corruption (sickness, pains,death etc),but he that sows to the spirit reaps eternal life (joy, prosperity,abundance, love etc).Many are saying,this year I'll drive a car,this year,I'll build a house but do you know the principles towards achieving that.

When you look at the word "SPI-RITUAL" what do you see these words separate into two but let's look @ the second part for now,"Ritual" in the world's(devilish) system of prosperity this is applicable which we all know, like wise in the kingdom of God,can you remember in the old testament the isrealites are always doing a rituals(killing of animals as a sacrifice to God) after this act God speaks to them and blessed them greatly, picture in your spirit what Solomon did was it not a ritual,picture in your  spirit what your father Abraham did was it not a ritual,picture in your spirit what Jesus did was it not a ritual,and many more coming into your minds now,all these rituals are they not alike,yes it is because it involves "BLOOD".

But something happened which stop the killing of animals, Jesus was the last animal to be slaughtered" He was the lamb taken to be slaughtered " Today we no more slaughter animals as the Jews (Muslims) keeps doing because there's is something else that represent the animals.

You may be asking but what is this  thing it is called "MONEY", the bible says the ransom for a rich mans lice is his wealth (including cars,properties etv),now when a pastor, or the spirit of God tells you to give your money etc do you think God is broke, do you think God is poor,don't forget Jesus became poor for your sake so you might be rich,if you don't connect your seeds,offerings to God as the children of Israel did how do you expect to prosper.

God is not mocked,whatever a man sows that will he reap,when you eat your tithes,seeds etc where do you expect God to carry  a sacrifice and bless you, Jesus said except a seed of corn falls to the ground and dies it abideth alone,why you are the way you are is because you are stingy with your creator and you expect him to bless you.

God told Moses what is that in your hands,he said it is a rod ,the Lord said lift it up and divide the sea,a miracle happened which we all know,God is telling you today what is that in your hands;do you need healing in your body,job opportunity, business ideas,etc. Go ahead and do a ritual with your money on the altar,or drop it @ the feet of your man of God(pastor) Dont have the mentality that your pastor wants your money, your pastor is a 419,your pastor is broke etc. God puts him there to nurture and feed your spirit therefore he deserves to be blessed by you.

Have you asked yourself when last did you give to your pastor, when last did you buy him a suit, a recharge card,a shoe etc do you think because he doesn't ask he is not in need of those, why do you think,God gave him to you,the Bible says you should communicate good gifts to those that teaches you the gospel.

I have to drop this message as an addition because the spirit of God told me to,why because so many had this mentality and that is why  they don't see progress i n their endeavors, pls take heed of instructions the spirit of God ministers to you to do. Obedience is better than sacrifice,take a bold step now and sponsor this Gospel in your time.

More of this will be coming your way again stay connected.
Thank you.
I care about your spirit.

For more of this drop your watsapp contact @ our email or comments box,or better still add to your watsapp contact to join us for this and many more +234-8106844793.
Remain Blessed.

Friday 8 January 2016


���� Hello Divinity CITIZENS,Its a great Joy for me to write you today, I found out that some Christian folks complains a lot concerning their present state, maybe because they don't have help,they don't have parents, they don't have a job. But as a Christian all these things doesn't matter and is not worth complaining when you know who you are;the only thing that needs to be corrected is your mentality towards yourself,money,help,etc. A poor man is not poor because he doesn't have money but poverty is a mentality/mindset,being sick starts from your mind immediately you accept it in your mind you make it become real. So your mind is a great tool for your success in life,how you are today is not by accident it is the product of your mind. That is is why the lord says " Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].Romans 12:2.
So when you set your gaze on Jesus and take your eyes of your present condition ,using God's word as an agent of renewing your mind,study the word of God and get wisdom to direct you in the affairs of life.

➡I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2).

➡How important it is for us tomorrow to take our eyes and attention away from ourselves—who we are, what we've done, where we've been, what we've got—and look to the Lord! It brings to mind the story of Abraham, a very important experience he had with the Lord. In Genesis 15:1, God said to him, "Fear not...I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward." ➡Nevertheless, Abraham complained, "Lord GOD..., what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless... Behold, to me thou hast given no seed..." (Genesis 15:2-3). God had promised him a son before now, but Abraham was still struggling to believe.

➡God then took Him out and said, "Look now toward heaven..., and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and He said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness" (Genesis 15:5-6). With this, Abraham saw his offspring as innumerable as the stars in the sky, and he believed! Afterwards, Isaac was born.

➡God had to help Abraham's vision; He got him to look in the right direction and set his focus in the right place. The Lord helped him look away from his age and circumstances, toward heaven. Don't look into your house, or your bank account to find what you have. Don't say, "I'm so broke; there're so many things I want to do, but there's no money." No! Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Look toward heaven, from where your help comes.

➡This is one of the benefits of prayer. In the place of prayer, we can really focus our attention on the Lord. When I pray, I don't see the impossibilities, limitation, or the problems. I only see the Lord, His blessings, greatness, and miracles! That's what happens each time you set your focus on Him—in prayer, meditation on the Word, and the Spirit: You see and experience the miraculous!

➡So, refuse to be anxious about who's going to help you! Look toward heaven! Lift up your eyes to the hills; your help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Glory to His Name forever!


Dear Father, I thank you for bringing me into a place of excellence, success, victory, and abundance. I'm inspired by your Word to think the right thoughts, speak the right words and receive the results of the Word in my life today, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

�� Go Deeper:

��Isaiah 26:3
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

��Philippians 4:6-7
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
[7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

��Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Do have a Blessed Night.
From The Pastor's Desk.

What Is Christianity!!!

Good Evening Citizens Of Divinity, I want to share a big secret with you which I know it is expedient to do,I refuse to hide you things because that is why you are here to learn this secrets which can bring out the best in you. After telling you this secret,some might have known but for those who doesn't, its an opportunity for them to know themselves, discover their purpose, discover who they are,most of us goes to church every Sunday but doesn't know what these Truth. Jesus says you shall know the truth and it shall make you free(liberty); so here comes the truth reaveled.

Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul. He found Saul and brought him to Antioch, where they met with the church for a whole year and taught many of its people. There in Antioch the Lord's followers were first called "Christians". Acts 11:25-26 CEV.

        Christianity is not a Religion,many scholars, theologians, Christian folks arque on this; but I'll  prove it to you now.

➡Its interesting to know that the term " Christian " didn't originate from the Church. Rather, it was some folks in Antioch who described the followers of Jesus Christ as Christians back in the day. This fact is essential to understanding why Christianity is erroneously regarded as a religion and Jesus is called a righteous leader by many. But "Christianity" isn't a religion, and Jesus is no religious leader.

➡ As believers, we obviously share some semblances with some religious groups of the world. We believe in God and talk about him; Many religious group also do the same. They gather to worship and pray the same way we do in church. These similarities have therefore caused a lot of people to misconstrue Christianity as another religion.

➡However, you have to understand the content of the Gospel to know what you're into as a believer. Christianity isn't a religion at all;its the pulsating (very) life of God in a human being. Christianity is Christ alive in you;its a relationship with divinity. And just as your relationship with your earthly parents isn't a religion,your relationship with God isn't a religion. In Christianity, you have the divine life of God,and you're in an everlasting fellowship with Him.

I have the life of God in me;I'm not ordinary. Christ in me makes me insusceptible to failure, sickness or death. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.I've been called into the fellowship of the God-kind.

Meditate on the words of Colossians 1:27:"To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you,the hope of glory."

I hope I have reavealed some secrets to you about who you are, more are coming!!!

From The Pastors Desk.

Words Of Wisdom.

These are some words of wisdom concerning your success that I personally drafted out to drive you and give you a direction today. Keep them @ the tip of your fingers. Thank you.

➡Success is not final, failure is
not fatal: it is the courage to
continue that counts.

➡“ I can't give you a sure-fire
formula for success, but I
can give you a formula for
failure: try to please
everybody all the time.

➡“ If at first you don't succeed,
try, try again. Then quit. No
use being a damn fool about

➡“ Try not to become a man of
success. Rather become a
man of value.

➡“ It is better to fail in
originality than to succeed
in imitation.

➡“ So be sure when you step,
Step with care and great
tact. And remember that
life's A Great Balancing Act.
And will you succeed? Yes!
You will, indeed! (98 and ¾
percent guaranteed) Kid,
you'll move mountains.

➡“ Dare to Be
When a new day begins,
dare to smile gratefully.
When there is darkness,
dare to be the first to shine
a light.
When there is injustice, dare
to be the first to condemn it.
When something seems
difficult, dare to do it
When life seems to beat you
down, dare to fight back.
When there seems to be no
hope, dare to find some.
When you’re feeling tired,
dare to keep going.
When times are tough, dare
to be tougher.
When love hurts you, dare
to love again.
When someone is hurting,
dare to help them heal.
When another is lost, dare
to help them find the way.
When a friend falls, dare to
be the first to extend a
When you cross paths with
another, dare to make them
When you feel great, dare to
help someone else feel great
When the day has ended,
dare to feel as you’ve done
your best.
Dare to be the best you can –
At all times, Dare to be!

From the Pastors Desk.
Go Ahead And Succeed.

The Important Asset In Church!!!

⛅��Good Evening Divinity Citizens, Here is a word for your night;please go through it and get blessed and knowledgeable.Some people in church doesn't know this but I want to tell you tonight that:

➡The most valuable asset the church has is not the keyboard, not the generator, not the microphones and drums, not the offering and not the tithes. Jesus didn't die for any of those.

➡The most valuable asset is you. Yes! You that is worth the blood of Jesus.  You that God loves.

➡And the tangible presence and love of God is always felt in every of our meetings and services.  There's an undeniable expression of God's love and touch. As we minister, the word of God finds real opportunity to be expressed through the worship, tears,  emotions, songs and the impartation. And when that happens,  Joy unspeakable results. Testimony results.  Doubts get dissolved. Hard sentences get explained. And helpers of the war get birthed. Such an extraordinary experience.

➡That's why we like people to come to Divinity World Outreach Int'l Ministries because they are being a part of something that is more than a church. It's a vision...God's Vision.

Have a great night⛅��

From The Pastor's Desk!!!

New Year Commitment.

Beloved Divinity Citizens��

➡I want to welcome you all to the new year, new season once again. I am confident that the word of God is working mightily in your life even as His grace is multiplied unto you.

➡2016 has begun as we are all aware just few days has passed away, you have to recognize what God has done for you & for your family & give him praise. And also it is expedient for you to know that there's so much demands that heaven will place on you this year as regarding the souls of men,so it is so expedient to know that your ability to get focused irrespective of seeming distractions is a sign of your maturity in the spirit. You've got to train yourself to think in the same direction with your pastor because you cannot run at variance. You've got to make up your mind to be vital in God's plan by letting your life count in the kingdom of God in this 2016 & beyond.

➡Your expliot must be evident to both men & angels not just because you are born into the kingdom but because of your relevance in God's plan.

➡As you grow,more responsibility will be placed on you,this portrays your importance in the kingdom of God,and so more demands will be placed on you.This is a big plus for you.Nobody is taking you for granted,rather be happy.The worst thing that can happen to a believer is to take away his/her responsibility. This is like rendering him useless and making him irrelevant.

➡When God gives you a responsibility; that means more grace is added to you,with that you can never make up your mind today to be relevant in God's kingdom, let heaven celebrate you in 2016 not just for anything but for your availability for the kingdom's work.

➡I sieze this opportunity to also commend all those who have began this vision with me,I want to specially thank you for your encouragements ,support, seeds,efforts, availability,prayers and time etc in moving the kingdom forward @DIVINITY WORLD OUTREACH INT'L. Though we are yet to cover a lot of grounds in 2016 & beyond,like organizing our seminars,mentorship meetings, skills acquisition meetings, crusades,outreaches etc in UK (London), India,(Delhi,Gangtok etc) China,Germany, Nigeria and some local villages here in Nigeria & abroad. I want to say to all relevant citizens of Divinity World Outreach Int'l; You are wonderful! with great faith in our hearts we look forward to conquer more grounds 2016 & beyond and move higher to a greater height.

������ I pray for you this day,that the spirit of God will rest upon you & cause you to function in a greater wisdom. May circumstances, men and creation all work together for your good and success in Jesus name.Amen

I love you.

From the pastor's desk.

Pastor Chris-White

⛅🌏Good Evening Divinity Citizens, Here is a word for your night;please go through it and get blessed and knowledgeable.Some people in church doesn't know this but I want to tell you tonight that:  ➡The most valuable asset the church has is not the keyboard, not the generator, not the microphones and drums, not the offering and not the tithes. Jesus didn't die for any of those.   ➡The most valuable asset is you. Yes! You that is worth the blood of Jesus.  You that God loves.   ➡And the tangible presence and love of God is always felt in every of our meetings and services.  There's an undeniable expression of God's love and touch. As we minister, the word of God finds real opportunity to be expressed through the worship, tears,  emotions, songs and the impartation. And when that happens,  Joy unspeakable results. Testimony results.  Doubts get dissolved. Hard sentences get explained. And helpers of the war get birthed. Such an extraordinary experience.   ➡That's why we like people to come to Divinity World Outreach Int'l Ministries because they are being a part of something that is more than a church. It's a vision...God's Vision.    Have a great night⛅🌏  From The Pastor's Desk!!!
In becoming a better you.  Don't get too discourage to get the devil encouraged  1. Keep pressing forward 2. Be positive towards yourself 3. Develop better relationship 4. Form better habits 5. Embrace the place where you are. 6. Develop your inner life 7. Stay passionate about life. 8.  Always allow your WiFi of faith stay connected to God. 9. Be patient and 10. Be prayerful.  👉For surely whether the devil likes it or not this year We Will Win.   Do have a marvelous day.
Good Morning Divinity Citizens all over the world, Today's word will heal your heart of guilt,sin consciousness etc.some asks: Will God really forgive after what I did, I sin everyday does that mean I'm a sinner, I'm I really righteous as many Christians do profess,this and many more questions about yourself and righteousness/sin. Get the answers here 👇.  📖And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight (Colossians 1:21-22).  ➡Jesus saved us, and our opening text shows us what He’s made us. He’s reconciled you in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, unblameable, and unreproveable in God’s sight. This isn’t something God is trying to do, or going to do; He’s already done it through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, this isn’t a promise; it’s a statement of fact. You’ve been reconciled with the Father, and the latter part of the opening scripture clearly reveals to us the reason for the reconciliation: to present you holy, blameless and above reproach in God’s sight.  ➡It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks about you! God says you’re holy, faultless and irreproachable. This is who you are to Him. This is how He’s presented you to Himself in Christ Jesus—holy, and free of all accusations. This is where our audacity of faith comes from. This is the reason we’re bold to make demands in His Name, decree a thing and have it established. It’s because our righteousness is of Him! It isn’t because of what you did or didn’t do; no! It’s because of what Jesus did.  ➡Romans 5:17 says, “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” Stand before the mirror of God—His Word—and see that you’re faultless! Look into the Word and see that you’re justified, unimpeachable and free from condemnation!  ➡Perhaps you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “This can’t apply to me. I’ve been wicked and injurious to others. I’ve done a lot of evil things!” Don’t look at what you’ve done. Look at what He’s done and who He’s made you, and say “Yes” to Him! Embrace His righteousness, and begin to see yourself differently on the basis of this new information. His love is bigger, greater, and more powerful than the worst sin. You’re valuable to Him, and He loves you dearly.                👏PRAY Dear Father, thank you for imputing your righteousness in me, with which I boldly stand before you without guilt, condemnation, inferiority or blame, but as your righteousness, and as a son with an inextricable oneness with you. I thank you Father, for this awesome privilege, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.        Go Deeper👇 📖Romans 8:1-2  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.  📖Romans 8:33-39  Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. 34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Have A Blessed Day!!!. From The Pastor's Desk..
Phronesis  for you.  ➡Nothing is for itself; Rivers doesn't drink water, Sun doesn't need heat and Trees doesn't eat fruits.  ➡You are not for yourself, you are here to contribute to the lives of many.  ➡The world is starving for your contribution.  ➡Don't waste your life on things that add no value to you and the people.  ➡Take some time today and meditate on who you are in Christ Jesus!  ➡You’re God’s perfectly crafted masterpiece, set forth to manifest His glory and display His praises to the world around you.  ➡Your responsibility now is to be the best of you for Him.  ➡You’re the only one of you that God has.  ➡He’s never had another one like you, He doesn’t have another like you, and will never have another like you.  ➡That’s how unique you are. Therefore be a success for Him!  ➡Be the best of you for Him, and give Him your all. Offer your services faithfully.  From The Pastor's Desk!!!.

Monday 4 January 2016

👋 Good Morning Citizens Of Divinity, I am pleased to speak to you this blessed morning of Monday 4th-01-16;yesterday I urge you towards taking a step in achieving your dreams starting all the way from today,there are certain things you must do in other to develop your personality and I'm going to show you this morning steps in taking towards achieving  those dreams in your heart.  👉This Devotion you're about to study this morning I titled it "GET BETTER RESULTS" (How To Increase Your Effectiveness). Take your to read it and study the scriptures that accompanies it with intense praying before you step out today.As a young man/woman, your generation is depending on you, your family, society, country,friends etc are all waiting for your light to shine on them,don't be one that is expecting something from the universe, government, family etc;No come up hither to  a place of dependence in Christ..  "He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand,but the hand of the diligent makes rich".Proverbs 10:4.  Let's Talk ➡          Felix often wondered how his friends seemed to always do better than him in their studies." How can I be more effective in my schoolwork? he mused. Well if you're having similar thoughts as Felix concerning your academics, job,business, career, vision, goals etc,there're several things you can do to become more effective and excellent, not just in your academics,but in everything. That's what God wants for you-to be effective and successful all-round. For this to happen, you'll have to develop an effective personality, and I want to show you how to do that.  👉First, HAVE A CLEAR FOCUS of what you want to or should be doing,and stay on it.  👉Secondly,HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of the subject matter. Understand the requirements for the project,vision,job,business,etc before you.  👉Thirdly, BE DETERMINED about what you intend to do. Determination will give you enthusiasm and push you towards it.  👉Fourthly, TAKE ACTION! When you have understood what's required and are determined to make it work, do something about it. You can't just laze about and think its going to work. Those who win in life are those who act,not talk,grumble or complain.  👉Finally, BE CONSISTENT AND DILIGENT- stick with it,stay on the job until it happens. You don't make excuses when you want to be better or have an improved life. Refuse to accept excuses for failures-excuses to be less than your abilities-excuses to be less than being absolutely proficient. These are all things you will have to work into your personality in order to increase your efficiency.  📖 Go Deeper     Prov. 12:24, Prov. 13:4   📢 Speak I am effective in a that I do; I have the mind of Christ and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. In the Name of Jesus! Christ is my wisdom, therefore I am wise. I have wisdom to do whatever I want to do and to function at my best potentials. I have the wisdom of God working in me!  🚀 Act. Learn to take painstaking efforts when you study: use a notepad,review and research words or terms that are new to you,which helps during your study periods.  👉Be Different, Make The Most Of Your Time. Happy New Week. From The Pastor's Desk!!!

Our New Year Bible Verse